Vypie -> RE: What does your name mean? (12/27/2012 9:49:53)
Long ago, when I first started playing online games, I had to choose a username for a character. Snakes have always been some of my favourite animals, and that character I created had a background related to them, so i gave him the nickname "ViperTooth". I started using that username for other games, other characters, though they didn't have any relation to snakes of any kind. Soon after, I started playing an MMO, and I chose Vipertooth for the first character. The second character I made was a female. She needed a name, so I thought of a name that could sound familiar to the first, without having a direct meaning. I wanted a name that could be used for any character of any gender, where it would not resemble an existing word, and have no meaning other than it's own. Just a name meaning... myself! So the name "Vypie" was created. That female character became my main, and then the name Vypie started to grow on me. I stuck with it ever since. Years have passed and I use it for everything.