RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:34:19)

@Deity Link and EpicCoconut

I just checked and no, it's not out :(

I like the new battle scarred undead characters, just so epic!

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:37:30)

I would like to see Light-based Undead[:)] Or Fire-based Undead.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:37:49)


Lightning has 3 chars in game, one of which is rare. Water has 4.

1. Water got 5 character: Water Fairy, AP, Water Peasant family.

2. Energy got 8: Ninja Family (2) + Bill Family (3) + Lightning Wolf Family (3)

Multiple forms do count.

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:38:56)

Alpha Pirate is rare now though.

I like how you called em a family.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:40:05)

Vagaran: No. No they do not. And even if you DO consider that to be so, Shadow chars STILL vastly outnumber anything else in game, even MORE so if we count evos.

However, I would like to say that the lower point number ARE now on the Artix Webste at 20 SG for 1000 points and 40 SG for 2000.

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:41:03)

We need more chars of the other elements.

Shadow is most. Netural is next I think?

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:43:04)

YUSSSS!!!! The undead have now gotten a chance to be numerous in-game! As a huge fan of the undead, I am very happy about this and I hope that huge hulking Zombie is in the dungeon as well. >:3

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:43:18)

I got home all excited because I saw that the new Design Notes was up, get online, and then SAD FACE because the release wasn't actually out yet...

Also, Taurus is HUGE. Saw one in Nulgath solace-1 lobby; don't know who you are, wolfverine, but you are awesome. :)
I plan on slaughtering thousands of Undead this weekend, so by the end of it, I can get my Minotaur to look that cool too!

shait0007 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:43:37)

undead dungeon? hmmmm i sure hope theres a lich in there

mawex -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:43:39)

Don't forget chaos and wind characters [;)].

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:43:51)

Shadow, Neutral, Ice, and Earth are the majority. In that order, I think.

@mawex: Ah yes, chaos. However, Wind/Air are non-existant in OS. Which is new considering it's in DF and AQ, both that use an E/Resistance system.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:46:14)

The Water element is sadly lacking in characters, but Chaos has no characters at all in-game even though the element is. I already know Chaos still isn't ready yet since some of its specials rely on the RNG gambler.

mawex -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:46:45)

Revon confirmed wind as being implement in the future (probably after chaos).

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:48:08)

@mawex: Oh, well is there a link to his comment?

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:49:29)


I plan on slaughtering thousands of Undead this weekend, so by the end of it, I can get my Minotaur to look that cool too!

Dunno whether you know this, but:

Minotaur is stronger than Taurus + Taurus is just a bigger version of Mino.

mawex -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:49:33)

He posted it in-game, if i remember correctly, there was a screenshot, sadly i don't have access to it since it was a long time ago.

Ryuyasha -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:51:20)


Anyways, Anyone knows what will be released tomorrow?


^Friends list, hopefully some new characters too, another quest would be fun


Who didn't though.....

Hopefully we run into the Death Fiend here This guy

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:52:36)

It's interesting to have a new quest every week coming out since it takes away the boredom of farming every now and then. X3

Once the release is live, anyone up for Nulgath - Solace 91?

What's a dungeon without a quest, ey?

EpicCoconut -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:52:56)

@mawex: I'm afraid I'm hesitant to believe unless I see the words with my own eyes.
@vagaran: On the brightside, Nulgath said he might tweak Taurus' deck to give him a boost.

There's a quest coming this release?

mawex -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:55:45)

Ok, then. Also, a dungeon is a Quest.

When Releases comes out, Nulgath Solace-91, Right?

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:56:17)


Wind/Air are non-existant in OS.

I think Wind/Air can be Energy. Like flapping your wings too much makes clouds, which makes lightning.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:56:42)


I dunno, is Friend List a party thing or just a meet up and add thing? o-o

mawex -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:58:57)

Well, having someone on your friend list probably makes starting parties easier[8D].

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:59:08)

A friends list is like keeping tab on your friends that you choose to be friends with, party together, duel, or hang out. Basic things on a MMORPG.

Ghostlash -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread LXXIV - READ THE FIRST POST (1/25/2013 15:59:36)

Im up for solace-91 on Nulgath when the update comes.[:)]

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