Energy Azrael Promo (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


DeathGuard -> Energy Azrael Promo (2/18/2013 18:46:53)

I suggest that Devs make an energy promo based on the Azrael promo since some would prefer having energy version rather than physical version. I think classes like CH and TM would be helped with this.

ThePriest -> RE: Energy Azrael Promo (2/18/2013 18:53:49)

it is 2 guns and 2 aux in the promo allredy ???

Mother1 -> RE: Energy Azrael Promo (2/18/2013 19:18:22)

They already did this.

Mecha Mario -> RE: Energy Azrael Promo (2/18/2013 19:59:00)

This is already done. Since its already in game, locking this up.

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