Actions (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


button33 -> Actions (2/16/2013 22:31:13)

In AQW, there are many actions you can do. In Epicduel, there are some, but I feel like there should be more.

An example is when you type in /jump, you jump. Maybe we should add more of these, as it would be pretty interesting.
Lets start a list of these. Post your ideas here.

/psy - Start doing Gangnam style.

King Oranges -> RE: Actions (2/17/2013 0:40:47)

/ed- takes out an computer and starts playing epicduel.
/race- pretends to race to a point that you click.

RageSoul -> RE: Actions (2/17/2013 3:09:16)


/psy - Start doing Gangnam style.

Err , how would this look like in 2D?

Stabilis -> RE: Actions (2/17/2013 9:37:18)


You would just do the horse-riding motion facing both ways.

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