RageSoul -> The Longer the Better (2/14/2013 5:44:14)
Intro : To my fellow ED players , Omega had already come in as easy as pie way fashion . Suppos that you guys are pleased right now because there's better balance in store , but because majority of the complainers are saying ,"Omega should be released.... NOW!!," ( which i assume most of those were social medai site users like Twitter followers ) the "promised future" turned into a total wreck , because balancing , in reality , isn't as easy as it seems and i was both pissed off and surprised that it was immediately released in just a few weeks of February . Not that i'm blaming here or saying "I'm better than anyone" , just expressing my reason why i'm suggesting an idea. One of those is the pricing : Credit gain relationship . As we all know NPCs now give low Credits ( it's understandable since it's unlimited challenging for "easy" Credits ) . But the fact that items that are Seasonal-Rare are limited by time , you wont be able to make those just for one weapon if you're going to go PvP because of the wrecked balance. The Idea : I'm seeing players suggesting ,"Lower item prices," but others say ,"No , it's unfair if they get lower" , so what would my proposed solution be ? Deflate prices ? Nah , no need too . So what i have in mind is making them stay longer , like 1.5 - 2 months span instead of the usual 1 month . That way , we can still have a win-win situation : Varium players still can get their time advantage while Non-Varium players are able to be equal in terms of getting certain items that they want . Then when there new weapons coming out , the current weapons must stay for 1/2 - 1 month just for them to be released ( Promos are exemptions ) . Example : Let's say it's Saint Patrick's Day ( Event ) , and you wanted Celtic Cleaver , but you couldn't afford it because you have no time to farm , so instead of it lasting for only until April , it could last until May or June , but before it leaves , the next weapons will come first before it leaves . Well , that's all i can say for now , so i'll start farming right ... about ... NOW!