Cheese Shield Z (Full Version)

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Balu -> Cheese Shield Z (12/11/2012 3:59:50)

Cheese Shield Z

Also see Cheese Shield, Cheese Shield G

Location: Rise of the Samurats!
Element: Earth
Type	Z
Level	95 
PowLvl	105

Price	2610
S <48h	2349
  >48h	652
Melee	+11 
Ranged	+11 
Magic	+11 

Water	-10 
Wind	-10 
Earth	-22 
Energy	-10
A shield made of a wheel of delicious cheese. It's a pretty gouda shield that protects against earth, water, wind, and energy attacks!


Write-up thanks to AVA. Image and description thanks to Dragoon23. Additional, defences and elements thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.


December 9, 2012: The shield was released.
June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Price	7750
S <48h	6975
  >48h	3875

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