RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (Full Version)

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Desmodus -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (2/28/2013 0:55:33)

^Oh! Sorry, I couldn't fully remember. I just used another "U" word that meant "top tier" in my mind. Ok, Ultimate Bat of Extreme Rage. That does make more sense.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (2/28/2013 22:17:14)

Sounds awesome

Combat dummy -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (3/2/2013 21:46:38)

@CyberBeast: Stencil Of Apprentice.... CHECK
Re-Stencil.... CHECK
Coloring.... In Progress

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (3/3/2013 0:06:29)

*Sniff* It's beautiful. Can't wait to see it finished!

Redingard -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (4/16/2013 22:39:19)

I see free art. I feel as though I want some.

...wait, I already made a request. Let's just go with the request I already made.

bruextian -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (4/17/2013 13:15:38)

Just wandering, Is this shop for hire?
Cause I don't have any thing else to do so, why not try to apply?

jayk the pikachu -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (6/1/2013 18:07:22)

Artist Request: (Cyber Doom5 or Combat Dummy)Dosen't matter who does it

Character Name:The Splintered Man

Appearance Description: Male,Grey eye-color. Has Short, Spiky,white hair that ends at his ears. He wears The Chronomancer Armor from AQW but it is broken and cracked in some parts,The Clock on it's back is missing the minute hand and he carries the Temporal Tyrant Blade as his Weapon

Stage 1:This is the standard appearance description. It should be noted, in addition, that he takes a standard standing animation NOT a Battle Stance

Stage 2: His Face is now partly covered by a Broken ChronoCorruptor Helmet.He now wears the Chronocorruptor but it is now missing parts of it that reveal the Chronomancer armor underneath,his Clock has been replaced by a Chaos Eye and he carries the Chronogear blade as his weapon

Stage 3:His Face is now as it was in Stage 1 except now his head is covered in scars,he wears the Timekiller Armor which is near completely cracked and scratched.
He carries the Timekiller Scythe but his 2 older weapons float behind him and the Chaos eye has been replaced by a splintered skull
Inspiration: When Father Time was released it reminded of the Chrono-themed Promos in AQW and i wondered what they would be likenot just OS Style but also with some minor and some major differences

LigerBeard -> RE: Oversoul Character Design Shop (6/28/2013 13:49:03)

Alright, I've sent my request in. If you need my idea for the backstory, let me know so that i can send it to you.

Let me know when it's done, can't wait to see it.

JediSpartan -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (7/9/2013 15:32:20)

Hey, if it's not too much to ask, could you OverSoul-art-ify a version of Obi-Wan Kenobi? Just kinda curious as to how that would look.

Here's a picture that (although may not be needed) could help.

I really would like the cloak in the picture, but I understand if you can't add it.

Thank you. I know it'll look great.

dragonfire1423 -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (7/17/2013 1:12:50)

I um... I don't really know what Phase is.
Artist Request: Doesn't Particularly matter to me (^_^)
Character Name: Salem, The Monochrome Devil

Appearance Description:

Idle Design:
Same as the Battle Design, except he now simply carries his scythe on his shoulder. When he runs he drags the Scythe through the ground.

Battle Design (Main one):
Physical: Slim, Pale, and black hair. One white eye and one black eye. And a Maniacal smile on his face. (kinda like Revontheus, but different facial features.)He has one black Demon wing, and one white Angel wing.
Stance: His stance for this weapon is only holding it with his right arm, with the handle pressed up against his arm. He points the weapon in the direction of the opponent. His body's position has him facing 90° from the opponent.
Weapon: A black Scythe made of rigid shadows. The back of the blade, where it meets the pole, is decorated with Black and White gears, turning in place for eternity. The Scythe is easily the length of a tall man, with a blade the length of a small man.
Clothing: A Black tuxedo with a white trim. Black pants and shoes. Basically more formal attire.

Inspiration: It's my RP char. Design itself inspired by my philosophy around Innocence, Guilt, Justice, and Judgement.

Srry if it's hard to draw due to all the Black and White (X_X)

I thank you in advance, even if it's declined (^w^)

NOTE: Please PM me the link if/when it's done.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: Cyber Doom5 and Combat Dummy's Oversoul Character design shop (7/29/2013 21:53:33)

im so sorry to everyone that i havent gotten around your requests ive been really busy with getting ready for college and working 2 jobs

ill try to get around to it when i have a chance just keep posting [:D]

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