FINception! (Full Version)

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Balu -> FINception! (1/28/2013 10:31:45)

Location: Engineering Deck
Quest Given From: Gravlax
Requirements: Level 55


Gravlax: How good of you to offer your help! Ever since we found a strange machine floating in the middle of the Gygax system, and brought it onboard, we have all had trouble sleeping. No one has yet figured out what the machine does.
Gravlax: We know the machine is very, very old... possibly more than a hundred millions years ancient, in fact. It has a control system but we haven't been able to decipher it yet. However, we know it is dangerous, somehow.
Gravlax: Everyone who has come near it has experienced disrupted sleep patterns, sleepwalking, and even worse. There have been a few-- accidents. So we have just moved the machine to a lab unit on Gygax-2.
Gravlax: I need you to go there and see if you can help figure out the machine-- at least some way to turn it off so it might be studied safely. Glabbus jibbly!!
  • To Gygax-2!
  • Back

    «Scene: The LSS Alteon flying through space. Your WarpFighter flies out of the Hangar and to the planet Gygax-2. You descended through the trees and come to a small, metal shack, in which there is the strange machine.»

    «You»: Dr. Rem--? I'm here from the Alteon.

    «Dr. Rem enters.»

    Dr. Rem: Ahh, «You»! Sorry. I was taking a nap.
    «You»: Really? And how much do you get paid again?
    Dr. Rem: Heh. Well, since the Machine has been here, all we can do is nap occasionally throughout the day. If we fall asleep completely-- well, that is when the trouble starts.
    Dr. Rem: This-- we've been calling it the Dream Machine-- seems to be able to pull things from our subconscious, but only from someone who is in dream-stage sleep.
    Dr. Rem: It seems to only work within a range of 30 miles or so. Which explains why we've located this base on a sparsely colonized world.
    «You»: PULL things from your subconscious? How so?
    Dr. Rem: It is unbelievable, but-- the Dream Machine makes things REAL! we believe it uses quantum replication, only instead of copying a physical object--
    Dr. Rem: -- it copies a DREAM OBJECT as the sleeper experiences it, and then reproduces it as a PHYSICAL OBJECT in the real world.
    Dr. Rem: It is so far beyond our understanding as to how it actually does this that we are quite certain it must have been built by a civilization far more advanced than our own.
    «You»: Okay, I can definitely see how that could be bad, in a lot of ways. So, Gravlax wants us to shut it off so that it can be worked on safely.
    Dr. Somnambulant: (off-Scene) Dr. Rem!! Another emergency! Dr. Znor just fell asleep again and he had that nightmare where the Devourer's Network sends minions after him because he's their biggest threat!
    «You»: So does that mean that Network aliens have suddenly appeared in the lab??
    Dr. Rem: Yes it does! Dr. Znor keeps having that same dream. It's even more ridiculous because he's only 5 feet tall and weighs 105 pounds. How could HE be their biggest threat?!
    Dr. Rem: Ahem. Anyway, we could use your help to clear out the Network minions.
    «You»: No problem. I'm all about saving the day!
  • Fight!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    See below for Monster Encounter List.

    Dr. Rem: Whew-- You took care of that quickly!
    Dr. Rem: While you were gone I had a breakthrough and was able to narrow down a location of a shutoff switch for the Dream Machine. However, the switch is a VIRTUAL one--
    Dr. Rem: -- I will need to go to sleep and DREAM about finding the switch in order for the switch to appear in REAL LIFE.
    «You»: ..... You want me to look for the switch. Where is it going to show up? What will it look like?
    Dr. Rem: It could show up, conceivably, ANYWHERE, though I'd expect somewhere within some thousands of miles. And, well, I am hoping it looks like a switch of some kind.
    «You»: You definitely managed to narrow it down, all right. Well, okay. Let's do this.
    Dr. Rem: I suggest you fly to planetary orbit to give yourself a wide search view. Off to bed I go. Dr. Alpha, prepare me a cup of SleepyTime tea!

    «Dr. Rem leaves.»

    «You»: I hate you, Dream Machine.

    «Scene: On your WarpFighter as it flies in planetary orbit.»

    «You»: Alteon, I'm in low orbit around Gygax-2. Dr. Rem has entered dream state now.
    «You»: We should be seeing SOME change in our scans shortly, once something manifests from his brain...

    «Scene shifts to your communicator, upon which Gravlax's image is shown.»

    Gravlax: «You», we're having some troubling power fluctuations aboard the Alteon...
    Gravlax: You said the Machine makes my dreams REAL? Oh my... I think I see some power lines turning into... gulp... blood vessels...

    «Scene shows outer space, in which the Alteon flying. It suddenly stops, and strange, multi-colored pulses surround the Alteon. They change shape even as the Alteon does, into a giant manta ray.»

    «You»: Alteon-- you just turned into a gigantic manta ray!!!
    «You»: Alteon, come in!
    «You»: Oh man... Are they even all still alive?! I need to board the ship ASAP!!

    «Scene: The Bridge, which has turned into a mess of manta ray internal organs.»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Admiral, I do believe that our starship has transformed into a titan-sized living thing!!
    Admiral Amada: You're most definitely CORRECT, my dear Queen, and we seem to be IN ITS GUTS!!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Would you wind taking your hand off of my tail, please?
    Admiral Amada: I'm sorry, but it is kind of... STUCK there...

    ««You» enter.»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: «You»! I had heard you were assigned to Gygax-2 for a mission!
    «You»: Never fear, Your Highness, I'm here to save the day, again!
    Admiral Amada: Does this travesty have something to do with the "dream machine" we sequestered away on the planet below??
    «You»: Yes, it does. Say, have either of you happened to see anything in this big jumble of intestines that looks like a-- uhh-- SWITCH?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: A switch?! In all of this mess? No, I can't say that I have...
    ???: (off-Scene) One, two... Freddy's coming for you...
    «You»: Where's that voice coming from??

    «A strange crow wearing a hat flies in.»

    Freddy Crowger: Why, it's coming from ME, you featherless freak!
    «You»: !!! I don't think you should be one to call someone ELSE a freak! Who the Heck are you supposed to be, anyway?
    Freddy Crowger: I'm your worst nightmare-- Freddy Crowger! Actually, I'm Dr. Rem's worst nightmare.
    «You»: That's funny. I don't find you frightening at all.
    Freddy Crowger: Hmf! I'll make you eat those words!
    «You»: Sorry, I don't eat crow.
    Freddy Crowger: Prepare to feel the sharpness of my claws!!!!!
  • Fight!

      1 BATTLE: Freddy Crowger
      Full Heal

    «You»: Would you look at that! A great big switch just appeared after I defeated Freddy!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: How-- convenient! I suggest you flip it, before it turns into something else!

    «The switch is flipped. The Scene turns dark and returns to the appearance of a hall in the Alteon.»

    «You»: Whoa-- Everything looks-- REAL again!
    Admiral Amada: Good work, «You»! I can't even count how many times you have saved the WarpForce, or us!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: «You» deserves a medal. Perhaps a Medal of Heroism?
    Admiral Amada: I will work on that...
    «You»: Dr. Rem, this is the Alteon, do you copy?

    «Scene returns to the lab on Gygax-2.»

    Dr. Rem: We're in good shape on Gygax-2, Alteon! Thank you!!

    «Scene is outer space. Your voice is projected from the Alteon.»

    «You»: We're safe and sound! Now, what trouble can we get into next--?

    «Scene shows Freddy Crowger flying off-Scene.»
    Mission Debriefing:

    You've done well, WarpForcer! With the Dream Machine deactivated, Dr. Rem and his team will be able to complete their analysis of it without worrying that their nightmares might become reality-- again!

    To top it all off, I've heard, ahem, rumors that SOMEONE is going to be receiving the highly coveted Medal of Heroism. That SOMEONE might want to consider not letting such a high honor go to their head, though. The WarpForce needs us focused on our mission, defeating the Network, and not bragging about how we won the Medal of Heroism...
  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Dream Ray mk13
    Dream Ray mk14
    Dream Ray mk15
    Dream Ray mk16
    Monster Encounter List:

    Level 55-68
    Alien Zard (50)
    Big Gray (50) <-- Bugged! Currently Epheel (60)
    Exo Clawtrooper (55)
    Fusian (60)
    Gologowl (60)
    Jerroto (60) [Original]
    Kilikiero (60)
    Malzar (60)
    Nechron Dicero (57)
    Niv (55)
    Predecessor (60)
    Skull Drone (55)

    Level 69-88
    Exo Krillscout (65)
    Gathoran (74)
    Giant Skitter (64)
    Malzar (70)
    Nechron K1773R (65)
    Nechron Scoutship (69)
    Niv (73)
    Skkree (65)
    The Goo (70)
    Virin Behemoth (64)
    Virin Spider (66)

    Level 89-97
    Exo Clawtrooper (90)
    Exo Krillscout (85) <-- Bugged! Is currently FrogZard (0)
    Fusian (95)
    Fusian (83)
    Gathoran (94)
    Nechron Exo (83)
    Nechron K1773R (85)
    Nechron Scoutship (89)
    Skkree (85) <-- Bugged! Is currently FrogZard (0)
    Skull Drone (95)
    The Goo (90)
    Virin (83)
    Virin Behemoth (84)
    Virin Spider (86)
    Vor-Dem (88)

    Level 98+
    Big Gray (100)
    Dark Noctherezza (95)
    Fusian (95)
    Ice Noctherezza (95)
    Nechron Dicero (97)
    Nechron Exo (103)
    Nechron Protean (101)
    Predecessor (100)
    Protus Symbiote (100)
    Skull Drone (95)
    Tytoa (98)

    Monster Encounter List thanks to In Media Res. Quest write-up courtesy of ArchMagus Orodalf.

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