=OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Balu -> =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:37:03)


Public Beta for Oversoul IS LIVE!

Nulgath: Happy Halloween Oversoul Gamers!

Today Oversoul will be open to the public for the Beta phase! It's been a long journey but we are finally here! The game still has a long way to go but we are making so much progress now. I'm proud of how far Oversoul has come and look forward to developing my game further with more features and gamplay elements! This is my passion! I have and awesome team to work with: Warlic, Rolith, Klunk, Dilligaf, Revontheus and of course Artix!

v0.5.45 Updates:

  • Labyrinth Dungeon
  • Random Monster Encounters
  • Improved Computer AI
  • Minotaur Boss Monster
  • Quest System: Rescue the Captive from the Boss Minotaur
  • Boss Quest Drops
  • Quest Rewards
  • Treasure Chest/ Treasure Chest Trap!
  • Characters:
    • Minotaur Legend and Master
    • Stone Knight
    • ???
    • ???
    • ???

Login and play using the "ONE LOGIN TO RULE THEM ALL!" Hint: That is the same login you use to to play EpicDuel, HeroSmash or log into this site. Soon, all of our games will use this single login. Also, today is your chance to become a Founder. http://www.artix.com/

Now head over to my Facebook page and "Like" it! "Follow" me on Twitter and "Subscribe" to me on Youtube. This I command!

Also please note that the server can go offline without notice for different periods of time. This is NOT a bug.


Talking about unreleased content obtained through hacking is against the rules. Please refrain from doing such. Posts talking about unreleased content obtained through hacking WILL be deleted, and warnings WILL be issued to those who break this rule. You have been warned before by Balu. Don't make us warn again.

Discussing unreleased content that the game devs have already posted some sort of info on is alright. ~Balu

First of all, I'm going to remind everybody posting in this thread of the =OS= Game Content and Forum Rules , which states:


Since this game is being directed at a more mature player base there will be things mentioned or shown in Oversoul itself or on the Oversoul Wiki that are not appropriate for the forums. As the various things that are shown or mentioned in Oversoul or on Oversoul's Wiki may be appropriate for the game that does not make it appropriate for the forums so please keep the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules in mind when posting. If you are unsure whether what you want to post is in line with the Forum's Rules please PM an Archknight or Moderator in AE Staff and Staff Assistants List for clarification.

The rules for this forum are simple. They are easy to understand and they are easy to follow. As has been stated before - that even though the game is intended for a more mature audience, the forums are still PG in order to stay family-friendly.

If players want to keep focussing on spamming, purposely breaking the rules and complaining about the rules, they will face the consequences of their actions. You have been forewarned enough times to know better. The immature reactions to the rules stops now.
The choice is yours.

Any and every mention of methods and programs that grant users unfair advantages over each other, such as finding a way to get 100% possession or encounter rate, stops now. This is bug abuse and cheating, both of which are not allowed as said in the Universal Forum Rules > Posting Behavior. Every post after this will deleted on sight and the poster warned, with possible other unwanted consequences to their forum accounts.


The AE forums are a place of civility and respect, therefore you are expected to post in the same manner. A few things for you to remember.

1) If someone is posting against the rules, and you realise it, do these three things: Ignore it. Report it. Carry on. Do NOT respond to rule breakers. That is the Forum Staff's job.

2) Just because it is in-game doesn't mean it is allowed here. Know the rules of the AE forums. There are things that are not allowed given our forum rating of PG. Know it and avoid getting yourself in trouble.

3) If you insist on talking about accomplishments that others have yet to conquer, do so in a manner that is polite. Do not rub it in people's faces, do not taunt or tease, and do not throw out tidbits in the name of helping, that only frustrate others and cause them to be upset. Genuinely help, or refrain from posting.

4) Do not correct people's typos and posting mistakes in any form regarding grammar. That is a form of trolling and spam. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand and should be left alone.

Eukara Vox
AE Forum Administration

allenwalker888 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:37:55)

First time Rilami got ninjad.... not really too fair though lol xD>.<!!

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:39:00)


Hollow Knight ninja'd Rilami before.


but minotaur cost way more than earth golem, and the legend form ain't worth it

You don't need to evolve it. I'm getting Minotaur to 20 and letting it stay there.

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:39:30)

And this, my children, is the only time Rilami will ever be ninja'd. But it wasn't really fair... Why the early lockage, out of curiosity?

bman270 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:40:30)

Hey all, haven't been on in the last few weeks as I have been having some issues with my computer [:(]

Hope I haven't missed too much?!? Also sorry for missing you Riniti! My only chance of getting on right now is at work so I am not always there. Wasn't ignoring you though!! Anyway, I am really hoping to get everything fixed in the next week or so, until then good luck to all and I hope you don't all forget me!!!

To stay on topic, have they actually released the suggested characters???

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:41:04)


is the only time Rilami will ever be ninja'd.

She have been ninja'd twice, so I bet it will happen again! Rilami is losing her ninja powers!

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:42:12)

@Bman It's fine :P

@Vagaran Not her holy ninja powers!

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:43:09)

I fear them chests...so far had 16 total battles with them(all today btw) with me barely winning with having 1~8 hp left

Rilami -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:44:01)

Hey bman! Haven't seen you in awhile. I hope you're doing well at the very least and I hope your computer gets fixed.

As for the characters, they have not been released yet, no. But they likely will be soon as they are being worked on at the moment I believe.

And come on guys D: I'm not losing my ninja powers.. I'm just not paying attention at times or I'm too slow... @_@

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:44:19)

@Bman You missed a lot. ._. Don't know exactly how long you've been gone, but the winter characters are rare, the first dungeon is out... and other things I forget. Also, my egg's level 19! :3

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:44:22)

Just seen a Pic of Young 2013 and i WANT IT!
(I have a sort of OCD when it comes to collecting Chrono-Themed Items)
Hoping Drakon Drago is gonna be in the wild,I have decided i want it now
Rilami Being Ninja'd...Impossible!
Anyway since i'm unwell and confined to my bed,i may as well try to get Stone Knight and Earth Golem
Not really bothered about getting Minotaur
Getting another 80 SG package Next Monday hopefully so i'll get Void Reaper

Balu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:45:16)


Why the early lockage, out of curiosity?

Because I could. [:D]

Have to farm soo much gold to get that minotaur. Maybe get a few Stone chars in the process. Those look amazing!

Also, please stay on topic sillies. XD

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:46:39)



Because I could. [:D]

Sounds legit. :P Good luck with getting the gold/stone characters! I love Earth Golem :3

Blackshock -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:48:17)

Hey guys, any ideas if minotaur is worth farming for or I should just stick to the new stone characters? btw, been really inactive lately. Finally decided to go watch doctor who and am now in need of good sites for streaming full episodes. Anyone care to PM me any links?

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:49:04)

I'm still going to stay with Mino though, he looks baws (get it? He looks baws and he is a baws? pretty bad pun XD)

Currently at 9.5, but is to lazy to bother levelgin him @_@ I can haz XP Artifacts soon Rolith? :p


I would say Mino is one of the most offensiv Earth character, heck I think the most offensiv ATM.

DestruRaGe -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:49:26)

I prefer golem. I cant provide some mathematical calculations which earth char is the best. I just enjoy golems look and animations very much.
His face looks kinda like those troll pictures. xD Deck is strong in my opinion, I run through dungeon with ease. If anything deck customazition
will help you adjust it anyway. Most important thing is that you enjoy playing with your char.

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:50:20)

That moment when you have a void reflection, the enemy forgets when they have 9 or less hp and use sacrifice... -4 for them and then counter 5 xD That leads to

allenwalker888 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:57:16)

Met Dark0n in game !!! He's a really nice guy standing with a jack ice looking awesome xD

@Riniti... nice way with words and pic lol... xD

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:58:50)

Boy i'm lazy at leveling
Here's my Current Char List
1 Legendary-Xmas Fiend
9 Masters-Paladin,Blood Fiend,Fire Witch,Pumpkin Lord,Bill Assassin,Lei Crossbows,Lei Blades,Jack Frost and Father Hour
22 Veterans-Snow Ninja,Founder Vet,Frost Lion,Frostzard,Revontheus,Ninja,Pactonal Knight,Bavaria,Abber Condemned,Headless Hollow,Squire,VampireLord,Undead Axeman,Merc Vet,Augustiner,Shadow Pikeman,Ice Apprentice,Pikeman,Earth Apprentice,Huntress,Blade Skeleton and Barbarian
15 Apprentices-Sonja,Rudolphtheus,Frogzard,Water Fairy,Bat,Earth Fairy,Rev Egg,Revonthurkey,Shadow Nomad,Water Apprentice,Alpha Pirate,Skexis Fiend,Wolf,Cave Zardman,Nomad and Peasant

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 8:59:44)

@Allen I love setting it up like that :3

@Jayk For my characters, look at my wiki page (linked in the picture) :3

Balu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 9:00:34)

hmm, i wonder who is going to win.

That`s 2 for 2. \0/ If anyone is having a hard time beating the monsters in the dungeon, try to get your hands on a Pyre Witch for a very high win success rate.

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 9:01:45)

I agree with you, I had to use a Pyre Witch Lvl 6 to beat the Minotaur
How did you make your Wiki Page like that?

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 9:04:30)

@Ventrice (I believe you're on the forums) GREAT game, very close. I got lucky with that empower last hand.

Blackshock -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 9:04:42)

Haha, love how she burns through the opposition. Is bill assassin a good enough substitute for a fire type though?

Btw, opinion needed, I have 66 SGs, should I spend 10 on evolving HH or should I save them for later use?

Basicball -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXVIII - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2013 9:05:31)



Hey, can you give me the link the YT videos that you uploaded few days ago, relating to OS ?

This? http://www.youtube.com/user/OverSoulMegaUpdate?feature=mhee

@Above: save them. HHM is only slightly better than Pyre Witch.
and I think Energy chars are better in general, yes

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