TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Double money and exp? and other things (2/17/2013 8:49:05)
its obvious that you do not think deep enough, raising each level means that more balance adjustments is needed, and our current balance is still in a bad state. varium has got quite a huge nerf, now you expect features that makes varium players feel a bit more special available for everyone? no...just no. it doesn't matter if you do not mind, if you don't mind it doesn't mean others won't, its their money that you are talking about, one wrong move and ED drops like a boulder. if the game turns out like what you suggested then I'm sure no-one would bother getting varium. and this is not delta anymore, now non variums have a 50/50 and sometimes even 70% chance in winning against a varium player, they have fun winning while getting credits after each battle to get a step closer in getting the things they want, its a win win situation for the non variums, I'm sure that we do not need to add another win on-top of it. there is nothing stressful about doing pvp now. we do not agree cuz it is common sense. memberships is the worst idea ever for a game, it greatly benefits hardcore players but its a complete waste of money for casual players who has more important things in life to take care of, it is a unfair system, more people in AQW get ACs than memberships.