RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (Full Version)

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Death Jr -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 11:27:01)

To silver

Well u see they added then removed enhancements. The majority of varium users have dedicated more than half of varium purchased to enhancements since they are more expensive. Then they removed them so technically they should have never been there in the first place. So technically they have scammed us.. If enhancements were never released all variium users would have saved a couple hundred bucks.

kosmo -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 11:29:56)

At this point just tnx devs this is a lot more of what i was supposing and surly a lot more of what u shoulded do, admitting that some compensation was needed

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 11:33:15)

@Death Jr

Technically, they have not scammed you. No one categorically stated that enhancements were going to be permanently relevant. As it is, they have been relevant for two long years and served to dominate EpicDuel far more than any class or build. During that period, varium players have managed to remain competitive against each other and overwhelm non-varium players due to enhancements. They have in no way underused their financial advantage.

The fact that you have yourself determined the period that particular enhancements and enhanced items are relevant means that you have utilised your enhancements to the best of your judgment and ability, and deemed them no longer relevant when you sold the enhanced items. I find it perplexing that you could argue that the devs should compensate you for a voluntary and perhaps premature limitation of the period of which your enhanced items remained relevant, when they bear no responsibility for that decision.


There is another, more compelling point which I wished to make. And that is that levelling items is very dissimilar to enhancing them. The former is in effect a more inexpensive alternate to purchasing new items and a method to allow players to select items that are more aesthetically pleasing but not currently competitive, with no evident negative implications on game economy or battle balance. The latter is a method to gain an advantage over other players, or more accurately to level the playing field by ensuring that you are not at a disadvantage, that has led to great inequality and unhealthy stat inflation. They are two very different concepts. The levelling system is not an upgrade of the enhancement system. A more relevant comparison would be the core system, in which case it is impractical for the devs to offer 'free cores', because each player should select the cores they want and the devs' 'free cores' would likely be deemed comparatively inferior to the specific cores they want by a large part of the player base.

Death Jr -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 11:38:36)

@ above

Have u ever sold enhanced items before cause I think not. The only reason I sold anything was to have enough varium to buy the next weapon once my wep was really outdated to save a couple bucks. For example it took me hours to decide if I should sell frost bane to get Celtic. But I figured they were eclose enough so I keep it. I finally sold it so that I could get the new mutating dragon weps. So you see we never sell our enhanced weps we are forced to so that we don't lose to much

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 11:48:35)

I will only add this:

Now I'm not sure I want Omega that much.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 11:50:48)

@Death Jr

I have sold many, many enhanced items, and in so doing I came to understand the necessity of frugality and long-term financial planning in the current EpicDuel, particularly because I am more of a casual than competitive player. There is personal interest for me to regain additional credits, but I do not think that this is justified. You are essentially arguing that you have paid money and invested varium in certain items, only to sell them after a period of time for better items because you wish to limit your real-life expenditure. In which case you have made a perfectly valid financial choice, that is, again, your decision. It is fact that the introduction of enhancements created certain conditions in which enhancements were necessary to maintain competitiveness, and that you have adapted to that context and made financial decisions within that environment. Does it matter whether Omega came after 2 years or a 100? The fact is that your decisions were made by yourself in that reasonably extended context for your personal goals of competitiveness, and that you yourself chose the limits to which your money would go.

I hope that you see the foolishness of arguing that the devs owe you for not making their current decisions from the start, when those decisions were directly and inextricably propelled by the current situation. The devs could never have had Omega from the start. The disastrous situation now was absolutely necessary for them to gain a thorough understanding of the game they created. The current context was never a false one. It was a temporary one, and was never determined to be permanent. Because that context was valid, you cannot contend that you were wheedled into buying varium under false premises. You were never forced to stay competitive. You were never forced to buy varium in order to stay competitive. You made your own choices in a situation that was not unduly, suddenly or immediately altered, and therefore should not claim compensation for nonexistent items.

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 12:01:49)

Oh and second issue:

How can they count ALL varium ever spent for the achievement, but at the same time they can strangely count only the inventory items for compensation?

Saying they can't is a lie, proved above.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 12:03:15)

Kinda bummed out that sold weapons don't count in the refund because if I knew what I know now
I wouldn't have sold them in the first place...
But oh well of the 17 k varium worth enhancements left I'll still be able to get at least around 5000 back.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 12:03:48)


If by 'above' you refer to me, then you should understand the possible reasons they might have for refusing to include any more than inventory items for compensation.

I would like to clarify to Drianx, kosmos and Death Jr. that the opinions expressed by me here are wholly mine and may be unfairly harsh, and if my tone is overly blunt I apologise. I nevertheless stand by these opinions, and argue that whatever technical difficulties the devs may have in compensation (which I too am somewhat confused about), they need not in the first place compensate sold items.

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 12:07:38)

No, I meant sentence above therefore I do not need to understand those reasons. They are understood aready but declined as unacceptable for me as a customer.

Death Jr -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 12:14:41)

Alright then they were my decisions happy. But the enhancements I still have are technically mine. I do not wish together rid of them. The devs are going to remove them. So why are they giving us only 30 percent. Should we get all of the varium from enhancements back. Yes we should since it is our varium to spend and the devs got rid of it. We should get a full refund of the enhance in our current inventory.

rayniedays56 -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 12:14:43)


I like it :)

By the way things are looking for with compensation...

I am going to get back 4k-5k varium. Pretty sweet.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 12:24:33)

@Death Jr.

But you have utilised those enhancements in your inventory, and they have remained relevant for an extended period of time. You have, to some extent, gotten your money's worth. Those enhancements were not useless in the least. Again, I remind you that the devs have no obligation to compensate you, as noted in the Terms and Conditions. From my viewpoint, it is nevertheless valid for them to do so as the time period for enhancements to be relevant was this time determined by them, not you. However the fact remains that the enhancements have been utilised to great effect, albeit probably not to their greatest potential.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 12:50:25)

@ Death

When you sold your items you got a 15% varium refund there. It makes no sense for you to get 15% then 30% on top of that. If they did that everyone would just sell their old varium enhanced weapons and gain a 45% refund. It would be abused and it would hurt the game big time.

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 12:55:59)

Mother1, you cannot tell the diference between refund and sellback. Those are entirely different business concepts.

No one ever asked for sold weapons to be refunded more than kept ones.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 13:02:04)

Varium enhancements always gave a refund and if you keep your varium gear and sell it after the update you stand to make an increased profit.
Credit enhancements never offered a refund so that is a profit unless the weapon price drops after the release of Omega.

Now as I said before if you have seven slots used on your weapon you will get a good chunk of the preview cost of a core so personally I think the numbers are fine

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 13:28:46)

@ drianx

I can tell the difference between the two. I was pointing out how this act of kindness could be abused if they infact made it where you would get refunded 30% on all enhanced weapons you brought including sold ones.

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 13:30:45)

I've only spent a few hundred so I'll pick up the lowest cheevo and maybe a hundred varium.

ThePriest -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 13:41:48)

Am I happy? both yes and no.
30% pretty good, too bad that I have sold so many weapons before this. lol

What I wonder about is more the following.
Will it bring back enough, so we can form a good character in the new system?
Thinking very much on those players.

Which is no varium players, as finally manage to get a good character.
Who may not have as much time to farm up everything again.


Varium players who may not purchase varium all the time. But still have got together a good character,


Or simply many varium players who buy a lot.
But right now, maybe they do not have the economy to buy varium. And may not have time to farm up with credits.

That said there are many loyal players in epicduel.
But changing a whole system. That might make their character becomes completely useless.
This Will not benefit the game. One should always take care of their customers that they already have.

Therefore, I suggest. That maybe those first 3 days when Omega comes out.
The players get discounts on the core and so on. So you have great opportunity to get/form a good build.

Because otherwise, I am afraid it will be the following thing.
It is not enough to make a good build = players quit.
Some players have a little more but it costs too much to try all the core and builds.
So they may not be a decent character. = Player quit.

End words with the following thing.

I ask only one thing in omega. Please do as people who have spent time or money to shape their characters,
Will be able to get a good character in omega.
I ask only about this because I want people to play with.

I'm lvl 118 soon 119 to buy varium to epicduel.
And then I have still taken a break from the game 5 times.
And I gave away 2 accounts with beta weapons and so on.
So do not come with this that I just want things.
Then I came back a few weeks ago I bought 4 large pack.
(10,000 varium) plus I have so I can buy two more when Omega releases.
Then I wasting up to 30,000 switching classes. While I wait for the update.

From The Priest the one and only

the final hour -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 13:48:52)

ok wow i dont know why people are complaining and ussually im the 1st one to complain but assuming omega ever gets here this i can live with . i should get a decent cheevo considering ive enhanced since lvl 1 and all the enhanced gear i currently have in my inf. and meh 30% bk as well its a little lower then i may have prefered but its good enuff im prolly gunna get around 10k bk off that on my main .include all my alts god knows probably at guess iw ould suspect around 50k upwards.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 13:53:05)

@the final hour

That's probably why you aren't complaining
You are getting a rare achievement that most varium players won't get, since you have enhanced so much

Cookielord12 -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 13:57:49)

I don't see what's wrong with this.

AllStarLuckii -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 14:19:40)

Not all players have jobs , money isnt easy to come by for some of us as well. We spent our money, on enchantments so we would have an advantage, and a fun gameplay in Epicduel. Now enchantments are being taken away and we get a tiny refund that probally won't be enough to instert one core skill. I feel like i just got hustle'd by a organized game company, because now that they've taken away enchantments we're gonna have to spend more money, to insert skill cores to each of our weapons and armor. All I ask is for them to consider raising the varium refund to 50% or some where between 40%-50%.

the final hour -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 14:33:46)


Not all players have jobs , money isnt easy to come by for some of us as well. We spent our money, on enchantments so we would have an advantage, and a fun gameplay in Epicduel. Now enchantments are being taken away and we get a tiny refund that probally won't be enough to instert one core skill. I feel like i just got hustle'd by a organized game company, because now that they've taken away enchantments we're gonna have to spend more money, to insert skill cores to each of our weapons and armor. All I ask is for them to consider raising the varium refund to 50% or some where between 40%-50%.

i can understand your anger but nexus had a point altho he could of worded it better in omega ull be able to farm npcs indefinately and skill core that way so u DONT have to spend any money if u dnt want to .i cant see them raising the refund now as theyve made a official announcement that said i believe it said it was subject to change but i highly doubt they'll raise the refund .

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =ED= Compensation - January 24, 2013 (1/25/2013 14:34:18)

All I gotta say is thank you dev's! This is a huge service to do for veteran players! I am thoroughly happy with this compensation and cannot wait to get 30% varium back and a cheevo on top!

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