Impartial Skill Cores (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> Impartial Skill Cores (2/18/2013 11:50:56)

Be able to place any weapon/armour-specific skill core without limiting the placement to 1 active and 1 passive. Such as: 2 active cores or 2 passive cores on a weapon/armour.

ThePriest -> RE: Impartial Skill Cores (2/18/2013 12:17:45)

Like the idea that you have.
But would like to do well then maybe a small change on the whole.

The introduction of a third type of cores, As you can place anywhere, even in both places.
Which are unique in the way that you should not be able to make any to mutch OP build with them, so to speak.
If you understand what I mean, my English is maybe not the best haha.

Remorse -> RE: Impartial Skill Cores (2/18/2013 12:34:53)

Not supported,

It would be much harder to balance the game if this was the case.

And its already hard given the past history and current state.

Stabilis -> RE: Impartial Skill Cores (2/18/2013 15:03:39)


This PVP game would not be anymore difficult to balance than it is now.

ND Mallet -> RE: Impartial Skill Cores (2/18/2013 15:08:46)

Combining skills such as Chairman's Fury, Thorns, Jack-o-Fire, Meteor Shower and other future or present unblockable strength based skills would be problematic. It's bad enough with them having one unblockable already, 2 counting gun. Giving them a third one(4th if you're a BH/CH) is going to be unbalanced. Even more so if there are more cores that debuff. Imagine a Str BH with Smokescreen and a core that debuffs dex as well with Meteor Shower.

Stabilis -> RE: Impartial Skill Cores (2/18/2013 17:29:42)


Easy, we implement pairing limitations on such cores. Like: no equipping the Primary weapon's DOT core with the stunning core (figurative).

King Oranges -> RE: Impartial Skill Cores (2/19/2013 3:03:26)

Not Supported
People will just figure out a loophole and create unstoppable core combos.

Stabilis -> RE: Impartial Skill Cores (2/19/2013 7:44:42)

Because we have "unstoppable core combos" already? [&:]

Remorse -> RE: Impartial Skill Cores (2/19/2013 8:31:22)


Perhaps we all just don't like the idea, for the fact we like only 1 of each,

And the fact if they could balance it this way some how it would take way to much time for such a little reward of it gives a reward at all.

Place, balancing something like this would not be "easy" at least not given the current history of balance.

Sorry depressed, this is one of those suggestions that even if it had it's kinks sorted out it would not be worth the effort.

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