200 (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> 200 (1/2/2013 23:30:29)

I just believe they should raise the buddy list slots from 100 to 200.. I find it super useful for me and other faction leaders. :)

Midnightsoul -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 0:28:02)

=more lag

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 0:53:57)

Buddy lists dont create lag....

Xendran -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 2:03:38)


=more lag

This has no basis in reality whatsoever and is not true.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 2:21:41)

Actually its kinda true.
It takes up more server space and thats what causes lags sometimes.

Beside that, not supported.
Your faction has a limit of 19/20 members.
How can you need more then 100?
And you can always delete a friend thats in your faction since you can still see when he/she is online and private chat with him/her.

Xendran -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 2:30:05)


Actually its kinda true.
It takes up more server space and thats what causes lags sometimes.



Beside that, not supported.
Your faction has a limit of 19/20 members.
How can you need more then 100?

Because some people know more than 100 people. Especially if you take a look at somebody like (not to be arrogant) me that gets friend requests 24/7, as well as being around for a quite a while, friends lists build.


And you can always delete a friend thats in your faction since you can still see when he/she is online and private chat with him/her.

Again, what about somebody like me? I have a full friends list and know essentially every single person on it. Just because you personally don't have an issue with a part of the game does not mean that you should purposely prevent other players from having an improved gaming experience.

Ranloth -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 6:23:54)

It's true, you get more lag. For yourself perhaps when browsing through the list, not everyone which makes it your fault not Devs. What to do then? Improve your PC. Lag wouldn't affect us.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 6:34:00)


You may have 100 friends in your list but that doesnt say they are real friends.
After all, your brain can handle only 3 friends.
sow your 'friends' arent real friends, only some 'dudes' you talked to one day or a week.

You say you know them all, but i can ask you one question and that proves my whole statement.

And as trans said, it does create more lag, not much but it does.

Ranloth -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 6:37:55)

But that lag isn't our problem, it doesn't affect all players but yourself (since it takes longer to load these 200 friends, rather than just 100). If it affects you then your problem is the buddy list, 'twas your problem when you expanded it. Solution then? Delete friends.

Xendran -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 7:11:15)



You may have 100 friends in your list but that doesnt say they are real friends.
After all, your brain can handle only 3 friends.

Not true. Your science is false.

sow your 'friends' arent real friends, only some 'dudes' you talked to one day or a week.

You say you know them all, but i can ask you one question and that proves my whole statement.

Except for the fact that this is blatantly untrue. The only people in my friend list i don't talk to are the ones who are offline.


And as trans said, it does create more lag, not much but it does.

A text string on the server does not cause more lag.

Stabilis -> RE: 200 (1/3/2013 8:47:33)

It really does not use much processing since it does nothing when a friend is offline and only turns on to open a menu when a friend is online. The real processing is from USING it, having a buddy slot is a minor memory allocation, using it to jump is a major ping (especially the beam animation when you teleport).

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