Zombmoz Kabak (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Zombmoz Kabak (2/1/2013 14:22:33)

Zombmoz Kabak
Darkness Element
Level	8	28	48	68	88	108	128	148
XP	114	202	584	2351	11340	59644	331004	1906781
Gold	25	45	128	524	2519	13252	73558	423729
Power	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5	2.5
Melee	7	12	17	23	28	33	38	43
Ranged	7	12	17	23	28	33	38	43
Magic	7	12	17	23	28	33	38	43
EstHP	150	520	1110	1880	2780	3790	4860	5970
EstMP	130	280	510	780	1110	1520	1960	2460

STR	15	50	90	125	160	200	235	270
DEX	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
INT	15	50	80	115	150	180	215	250
END	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
CHA	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
LUK	10	40	70	100	130	160	190	220
Fire	175	175	175	175	175	175	175	175
Water	65	65	65	65	65	65	65	65
Wind	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	140
Ice	25	25	25	25	25	25	25	25
Earth	65	65	65	65	65	65	65	65
Energy	140	140	140	140	140	140	140	140
Light	175	175	175	175	175	175	175	175
Dark	25	25	25	25	25	25	25	25
  • Regenerates «» SP per turn.
  • If it has at least «» SP, it spends that much and pulls a monster out of a portal and eats it (heals Kabak), before unleashing a breath corresponding to the monster it ate.
  • Each status effect may be resisted.

    *The Corpsicle breath leaves you frozen in ice! Hey, that isn't fair - Kabak's not playing nice!
    **You shiver and sneeze, but you're bundled up tight! Kabak's frozen breath will not ruin your night!

    You flicker and flame and you simmer and singe! Kabak's blazing breath makes the best fighters cringe!
    ††Although his breath weapon is insanely hot you live through the worst, and on fire, you're not.

    With manners obscene, Kabak's burp so outrageous leaves you coughing and sneezing and fairly contagious!
    ‡‡Although Kabak's breath is chock full of disease, you dodge the worst of it with relative ease!

    ^Cursed mummy gold fills Kabak's nasty breath and you find yourself shaking, afraid of undeath!
    ^^So Kabak tries to scare you by breathing some gold? You've seen it before, and his tricks are quite old.
    Level	8	28	48	68	88	108	128	148	
    Regen	14	24	34	44	54	64	74	84
    SP Cost	43	84	132	187	248	316	391	473
    MP Cost	58	112	176	249	331	422	522	630
    Frigidere's magic's controlling Kabak! Beat him up, break the spell, and get our villain back!

    Write-up by whackybeanz. Basic stats by Scakk. Effect thanks to BlackAces.

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