RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (Full Version)

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Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 11:38:24)

Korin is MQ Staff member. Remember, Charfade did and - I believe - is still working with MQ Team which means she has both games. Whilst her priority is in ED nowadays, that doesn't mean she doesn't have duties in MQ.


But yes, they can work at home.
So why does the testing take so long since ALL testers would be working on it, at least they promised that (which they dont always keep)

Because it's weekend, some people have jobs during weekends or time off, some have College/University and important exams (Lycus has had a few already), and they aren't all forced to test, at least not on Sundays (and possibly Saturdays unless it's a late Friday release). Why do you have time off and force them to work? You have right to have weekend off (or Sunday) and tell others to work instead. <.<

Remorse -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 11:40:00)

@ Sir zeph,

Set your mind at ease with the knowledge that they are testing as fast and as hard as they can!

How can I assume that?

Well it is highly likely that they are just as frustrated by how long its taking as us, and probably just if not more keen to get the release out.

Asking them to try harder when they are giving it 100% is really not necessary.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 11:42:24)


Why do you have time off and force them to work?

I have time off because i get everything done before the deadlines, they however dont so thats why they need to work more.
Just because the game is theirs does not mean they can keep breaking promises

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 11:48:43)

And deadlines matter because? The contract made by AE likely states that they work during the week and possibly Saturdays. Sundays aren't mandatory and they aren't likely paid for it (some are also not paid at all) yet work is done. They are humans as well which means they aren't below you only because initial release cut off many features & this time, it's full release hence why it's taking longer.

You have time off because there's no school on the weekends, they have time off because contract may not say they must work on Sundays and there is likely a law for it as well. Why should people put ED over their education/jobs (outside of AE) only because you want it to go faster? Most of the team is still in College/University which is a priority over ED.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 11:52:03)

Don't forget that they are working more than 8 hour days on this project. I know on past releases of a smaller scale than Omega but still a larger scale than a normal update they would pull 10+ hours all week long so chances are they are doing that now and with all the coffee and caffeine jokes being made at Titan's expense I would stand by that even more

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 11:58:19)

^ Deadlines matter because it states for when work needs to be done.
Obviously you never had deadlines or you would know the importancy behind it.

And since you cannot know what the contract with AE is you cant talk about it.


You have time off because there's no school on the weekends, they have time off because contract may not say they must work on Sundays and there is likely a law for it as well.

I only have time off on sundays, since both the companys where i work arent open on sundays during this time of the year. (i work 57 hours a week, so dont go there)
And there is a law for working on sundays, but that varies for sort of companys.
Not all companys get a day off on sunday, that is decided in the contracts.
And since you have no idea what there contract says, you cant talk about it.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 12:33:35)

I think there way of choosing testers itself is wrong ... They should appoint players who could give a lot of there time ... For example ... Ppl who use a lot of forums are the ppl with more time(free) to give their time to game ... A player with at least 1 year of ED exp can pretty much be a tester...

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 12:49:04)

And how do you realise this was done? <_< Only because they are testers, it doesn't mean they are bound by AE to not have any work/school outside of it. Some parts of the year have bigger focus on work/education (exams) which means less time is available. They are allowed to have social life outside of AE as well, if that's the case then there are other testers.
1 year of playing ED to be a tester? That's only relevant to balancing skills and items. Otherwise you just play through the release trying to test if everything works correctly as it should.

cool preston -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 23:33:49)

Testing is at 55% I predict a tuesday-wednesday release!!!! OMEGA is coming guys are you prepared? I am I have 80k credits saved not to mention compensation!!!!

Gl Devs and testers may you never encounter a bug and testing will go smoothly.

Sir Xander -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/3/2013 23:46:11)

They could have this done by the end of monday
They have all day on monday.....

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 0:05:02)

Dont get why they need to be all bug free.
There are always minescule bugs around that we notice even know so.

They will never get it bug-free.
Hope a tuesday release and that the tournament starts this sunday or next monday.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 0:15:40)

@ zeph

Why not since they have the time to do so? Before with weekly updates they don't have a lot of time to crush bugs so we find them when we are playing and bring them up. Sometimes it takes weeks to find certain bugs and others may still be in the system since they weren't found.

The more bugs they find the less chance one of them will ruin game play for us when we start omega. I can name a few bugs from the past that made game very biased towards certain players using certain things.

My Name is Jake -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 1:32:32)

55% hope the release is before wednesday

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 6:08:57)

They have time to do so?
They are already late with 1,5 month.
They dont have time, they run out of time ages ago!

And we still find bugs, so they will most likely never release a bug free update, they never did.

Vypie -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 7:49:34)

They are not late. Omega is taking exactly as much time as necessary. They are not working slower than they should.

They advertised a wrong date/deadline which did not represent reality. It is very hard to come up with a date when it's impossible to predict most of the things involved.
They told us it would come sooner, but they miscalculated.

If they had done it right, Omega would not have come sooner. Instead, the given deadline would have been February from the start.

They don't need to "work more" like you said. They are working very hard, constantly, doing extra hours, etc. They did not mess up the speed of their work. The Deadline just did not represent REALITY in the first place. It would be impossible for them to meet that deadline.
They have even compensated us. And the compensation is for the wrong date given, not a delay in the release.

Summing it up:
The deadline was wrong, and did not represent a humanly possible scenario.
Omega is not taking more time than necessary, nor it is being delayed.

Charfade -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 7:54:33)

The things the testers are testing right now are game breaking bugs. Things that will hang the client and not let you play the game further. Or making sure your accounts are still secure. Testers have to change class several times with the gear equipped to make sure you dont lose anything in your inventory. They also test all the options on every action in the game. Have you ever clicked on a NPC shop and it just went black? That would be a type of bug we are looking for. If you can't complete a mission, that's a problem. Since there is a whole new battle engine, every damage % to ever bot, weapon and armor have to be tested. And in different order and in different combinations with other weapons and armors. As some skills and cores affects other skills and cores.

When a bug is found, some times the testers can move on to other things to test, however sometimes they have to wait until the bug is fixed. The good news is, the testers have worked out a great system, working 24/7 in shifts helping smashing these bugs. It helps that our testers are located in several parts of the world which means different time zones. They are working incredibly hard, and finding many bugs we wouldn't have even known to look for. So, we have pliantly of testers currently for those who are asking. They are doing there jobs very well. Will they get every bug... chances are no. But they will make sure there are no game breaking ones. There is a lot that can go wrong in this release. The most important parts are making sure your account is secure, your items are secure and you can still play the game. The testers job isn't easy, I'd ask that you please do not judge them or assume they dont know how to do there jobs. They are doing fantastic job, and its safe to say there wouldn't be a Omega release with out there help.

And to answer Blitzex/Sr. Zeph comments about work and hours. The Dev staff has been working every weekend and extra long hours every weekday ( 10 - 16 + hr days ) since the beginning of November. Only taking a 1 week break for the Christmas holiday. The testers have also been here with the same amount of hours, sometime putting in more. There hasn't been any socializing or out side activities for the team in well.... weeks. I've only recently had a few weekends here and there because much of my art assets have been checked in. However I'm always on call no matter where I am if the team needs something. I help test when I can, but ultimately I leave that to the rest of the team because they know more of what they are looking for. I check most of the art assets, making sure maps are working, the correct buttons are showing up and missions. Those things are pretty much done and tested now btw. The real amount of testing now is on Titan and Rabbles shoulders, as they prepare and test several scripts that will run when we shut down the servers. Making sure those who ordered the omega pre-order package gets there items in there inventory. That's just one script that needs to happen, among many many others. If we miss something, that would be bad. Ever heard the term, "measure twice cut once?" Well we are measuring many times, with several different rulers... because we can only cut once. Its not like we can grab a new piece of timber.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 8:42:46)

@ Zeph

Just because you might want a buggy game just so you can play the game because you run out of patience doesn't mean everyone feels the same. I would be furious if they weren't doing what they were doing now, rushed the game and a bug comes that would possibly destroy my inventory, or even my character data I worked hard on. Last I checked many of us including yourself have spent real money or time farming offers to get varium for our characters. it would be money down the drain.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 8:46:51)


Imagine you have 40 missions to be done, and because of some bug, you are not able to complete the mission number 3, now how would you feel?? (Cannot go further coz of chain missions)

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 11:07:01)


Just because you might want a buggy game just so you can play the game because you run out of patience doesn't mean everyone feels the same.

Like i said, they will never release a bug-free update, which is confirmed by Charfade herself:

Will they get every bug... chances are no

They must keep their goal on the important ones, not the minor graphical glitches.

As long as the battle engine is smootly and i keep my stuff then im happy enough.
I dont care about the missions and all, since i dont do them.
Only when im bored and have nothing else to do.

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 11:44:30)

As there are no news about the release date, I assume there are 33% chances to be released this week - which means no earlier than Friday night.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 11:48:19)

What do you mean no news....

They said early next week in the latest update.

Plus I dont think they will be doing any official release dates anymore do you? (considering its too risky in case they need more time)

The only thing we can hope for is a ruff estimate and they said early next week.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 12:06:16)

@ zeph

you may not care but I do as well as other people. Anyone who wants to do the missions would be very unhappy because a minor bug was left in the game because they rushed it. Plus who is to say they might not miss a major bug?

You weren't around for it but when blood commander came out some time back it has a bug in it that overpowered mercs if the right situation happened. Two things would trigger this bug. I don't remember the other but one was if you nerfed the buff with the Azreal's borg it made the life gain effect give back 100% of the damage done. If you think that BH with bl and massacre was bad a merc with a nerfed Blood commander back then was far worse and it was a while before they even fixed this bug.

Another bug that came in with the another update was when you did 2 vs 2 one person would be booted and the other three would have to stay there until someone one team completely left since the match wouldn't start.

Those two bugs really annoyed many players and rushing through this just because some people would result in them missing something and we have the be the victims of it. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a victim of a big like this again as it hurts game play big time and makes you have to deal with backlash.

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 12:12:32)

If they do not say anything about the release date for about 3 days, it means it will be delayed. Happened exactly the same 2 times already. Just wait and see.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 12:21:44)


You weren't around for it but when blood commander came out some time back it has a bug in it that overpowered mercs if the right situation happened. Two things would trigger this bug. I don't remember the other but one was if you nerfed the buff with the Azreal's borg it made the life gain effect give back 100% of the damage done. If you think that BH with bl and massacre was bad a merc with a nerfed Blood commander back then was far worse and it was a while before they even fixed this bug.

Another bug that came in with the another update was when you did 2 vs 2 one person would be booted and the other three would have to stay there until someone one team completely left since the match wouldn't start.

Not really good statements since i specifically said:

As long as the battle engine is smootly

Which means that everything inside battles are fine, balanced.
Your bugs are part of the battle engine so those statements are not fitted here

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Weekend Progress Report - January 26, 2013 (2/4/2013 12:46:20)

@ zeph

Regardless of how you may feel it still doesn't give them the excuse to go all out on the battle engine and go half heart or no heart on everything else. Those who care about the other things will be upset about this and there will be complaints from many player about it.

Better they get all the bugs they can possibly find then just work in one area and leave the rest for the players to find.

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