Emotes in battles! (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


DestruRaGe -> Emotes in battles! (2/16/2013 20:45:33)

Hi heres my suggestion.
Make emotes usable during battles, any mode. You would execute them like now, through chat.
I think that it would be a nice touch, just I dont know if implementation would be so easy and unproblematic.
What you think?

Betabot. -> RE: Emotes in battles! (2/16/2013 21:48:47)

Personally, I can see this turning out to very problematic. To even wave your hand, they would need to write quite a few more scripts and in-game you would need to drop your weapon. This would look silly if someone was attacking you at that moment.

Sorry, but not supported.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Emotes in battles! (2/16/2013 22:30:23)

you have two hands, one hand could drop and hold the weapon, and the other could do the emote.
i would suggest an emote for this. thumb to nose and wave your fingers back and forth [:D]
but TBH, idk if i support this or not. it would probably cause the lag monster to get a burst of
gamma radiation and triple its influence...

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