New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (Full Version)

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Baydraze -> New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 8:43:37)

I think the amount of credits you spent is very much in omega, if you imagine you need new cores on new weps and u dont drop items so lets say

you dropped 1 broken item out of 100 wins

if you win 100 1v1 battles you get 32 x 100 = 3.2k

you used to drop like 1 robot each 1000 or something = around 7k

for 1000 battles that meant

3.2k x 10 = 32k
1k x 10 = 10k
1 x 7k = 7k
Total: 49k = around 50k(if you are not lucky) for 1000 wins

now you get: 1000 x 32 = 32k(without any factors) for 1000 wins

Also where are the suggestions we want for like 4 years. Not one is implemented

what do you guys think about this 2 ideas?

Stabilis -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 8:51:38)

Still, the cost of credits and varium should have a big gap in between, raising the value of the individual varium so that more people will buy it.

I mean, 7000 credits to get a temporary core, 500 varium to do the same thing. 500 varium is 2.5 dollars approximately American/Canadian, and 7000 credits is really 1-5 hours depending on the player's speed. To me this does not equate in a balanced rate of exchange.

DestruRaGe -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 11:04:09)

I think that they should enable pvp drops again asap.

hijinks -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 11:53:30)

Agreed, farming for credits is quite slow these days.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 13:17:59)

32 credits tooo less .. it should at least be minimum 50 credits. With all expensive items in omega, 32 credits is nothing ...

Ranloth -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 13:24:42)

And devalue Varium even more? Yeah right. If you find it too little and too long to farm, get some Varium and get it quicker. That's why it's here. >_>

Dual Thrusters -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 14:57:23)

PvP drops=quick credits. Devs wanted to make sure credits were something you worked hard for. If you want items fast then just buy varium.

axell5 -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 15:10:20)

well i do either one of the red infernal insects.

Vagaran -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 15:12:41)

There is no need to get fast credit. Varium was made to be shortcuts so those who was too lazy could just buy it with Varium. With increased credits, Varium would in the end turn completely useless and have no value at all as everyone will earn the credit in no time. It should stay as low as it is now.

Warmaker04 -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 15:18:20)

vegaran pay attention that the BHs in Delta were 150 HP and 9 smoke 8 mass and 7 shadow art max blood lust.
Imagine if they get a fight against non varium player. they take all the winning advantage.
atleast now if the BHs are still that the players have higher change.
The idea is to have some balance not everything to be Oped and UPed.

Regards to the eight misters who dared to talk at me with this pleasure

Snaipera -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/16/2013 15:55:13)

I'm fine with the current rates of the credits . However I do think they should enable the Arcade again so that I can win myself a home . :D

zzzz.... -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/18/2013 7:21:09)

ya items are hell lot costlier in omega., atleast make NPC farming easier if there is no plan to increase credits from battle. a new weapon costs 15k (non rare, simple weapons) atleast and equipping it with cores makes it 30k. i can tel u i'v spend my most saved credits already in few weapons and trying out builds, and earning them seems tad more difficult.
hope devs do something about it soon.

EpicCoconut -> RE: New ways of faster and more credits+new battle modes (2/18/2013 14:18:41)

If credits are easier to get than why would anyone buy varium?

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