LeaderBoards (Full Version)

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King Oranges -> LeaderBoards (2/17/2013 0:47:02)

So i was going for 2v2 daily and fame i couldnt help but get really really angry at the people going for leaderboards even though they have won it before.

so i was thinking, that if the person thats 1st thats won the daily cheevo, they dont receive the cheevo again(technically).
And if the 2nd or 3rd place person already got it too well 4th place gets it.
and it go's on and on until 15th place.

I reckon its a good idea.
But before someone says that someone has 1st place on a daily by trying to win the faction 1v1/2v2/jugg, well thats wwhat this idea's for right?

f4tal1tY -> RE: LeaderBoards (2/17/2013 1:32:38)


Thats why the achievement is called Champion. Win it fairly, think about it this way. First guy has 1000 1v1 wins, 2nd guy has 100. The first guy has already won 1v1 so he can't get it again, so the 2nd guy deserves it? No. This achievement is the result of hard work and dedication towards the game. If you want it, work for it.

Sorry :/ Had to be said!

Mother1 -> RE: LeaderBoards (2/17/2013 1:33:59)

Not supported in the least. The point of the daily cheevos is to be the person who got the most for that day. Getting it just because the person who is in first place already has it and you are in second not only removes the purpose of this cheevo (which is to the best person for that day in X area) but it is spitting in the faces of the people who worked hard to get this cheevo.

King Oranges -> RE: LeaderBoards (2/17/2013 2:57:43)

hm. ok thats a good reason.

NDB -> RE: LeaderBoards (2/17/2013 4:02:30)

Pretty sure it's already like this?

Mother1 -> RE: LeaderBoards (2/17/2013 4:08:30)


If it was like that, then I would have the Juggernaut cheevo since the one time I had got second place the person ahead of me already won it.

King Oranges -> RE: LeaderBoards (2/19/2013 2:56:00)

Hm.. if i make it you get the cheevo if your around 10-15 wins behind?

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