Undead Tydlee Wynx (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Undead Tydlee Wynx (2/1/2013 14:21:53)

Undead Tydlee Wynx
Light Element
Level	8	28	48	68	88	108	128	148
XP	45	82	242	983	4722	24854	137920	794488
Gold	48	85	242	980	4725	24849	137920	794494
Power	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5
Melee	24	29	34	40	45	50	55	60
Ranged	24	29	34	40	45	50	55	60
Magic	24	29	34	40	45	50	55	60
EstHP	130	430	910	1540	2280	3110	3990	4900
EstMP	130	280	510	780	1110	1520	1960	2460

STR	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
DEX	15	50	80	115	150	180	215	250
INT	15	50	90	125	160	200	235	270
END	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
LUK	10	40	70	100	130	160	190	220
Fire	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	120
Water	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	120
Wind	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	120
Ice	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	80
Earth	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	80
Energy	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	80
Light	120	120	120	120	120	120	120	120
Dark	80	80	80	80	80	80	80	80
  • If it has at least «» MP, it spends that much on a spell for increased damage.
    Level	8	28	48	68	88	108	128	148	
    MP Cost	58	112	176	249	331	422	522	630
    This infamous moglin villain-turned-friend has been turned Undead by a powerful Lich!

    Write-up by whackybeanz. Basic stats by Scakk. Effect thanks to BlackAces.

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