NehemiahTheVampire -> Kittens (12/10/2012 14:47:24)
[image][/image] credit to xShadowHunterx quote:
Kittens We are a friendly fun-loving guild and the purpose of the guild is just to hang out and chat with friends easier with the guild chat feature, we do help each other and do releases as well ^-^ that's pretty much it for now xD also join the dark side we have cupcakes. Our website quote:
How to Join: Post on this thread, contact me or one of our officers on twitter or in-game. We don't really have any requirements to join, I love everyone <3 Twitters: @NehemiahTheVamp @Alaina_AK @Lilchris3000 quote:
Leader: Nehemiah Officers: Alaina Secret Sych Lilchris3000 Ace Chronozap Inticed Skymagi66 Members: T_A_M Mosse163 BloodyGary Noobscoob Jacen Longbow OMGfurries Chunting google4840 jackzilla132 Oo Soska oO Lord Billy RTKRyan the dragon Bladeboy Butthead1234567890 Farcale thekillwarrior7 Summonskull_95 danielstoreide Wanted From Hell Mr Succesfulness Cheeese97 AnthonyStoneBreaker Jet Dude johnathon Lord Walleo crazymikeb agant ghost Luna Soulfire Mcaustin xonfire evil_0tto red_time 41~ meow. quote:
Group Restrictions/Rules: Do not join any other groups. Do not spam. Do not flame. Be kind to everyone ^.^ quote:
Allies: I Bite Hard Air