Juggernaut Booster (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 9:20:51)

A booster where a player can buy just like a exp boost, credits boost that prevents you from going into a juggernaut battle.
This would go for:
25 fights (50 Varium)
100 fights (175 varium)
2 days (495 Varium)

Idk just seems like many people are not liking juggernaut. Easy solution.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 9:23:15)

Not supported.

Especially you should know this would destroy the battle mode since it will take ages to get a fight. (because your leader of a jugg faction)
And also, why do only Var people get this option, wouldnt be fair to the f2pers.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 9:24:55)

Well I want to go and give sympathy for those people who keep losing in juggernauts. =/

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 9:49:14)

Its there own fault they lose.

Its not that hard to beat a jugg, just because they dont know how to time their attacks and work together does not mean we juggs need to have a disadvantage like something that prevents them to battle us.

Lord Loss... -> RE: Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 10:10:44)

Not Really, you need a different skill set and build to beat a jug and different skill set and stats to win a 2vs2. Low levels are being forced to go into jugg battles and that completely messes up their %. Also this means that we would be forced to fight non var players more so easier wins for juggs, WOOHOO

Yianman -> RE: Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 10:30:22)

An idea is already being put into place to solve the 2v2 juggernaut problem. They're going to make a separate button so don't worry this is going to be solved.
Check this link to see the Frequently Suggested Ideas because your idea is quite similar.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 10:36:34)

Where has it been confirmed there will be such a button yianman?

The FSI is not a list that shows the ideas that will be implented bro.
Read this part of the FSI:

Here is a list of frequent requests that are either already being considered, or have been considered and either rejected or will be implemented at a later time.

Yianman -> RE: Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 11:08:35)

Still, this is a similar idea so it is still being considered.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 11:13:29)

While I do feel sorry that juggs have insane win ratios, particularly since they go and turn level 26-30 credit players into punching bags, I feel it's also the 2-person team's fault. Since I don't really use boosters in jugg, I've actually only been able to sustain around an 80% win ratio. With the opponent using boosters AND actually using good builds (not those zerker bunker builds or the max malf max plasma which can be easily countered with a defensive buff) I could actually lose a considerable amount.

Mecha Mario -> RE: Juggernaut Booster (1/6/2013 22:49:04)

[Yianman] : Juggernaut Booster =/= Juggernaut Button. The two suggestions are actually not the same thing. If the Juggernaut Button were to be added now onto the main interface (instead of being on the NPC Slayer), you would still need to use the Juggernaut Cards to be able to click on the button to become the Juggernaut, while their opponents would still be pool from 2v2. To prevent this from going off-topic any further, please PM me if you have any questions about the Juggernaut Button.

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