whackybeanz -> Drakonnas (12/12/2012 11:50:49)
Drakonnas Note: * represents that mob is found in Wizard Games. Energy Element Level 20 40 100 | 20* 40*
XP 57 160 17815 | 14 73
Gold 46 101 7125 | 25 46
Power 2 2 2 | 1 1 COMBAT DEFENCE
Melee 40 40 40 | 40 33
Ranged 35 35 35 | 35 33
Magic 25 25 25 | 25 45 ATTRIBUTES
EstHP 250 490 1120 | 340 540
EstMP 60 270 360 | 120 570
STR 10 25 50 | 15 0
DEX 25 50 50 | 25 60
INT 25 50 150 | 30 80
END 25 25 50 | 15 20
CHA 10 25 150 | 15 0
LUK 5 25 100 | 25 40 ELEMENT MODIFIER
Fire 100 100 100 | 100 90
Water 150 150 150 | 150 120
Wind 100 100 100 | 100 90
Ice 100 100 100 | 100 90
Earth 100 100 100 | 100 90
Energy -100 -100 -100 | -100 60
Light 100 100 100 | 100 90
Dark 100 100 100 | 100 90 EFFECT If he has at least «» MP, he will spend that much to perform his spell. If he does not have enough MP, he will use his secondary attack, which heals him by «» MP if it connects.
Level 20* 40*
Cost 89 150
Regen 25 45 DESCRIPTION The brother of the fire mage Drakonnan who once tried to take over the world. Drakonnas was thought dead, but escaped with his life and became a powerful energy wizard. [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia/Monster%20Revamp%20Pics/Letter%20D/Drakonnas.jpg[/image] Originally posted by digital123456, Suikoman444 and In Media Res. Credits to Lasenna, dinosaur, LightningBlade, Somebody, UltimateAQ.com (via Stephen Nix), Karika and Windy. MP Cost/Regen thanks to In Media Res.