ARENA (Full Version)

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Wonderweiss77 -> ARENA (2/18/2013 22:34:28)

its an arena to earn things like credits or whatever. every player that participates, fight's against each other to raise there ranks and the higher the rank the more credits they earn.
[1] - 5k credits, arena champion achievement , free head design.
[2-10] - 3k+ credits, free head design.
[11+] - 100+ (higher the rank the more credits)

(there would also be a cool down, so you would have to wait about 30 mins to challenge another person.)

King Oranges -> RE: ARENA (2/19/2013 3:01:33)

Not Supported

Because firstly.. you get a free armor, and everyone's gonna just use 2 accounts to farm and gwt the credits and rewards.
secondly.. the credits. that much credits is crazy! and everyone's is going to abuse this feature for the rewards and not play the othe things epicduel tried to direct people to.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: ARENA (2/19/2013 3:14:57)

nope, the rewards would put ED off of business, so therefore i strongly do not support, if it was like 10-30 credit increase then i might support, but 5k-10k is ridiculous.
the idea is fine but the reward is not fine in any way.

theholyfighter -> RE: ARENA (2/19/2013 7:11:33)

Remove the varium part...
Then it's fine for me.

Wonderweiss77 -> RE: ARENA (2/19/2013 9:00:53)

well yeah, the rewards are high but thats because there could be more then 1k players participating in the arena, meaning its going to be tough to raise your ranks. and it was just an example of what it could be like, im not saying it should be that much credits/rewards

theholyfighter -> RE: ARENA (2/19/2013 9:18:08)


(Modified to the way I'd like it to be)

[1] - 10k credits, arena Achievement, free head design.
[2-10] - 7k+ credits, free head design.
[11-100] - 5k+ credits.
[111+] - 100+ (higher the rank the more credits)

By the way, just to ask, don't ranks start at Rank 1?

Wonderweiss77 -> RE: ARENA (2/19/2013 16:00:04)

well it could, but for me rank 1 would seem better

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: ARENA (2/19/2013 16:11:17)

I would support if it only gave visual things and achievements, no currency.

UnderSoul -> RE: ARENA (2/19/2013 17:10:12)

Seriously lower the credit amounts, remove the varium, and add a cheevo and I'll support.

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