New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (Full Version)

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cool preston -> New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 6:56:55)

Hi all counterNUKEmissile here. And welll here's the thing we all regret selling something for me it's frostbane. And rixties.

So here what I propose The Devs should create a system where for a limited time in Omega you have the option to purchase any RARE you sold now naturally ae doesn't have a system in place. So what if the system is based on your account creation. This would only work for in game items in that time period. Promo items do not work with this. So say you created account during 08 or 09 December you could get frostbane again. And I'm not sure but Ae probably keeps a history of everything ou buy. So what if they have a system where if you sold it ONLY you could rebuy it. But if you never bought the item then the system would not work.

So I createdy account in 08 I bought frostbane so I could rebuy it. That's just an example.

What are the chances of the Devs innovating a system like this into epicduel?

RageSoul -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:00:34)

Most likely not , to be honest . If this happens , then they might even make it to other promos as well , and thus , ruining the purpose of them being tagged "Rare" .

theholyfighter -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:02:22)

It "may" take but database...

cool preston -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:08:46)

That's why it's better for it to be in game items from the time period. Promos well they are a different thing that would make this suggestion not even possible there are tons of promos that are really good but I'm basically talking about in game items that went rare. Promos you basically get for free

cool preston -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:10:55)

Also by doing this his just occured to me not many people played during the really good rares era. So then you just have to eliminate those who didn't buy the rare.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:23:47)

this has been suggested many times and the answer is the same:
-it is your fault if you sell it, so there is no regrets.
-rare items means it will never come back, even if you sell it(too bad if you did)
-doesn't matter if you are from that particular time, the promo was a limited time offer, once you miss it, you miss it forever.
-the devs said that this would never happen since it would destroy the purpose and meaning of rares.

cool preston -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:25:35)

Ah trizZzy so quick toget to the point I said promos weren't going to be included. What if we added in the fact you would have to pay double what you bought the item for?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:29:51)


So here what I propose The Devs should create a system where for a limited time in Omega you have the option to purchase any RARE you sold now naturally ae doesn't have a system in place. So what if the system is based on your account creation

rixty is a promo item, frostbane is a promo item, nearly all rares are promo items, and no it would never happen even for double the price, it should be like 12 times the original price. still it would never ever happen.

cool preston -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:33:56)

Lol frostbane is a promo item????? TRY AGAIN TRIZZZ. That's a in game item bought for 20k creds and 1.5k var. and this would be for a select few of weapons like heartbreaker you get the picture... Idk the Devs might implement this because Ed is gone be a fashion show.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:38:17)

@above lol, seems like you don't know about the history of frostbane XD, no rares should ever return, and no ED is not going to be a fashion show, the devs are preventing that from happening, you don't fight in fashion show, you do not use a bazooka in a fashion show.

cool preston -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 7:58:15)

TrizZz frostbane is a promo and a in game item. And why can't zookas be Ina fashion show :D

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 8:04:58)


TrizZz frostbane is a promo and a in game item. And why can't zookas be Ina fashion show :D

aha, you admitted frostbane is a promo :) so therefore you can't get rares thats a promo. because of safety of the audience, no zooka allowed.

cool preston -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 8:09:19)

TrizZz why gotta make me feel stupid for posting this :(


That trizZz is how da zooka is in da fashion show :S

And basically I was saying it's gonna be an art game with no diversity.

Mecha Mario -> RE: New system to "bring back" RARE items (Chances) (1/6/2013 8:09:26)

Items that are marked Ultra Rare/Rare like the Founder Armor, Beta Weapons, and Frostbane are gone forever once they leave the game. These types of items were only available for a limited time period. Re-releasing items that was only available very a limited time, even for a day, would be very unfair for those that got the Ultra Rare/Rare items during the period that was offer. If you sold them, you sold them. Not getting another chance to re-purchase something that you sold and has gone rare.

Locking this up as well, as this is something that won't happen in ED anytime soon. In the future, please post suggestions in ED Suggestions.

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