Aegull (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Aegull (12/12/2012 5:30:14)

Wind Element
Level	7	22	44	66	88	108	128
XP	33	47	134	594	3313	17439	96807
Gold	11	16	44	197	1106	5813	32255
Power	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
Melee	21	26	32	38	44	50	56
Ranged	18	23	29	35	41	47	53
Magic	21	26	32	38	44	50	56
EstHP	80	210	450	670	990	1390	2160
EstMP	40	70	100	140	170	200	230

STR	10	50	105	150	195	200	200
DEX	25	60	105	150	200	200	200
INT	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
END	0	0	0	0	0	0	40
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
LUK	0	0	10	30	45	140	200
Fire	70	70	70	70	70	70	70
Water	70	70	70	70	70	70	70
Wind	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25	-25
Ice	70	70	70	70	70	70	70
Earth	160	160	160	160	160	160	160
Energy	70	70	70	70	70	70	70
Light	70	70	70	70	70	70	70
Dark	70	70	70	70	70	70	70
  • Regenerates «» SP per turn.
  • If it has at least «» SP, then it spends that much and uses a Ranged attack, for increased damage.
    Level	7	22	44	66	88	108	128
    Regen	22	34	51	69	86	102	118
    Cost	58	100	172	255	349	445	551
    A mutated creature with keen vision, fast reflexes, and an "electric" personality!

    Entry thanks to Windy, balubamboto and BlackAces.

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