In game Fame button (Full Version)

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kru3ial -> In game Fame button (2/10/2013 7:01:52)


Raffillia -> RE: In game Fame button (2/10/2013 8:37:49)

I support this.

You'll waste 10 seconds opening a new tab and 1-uping them through the present method. It can prevent a player from viewing critical information during the battle, too.

Betabot. -> RE: In game Fame button (2/10/2013 9:40:42)

It would be helpful, but it could also cause some headache for some players at the same time. They could replace the achievement checkbox next to ally chat with a fame checkbox, seeing that you can access achievements another way now.

@First Post, please don't have caps for every letter.

Stabilis -> RE: In game Fame button (2/10/2013 10:22:30)

Destroy fame! Or at least use a payment referral system in its place, the harassment is undying.

Winters Key -> RE: In game Fame button (2/10/2013 11:23:02)

Reason: Let's go to world 7 for a fun chat! :D
Everyone: ZOMG F4F?!?
(In battle): Hi!
Opponent: f4f?

Mother1 -> RE: In game Fame button (2/10/2013 14:45:03)

Not supported in the least. While I don't mind fame this will only cause more unwanted harassment.

willendorf -> RE: In game Fame button (2/10/2013 14:54:26)

^ I don't think that it will... It would make it far easier to fame people which I think would lessen harassment.

Mother1 -> RE: In game Fame button (2/10/2013 15:18:04)

@ Willendorf

There are people who don't want to fame period in the game because they think it is pointless or stupid. When those players say no while some just leave it be others just persist even without this function. It would only get worse for these people since it will get the persistent fame askers/beggars "there is a button on the page you have no excuse not to fame me."

kru3ial -> RE: In game Fame button (2/11/2013 20:34:53)

I think everyone will be happy with this because people want to get famed

In game when i ask for F4F i fame people. people don't fame back n i would love to know if i get famed or not n there should be a fame button

Who think so too?

Mother1 -> RE: In game Fame button (2/11/2013 21:11:01)

@ Kru31al

While this is true, it will also cause unwanted harassment from people who don't want to fame or don't do fame. I mean think about it. While some people are nice about taking no for an answer there are those extremely persistent ones that will keep going until they either get what they want or the person who doesn't want to fame leaves. On top of that it will give them "There is a button there to fame me so why not just fame me and get it over with?"

Besides the original purpose of fame wasn't even suppose to be an in game fame system but something you earn outside of the game. In the past I used to support this idea, however now I don't since I have seen the nasty side of the fame feature and what it does to some people.

classifiedname -> RE: In game Fame button (2/11/2013 22:27:08)

^even though some people think its stupid, others don't. i don't speak for the majority of people when i say this... but the only reason i dont fame people is because im lazy. other people might know where im coming from.... you have to open a tab.. wait for it to load... which could cause lagg for slower computers , making you miss out in a battle.. then you gotta click fame up and memorize the number so you can tell other people... if i there was a fame button i could press real quick without the need for opening anything new on my browser i'd fame everyone who asked in battle. I don't know any other reason not too ~ supported

kru3ial -> RE: In game Fame button (2/12/2013 0:22:51)

i'm just saying fame button would be better for people that don't want to peon new tab or that got a slow pc and it would help with the lagg

Mother1 -> RE: In game Fame button (2/12/2013 0:27:19)

@ kru3ial

I am not saying that it wouldn't help those people. There are people who want to fame others but can't due to lag. However at the same time as I stated before it will bring out the worst in others. If someone says no they don't want to fame it should be left at that, but some people as we all know will beg the person anyways. This idea will just add more fuel to that fire meaning add more ammo for that person to harass the other person.

theholyfighter -> RE: In game Fame button (2/12/2013 0:31:50)

Nice idea. I support.

From what mother1 said, IMO the one being begged overall decides whether or not to fame.

kkongpowcow -> RE: In game Fame button (2/13/2013 22:17:13)


drekon -> RE: In game Fame button (2/14/2013 0:04:36)

This should be added to the FSI list. If the current method of "Faming" is done so to expose users to other areas of the website, then I understand. If not, then there's no reason why an in-game Fame button shouldn't be made.

For everyone's convenience, perhaps the in-game button would give +1 Fame for each click and the Character page button would give +2 Fames for each click. This would give players easy access to the fame button, but also encourage them to visit that other area of the website.

kru3ial -> RE: In game Fame button (2/14/2013 18:28:09)

I Supported. They need to make fame button because allot of people ask for fame.

Jack Nitrous -> RE: In game Fame button (2/15/2013 15:28:51)

i support

J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> RE: In game Fame button (2/15/2013 15:34:49)

I don't support. As I can see, all the people who have supported this say "F4F" and therefore you all harass other players.

I don't agree with the EpicDuel system anymore and how things are being run now-days due to the massive money problems that have pursued over the years. Such as Fame.

I think if anything, fame should be removed and you can only access the players webpage (to fame) via a link out-of-the-game or via the homepage. I think this would stop the aggressiveness towards famer's and spammer's in-game and throughout the EpicDuel society and community.

Mother1, I like your perspective and reviewing comments (:


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