Bring back the rusted assault bot (Full Version)

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Mother1 -> Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 15:21:42)

The topic says it all. I know the rusted assault bot and Assault bot has the same effect, however at the same time the type of attack each bot has is different. One is energy the other is physical. The reason why I am bringing this up is because some people might want the assault bot's effect but instead need the physical version of the attack instead of the energy one. Removing this bot just because the old varium one how has a credit option in some cases reduces variety especially since the bot was never rare to begin with.

DeathiZClarity -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 15:45:45)

In the future you'll be able to equip your robot with different skill cores.

classifiedname -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 16:31:47)

i think the reason it was removed was because of the fact it was "rusted" , but i see your point, i agree they should bring it back as a physical assault bot not a rusted one

Assassin01 -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 17:08:52)

Since it's a PvP drop it should come back. Didn't they say that PvP drops would return?

Mother1 -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 17:16:04)

If you look at the finder bot you will see it said the rusted assault bot as a legacy item and it has no price for it. Plus I went to the junkers who would normally sell the rusted assault bot and saw that it was gone.

DeathiZClarity -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 18:02:42)

Good think i kept rusted assult bot on my alt, its gonna become rare, very fast.

hijinks -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 18:06:14)

I want the rusted assult bot back too. :c

Vypie -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 18:16:03)

I should not have sold my extras :< atleast their sell price increased a lot.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 18:30:40)

I think it should return
But don't get me wrong, I don't mind
My str merc alt managed to pick it up to get rid of debuffs, who woulda thought it'd be rare

Drangonslayer -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 18:57:47)

The Devs should have announced all things that were going to change without us having to find out.

Assassin01 -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 21:26:17)

Yeah you were right,a legacy item. Then I support your idea. I still have mine,but for those who'd want it they should be able to get it.

NDB -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/11/2013 23:46:28)

Rusted Assault Bot isn't available? Bull crap. Please bring Rusted gear back.

Nightwraith -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/20/2013 12:14:18)

Rusted Assault Bot will be returning, minus the rust, and its damage will be bumped up to be equivalent to the Assault Bot. It will likely be stocked on the Overlord Guard at the same price as the Assault Bot.

Mother1 -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/20/2013 12:37:26)

Thank you nightwraith for answering my cry. I already have the bot myself, but others might have been in need of the bot for variety.

Omega ^~^ -> RE: Bring back the rusted assault bot (2/21/2013 3:07:15)

I was gonna get it when I saw it was gonna :O

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