TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Incentives For Playing Till The End In Team Battles (2/19/2013 15:21:01)
Please don't give me this, players doing 2v2 play to be creative and not care about losing nonsense, Players try to be creative yes, an abusing in creative ways still count but they are still abusing and the same % of people want to win at all costs in 2v2 as it is in 1v1. now you are just not making sense, there is nothing creative about abusing a stat, you just put loads of points into a stat, get decent health and defenses then go into 1v1 or 2v2, i don't see that as creative in any way. quote:
On the million to one chance it slightly increases the amount of OP builds, the bigger problem people face is leavers, Having no regard for this fact is more selfish IMO. Also 2v2 is the EXACT same with spammers, if not a lot more..... If you honestly cannot see that you must be blind. how do you know its million to one chance that this suggestion would increase stat spammers in 2v2? its more like 60% chance, worrying for the battle mode is selfish? XD now now, making false accusations again, show some proof if you would, i would show some of mine, there is one abuser in every battle but 3 others who isn't, atleast that beats 1v1 greatly. quote:
Plus you are yet to explain properly how this solution would EVEN IN THE SLIGHTEST have ANY effect on increasing the amount of "op" builds. I"m starting to wonder if you have read through all of my previous posts........ this suggestion is just bribing people to stay in 2v2 with more credit rewards, that is a good solution but not the best, I'm sure there is a solution out there but not this. you might think that I'm overreacting but I'm just thinking outside the box and the possibilities of unwanted consequences.