New ranged primary attacks for mages~ (Full Version)

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ReinVI -> New ranged primary attacks for mages~ (2/15/2013 5:44:15)

NOTE~ this is a purely cosmetic suggestion and in no way affects balance in any way shape or form

ok let's face it the only mage that would realistically be wailing on a opponent with a staff would be a BM ( since there insane/ beserkers ) but why would a techmage
do it? there a master of energy spells and more.. why would they do something as "brutish" as hit someone with a staff? ( aside from it sometimes being funny )
why don't they make the primary attack for mages look something like overload except the source of the bolt is the staff ( use plasma bolt animation where you point
the staff forward ) and the bolt comes out and strikes the intended target or something like that? this of course still can be blocked etc it just makes sense that a mage
maintains range.. at least from a "realistic" stand point and it would make mages seem more magey if they did this.

PS. for those who possibly still don't understand this does not make it a ranged attack ( like side/ aux ) it's still a *strike* so can be blocked and does strike damage no more
no less

i like bounty hunter -> RE: New ranged primary attacks for mages~ (2/15/2013 7:57:03)

Support Though some sharp weapons should still have the original strike

Stabilis -> RE: New ranged primary attacks for mages~ (2/15/2013 8:03:25)

I would think it would be fine if the Mages threw their Staff or that it would propel from their hand then return.

classifiedname -> RE: New ranged primary attacks for mages~ (2/15/2013 9:29:59)

supported, makes perfect sense

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: New ranged primary attacks for mages~ (2/15/2013 10:19:17)

Meh, we have alot of illogical stuff happening in there (A book that shoots).
Its fine like this.

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