ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (Full Version)

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TRizZzCENTRINO -> ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 7:25:52)

since im bored out of my mind and making some more weapon suggetions for ED this topic popped into my mind.

on the arrival of the omega phase, we would just buy weapons for their art and specials, discuss what kind of weapons/armors/items would you prefer: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy types.
you can list as many as you want and comment on the post above another to whether you disagree or agree with their opinions, but you also have to describe which element of design on the weapon that attracts you, in detail.

for example: i like the infernal interdictor because it is the first weapon with so many gradients and colors used on it, also i like it because it has a fantasy/bulky look to it, the shading on the weapon also attracts me because it makes it look realistic, therefore stands out more than other primaries.

(this is also like my little survey on what kind of weapons players like, to assist me in designing)

f4tal1tY -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 7:48:12)

imo weapons should be designed with a futuristic touch, as isn't Epicduel based on some kind of space sorta thing? or am i just getting it confused with Mechquest?! D: minds clouded right now...

back on topic, some weapons which i think look decent would be:
-charbinger gear but a little bit more detail, (futuristic-ish design_
-space warrior (bulky design, but not TOO complicated to make it look bad e.g tesla :P sorry to all tesla lovers, i have one too, i just dont like its design)
-then theres the genre of not too good-looking, but interesting weapons, e.g. Graphite gun, experiment 2b, banana suit etc.

Im really hoping for more weapons designed like infernal interdictor! (great minds think alike xD), imo, as it has a distinct glow (adds to the futuristic design), and the colours gradients look extremely nice together!

gradient colours such as
red, orange, yellow, pinkish red,
green, blue, jade, navy blue, army green etc., i love gradients :3

Jekyll -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 7:56:29)

One weapon I simply hate the looks of is the Frost Destroyer (Club Version). It looks like a melted popsicle with chocolate sauce dripping all over it.

However, the weapon that I feel has one of the best artwork is the Draconic Devastator. The design is so intricate that I don't actually want to ever sell it.

RageSoul -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 7:56:34)

The Frost weapons ( Slayer and Destroyer ) and Infernal Interdictor --> magical / mystical --> both are made of pure material ( minerals ) and no technology .
Beta Brutalizer --> futuristic --> tech gives it's mutate ability
Cardboard Crusader --> bulky and magical --> cardboard giving you toughness ?
Harbringer Husk --> elegant / futuristic --> perfect combo :)
Caden's Wrath --> futuristic --> at least this one has more logic
Power Armor ( non-Var ) --> bulky --> but still looks cool nonetheless
Cyber Dragon - futuristic / elegant --> so far , it's one of the best looking auxes out there
Bunny Chompers and E Bunny Chompers - futuristic --> bunny powah!

ReinXI -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 11:30:55)

I'm hoping for some amazing more futuristic technological armor ( or some awesome cyberpunk/ steampunk designs )

Stabilis -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 12:54:52)

I am not interested in steampunk designs because honestly iron gears and widgets make a sci-fi warrior look pretty pathetic.

Sleek but shelled is the ideal route. Hide all the technical details beneath the shell. Look at Master Chief or Samus Aran for a good example.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 13:22:01)

bulky: Can be cool at times. If the weapon is super huge then I would buy it. Big weapons make Chosen happy. Lol. Bulky armors are fine as long as they still look nice.
futuristic: Would tesla be considered bulky, futuristic, or both? Nontheless, i'm pretty futuristic is fine.
elegant: I like elegent armors. Weapons shouldnt be elegant though. Bikes can!
mystical/fantasy: Only if its a staff or rabblefroths gun. Theres probably more examples.

Lycan. -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 13:32:36)

I love Infernal Interdictor and Energy Eggzooka, I think they would look awesome together.
I also like slim looking armors such as :-
Nightwraith's Duds - http://epicduelwiki.com/w/Nightwraith%27s_Duds_P_%28Level_34%29
Platinum's Pride - http://epicduelwiki.com/w/Platinum%27s_Pride_%28Level_35%29
Delta Knight - http://epicduelwiki.com/w/Delta_Knight_%28Armor%29

Reki -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 22:53:45)

Well personally i like a fantasy/cybernetic feel but i think for the Omega Phase itself it would look good
with more of an 'iron man' type of style...by that i mean a sleek smooth feel with nothing but surprises underneath all the sleek
smooth metals. More practical and useful feeling.

DeathGuard -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/5/2013 23:36:37)


imo weapons should be designed with a futuristic touch, as isn't Epicduel based on some kind of space sorta thing? or am i just getting it confused with Mechquest?! D: minds clouded right now...

I like the weapons/armors that have ornaments and elegant designs. I dislike dark and skull based weapons since they are to mainstream, as well as the overdetailed weapons

D.v.D. -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/6/2013 0:10:58)

Harvest Husk P/E M - Bulky and feminine... one of a kind armor.

zer00x -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/6/2013 0:14:10)

I love the design of the dark star gun ( http://epicduelwiki.com/w/Dark_Star ) Its elegant and i like the colors.

Scyze -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/6/2013 0:22:41)

If there is a set of Weapons (Mutating weps), sometimes the colors are only changes between the versions. I would like to see different designs rather than the same ones recolored. The Omega weps are just difference in the colors.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/6/2013 1:28:46)

I know your art, so here is my suggestion

Steampunk styled armor

I know it's been said, and disliked, the colours could be changed to make it look cyber
Instead of copper gears, they could be changed to silver, to create a syfy kind of look

I know you, so have creativity with it, maybe take the victorian outfit, and make it syfy, so a hybrid of cyborg and steampunk

arthropleura -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/6/2013 4:20:08)

Mutates, twisted creatures as the result of sci fi chemical testing?

MirageD -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/6/2013 4:49:55)

i don't like bulky....i prefer sleek and elegant...i like the color mix on the Infernal Interdictor


ReinXI -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/7/2013 3:18:34)

Also lets see some space marine armors! ( or at least something similar... ) I would love to roll into a fight looking like something out of starcraft / dawn of war 40k XD obviously due to copyrights and all it would have to be different but you could still pull off armors that are similar in appearance no? somewhat bulk yet sleek to a point, face mask ( we already have armors with helmets ) as well as armors that make people the size of a house ( tesla armor M )

rayniedays56 -> RE: ED weapons/items/armors: bulky, futuristic, elegant or mystical/fantasy? (1/7/2013 4:24:59)


You already know what I like...

I think this sword...made by you Trizzzy, shows what mama likes :) http://trizzzcentrino.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d5fp0mt

And if that doesn't clue it, then I shall tell..

I like fantasy style.

What I really want to see is armor like this for females in ED: http://i.imgur.com/BPBBk.jpg or something GIRLY at least....sheesh.
And maybe an update version of the Cupids Auxes? Cupids Bane, Cupids Sorrow...
A gun that isn't so WEIRD looking! O_O I mean come on, show me a magnum! Or maybe a crossbow?

So, my most PERFECT ensemble would be...

Armor: http://i.imgur.com/BPBBk.jpg
Sword: http://trizzzcentrino.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d5fp0mt
Gun: http://tucsonarchery.com/pic/bf.gif
Aux: http://epicduelwiki.com/images/epicduelwiki.com/b/bd/Wep_cupid's_sorrow.png with a minor touchup :)
Robot: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/003/3/6/Baby_Dragon_by_Mary1517.jpg (come on. We already have Baby Yeti! :D Who's to say the Dragonoid didn't have BABIES?)

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