=HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (Full Version)

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Postmaster General -> =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/1/2013 20:39:29)


January 01, 2013
Randor the Red
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! This past week many of the staff had been enjoying Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. I on the other hand have been working steady to make an updated version of the Smashmas war to work. Old flash code and new coding as I learning can work against each other. Learning to make both of them work together is a real challenge to someone that for many years been an artist and not a programmer. Lucky for me I start to see how things work and break. So now I see how it can all come together. It takes a lot of time to work on maps while setting up and testing items. Something artwork needs to be tweaked and corrected. The art team indeed work very hard to get artwork in as quick as possible (many are still in school).

This week Artickiller is handling shop items until the war maps are updated and fixed. Then the real work begins as I need to update old items and remove permanent item rares. Setup and test the new items.

This year we will be working harder than the last to make HeroSmash bigger and more fun for all. Like to thank all who continue to support us.

Whoops! Seems we've missed a few DNs posts here. I'll just merge them all together :P ~PMG


December 21, 2012
Randor the Red
Starting to look like Smashmas!
Today we updated Overlook with Smashmas snow. Also, Faith has added a shop for the "Are You Yeti?" t-shirt (HeroMart promotion item www.HeroMart.com), the Yeti Head Morph! We are currently in the middle bringing Smashmas up to date with changes to the game over the past year. Still a lot to do, but soon as its ready we will let you know. One big change is the Upgrade and Get Smash Coins buttons are now gold and silver in color to stand out more from the general buttons on the pop-out menu.


Work is still ongoing to bring to you more new content. There still is some bugs that need to be dealt with before we move forward. Our goal has always been the same, to make HeroSmash fun and great for everyone.


Originally for this week we wanted to release once again Smashmas PvP zones. Instead will be release later permantly to Smashdome giving more choices of places to battle! but the main menu needs to be redone to make room for the extra buttons.

The HeroSmash Wiki (http://hswiki.wikidot.com) team continues to work hard to keep up with the changes. If you can help the Wiki team out that would be really awesome. Changes are to be expected in Beta as we work to put finishing touches on old areas and work on new areas and storyline ideas.

Have a Merry Smashmas my friends!

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 3:32:22)


. I on the other hand have been working steady to make an updated version of the Smashmas war to work.


I'm gonna throw in some advice here. Randor, while I love to war, I must say that any war that does not find a good way to balence the fight between good vs evil, is not gonna work out. Evil has a MASSIVE numbers advantage and something needs to be done to make the war a fair chance for both sides, like what MQ has done by placing everyone in the same mecha.

ND Mallet -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 3:50:54)

I think that it would be better to have different requirements for winning the war for both sides. So instead of both sides needing 50k waves, perhaps Evil will need 50k while Good would need 25k.

Anyways, can't wait for a war. I've been slacking on my last rep up for Evil and this war will be a welcome to my farming.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 3:54:29)

ND: I don't think that would work. Either it won't make a difference and the villains will win anyway due to sheer numbers, or the heores will win in a utterly unbalenced situation.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 4:40:07)

I think they'll just let the villains overrun things ingame and ignore them. [/cynic]

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 4:44:06)

Cynical as that is, villains always winning COULD make for a much darker game with a more complex storyline, which is not nessicarily a bad thing if handeled rigfht and may be just what HS needs. However I do think that both sides should have a even chance.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 4:49:30)

The last sentence of yours, I agree with. It just doesn't feel good to have a completely crapsack world of a game without a single glimmer of hope, cause this is what will happen when villains always win in HS, and everyone snubs the heroes... I still say Demo's going to have a screwed-up personality or a whole lot of issues that need a therapist to help in this game.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 5:02:29)

Crystal Lion: I don't think it will lead to a crapsack world if the villains win every time. For a example, let us look at what has happened when the heroes lose in other AE game: (WARNING SPOILERS)


AQ: Lost in Mostly Harmfull War. Atlas joined Dhows. Bad news to be sure but we recovered.

War which I cannot recall the name because I was not there but I Know the Consequences which is the important part here anyway[:D] : Heroes lost, a gold tax was paid for a short time till the villain was fought off.

DF: Xan War: Heroes Lost, falconreach was destroyed, HOWEVER, we rebuilt by paying gold.

Storm War: Falconreach was destroyed, rebuilt after a while.

My point is, yes it does lead to some setbacks, some major, but the heroes always bouce back really quickly and thus it won't devolve into such a world even if they DO win all the time. At worst things will look bleak for a while, but the heroes will always find a way to stop evil. It may hurt more or come at a higher cost, but a world you envision will not occur.[;)]

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 5:21:15)

Then I was thinking too pessimistically? Sorry about that, I really shouldn't be bringing my irl issues in here. It's just that this game's been stale for over a year now.

Wait a minute, this game takes place on Earth, and on the real Earth, it's usually the evil people that get away easily nowadays while heroic kinds get nothing for their trouble except threats and death.

Randor the Red -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 10:04:21)

This war that I working on is designed so all sides (good, evil, neutral, shadow) will get a shop. But there a bug I need deal with, but getting closer. I spending more time on it so it can be used every year and we can focus more on items and other projects.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 10:13:15)

You sure the storyline will be in progress after the bugs are worked out?

zanathos -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 20:45:34)

I just want Herosmash this year to go either release to gamma, or just continue the storyline in beta.

Fallen Crest -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/2/2013 22:03:29)


This year we will be working harder than the last to make HeroSmash bigger and more fun for all.

Not to sound rude or anything, but it's about time. I mean, I still have the 2010-2011 tagged New Years armor.

However, I'm still supporting time after time. Can't wait to see what's in store.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/3/2013 0:18:52)

After a day's thought, I might have to disagree with Kyle on HS not turning into a crapsack world. I think it will still be worse off than other AE games in terms of setting, except for EpicDuel.

plebster -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/3/2013 9:48:16)

Pvp leader boards for daily and monthly are still showing yesterday's scores (as of the time time of my post)

Randor the Red -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/3/2013 15:14:38)

@plebster monthly scores keeping showing for an extra day even though its already reset. But no scores are lost. We working on adding perm to Smashdome new areas (smashmas) to the menu. Also working on smashmas war. both will release when they are ready.

plebster -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/3/2013 16:07:20)

Thanks for the reply randor! :)
But what I meant is that the scoreboard wasn't updating. It normally updates every 20 minutes or so, but it hasn't updated since yesterday. I know you're busy randor, and it's only a little thing, so it doesn't really matter.
Can't wait for the smashdome war and stuff, thanks mate! :D

@everyone complaining: randor has worked hard, through his christmas holiday/break even, and remember, he's basically the only active Dev for HS. he leads it, fixes some bugs, does some coding, makes ideas, does some art, does the DNs, mods the forums.

the only reason aqw has so many updates is because they have about 50 devs.

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/3/2013 17:45:28)

@Pleb Actually, they only have around 4 full time devs. The others are part time or volunteers. BUT I do arge with you`r pont about Rander working hard, but he`s not the only dev there's Postmaster, that toast guy who`s name I can`t remember (not disrespect just bad with names), and Yergen. If I missed any one of the HS devs from behind the scenes I aplogise, though I do think Randers one of the only full time (forgive me if i`m wrong) devs so for that he deserves three cheers but so do the other staff of HS.

On topic: That last line of the dn`s make me all tingly with joy!

plebster -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/4/2013 4:18:44)

Wonderp bread does only art, no coding, so technically, yes, he is classed as a dev, but not the type I was thinking of. Posty does moderating and testing (correct me if I'm wrong posty), and does yergen even work for HS any more??

Postmaster General -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/4/2013 11:42:09)

Believe I clarified not long ago about our team, but I'll state it again.

Randor is Creative Lead. Does..... quite a bit. Wonderp Bread and I are both artists (yes I do help test and occasionally moderate), the art team also includes drDOT, Polistar, and Zheenx. (Few of them being inactive to take care of IRL) and Cinderella is our writer. Yergen IS still our Game Lead and helps out when he can, as well as helping with AQ3D LoL.

plebster -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/4/2013 18:38:53)

No offence to yergen, but randor seems to be more of a game lead and seems to be leading the game more.
Also, posty could you have a look at the pvp leader boards if you're not too busy. They haven't been updated since roughly 50 hours ago, yet they normally update every 20 minutes. I think they're bugged or something.
Thanks guys! :DDD

Randor the Red -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/5/2013 7:35:55)

After 24 hours (server time) scores begin to show correctly. this actually normal each month. right now they should be showing fine.

@plebster Yergen still apart of HS, he is my mentor and advisor on major decisions and game dev. Also since I not work at the AE HQ Yergen keeps me inform of updates and changes.

Digital X -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/5/2013 7:41:37)

Love the Winter Hat in Arctikiller's shop, suits my look rather well! [:D]

plebster -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/5/2013 11:44:08)

But the problem is, they aren't showing fine. here is a screeny to proove so: clicky. If the pvp boards were right, i would be on them. Look at my score, now I should be 4th, but i'm not on there. Same problem with the daily scores as well.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= DNs for January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year! and More (1/5/2013 22:56:52)

I agree with the Dealer in that a completely player driven storyline that has the villains repetitively winning could indeed be a rather interesting and challenging situation, both for the players, and the developers. Potentially, it coudl drag more heroes into it, and pull some of the villains out at least temporarily, as the heroes at the time would have the more... pressing and dramatic side of the schtic. This is not to say that I believe it would take that many villains out of the picture, but the heroic side would be likely to get a greater number of recruits than previously, during that period.

Such a situation could lead to a very deep and long-running "story arc", which could end in multiple and intriguing ways. 'T'would be quite tempting to pull Deux ex Machina out of one's hat, if you have a say in it, but what can you do? That happens relatively often in AE games, anyway.

The fact that it would become potentially competitive with both sides struggling to retain/wrest control of the city would make it much more appealing to other people... though one might say that's not saying much, considering the infrequent updates, no offence. If one were a Dev, or someone informed about what is required for a game to work, one would have to counter-balance the difficulty of making such a potentially dynamic storyline/game actually possible, and the multiple potential branches would make it more/longer work, with the ability to so easily begin on content designs in advance taken out of the equation.

On that note, I have a potential solution for the current and past problems with regards to wars in HS- have multiple objectives occuring and being fought for at the same time, with each having war bars.
This would in turn allow multiple avenues for each side's advancing towards to final objective, and split up the forces of the respective camps. The individual objectives would then give advantages to at least one other "war meter", allowing whichever side reaches the first completion a distinct momentum increase, but not necessarily winning them the war, as the other side could win one of the other objectives afterwords, leaving it as a race to the finish line on the last one (or 2, if you go for 4 such things, but once two are won, it would be quite difficult to take the last one, if you are the "weaker side" in that 1:2 ratio; I think if they win that last one, in such a situation, they should win the entire war, because that would imply they made a large comeback, and destroyed much of the enemy's foces).
This would need quite a bit of tinkering.

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