Back the exp on Npc even not recorded... (Full Version)

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Hero3vilzero -> Back the exp on Npc even not recorded... (2/20/2013 2:30:32)

please if u cant change the lvl 5 gap please just back the EXP on challanging npc cuz its to hard to kill if u are 5 lvl's gap, even their is no enchancement!!!!!!!

Mother1 -> RE: Back the exp on Npc even not recorded... (2/20/2013 2:34:17)

not supported.

This is suppose to be a PVP game not a PVE game. Doing this would defeat the whole purpose of what NPC are now for. If you are having trouble beating people maybe you should change your build or find ways to counter your opponents builds better.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Back the exp on Npc even not recorded... (2/20/2013 4:32:04)

why should it be back? exp=experience, you do not gain any battle experience from fighting NPCs so it only makes sense, also for the reasons that mother1 stated.

Remorse -> RE: Back the exp on Npc even not recorded... (2/20/2013 4:54:20)

I agree with mother and trizz,

Weird IKR, since we usually have conflicting opinions on almost everything :P

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Back the exp on Npc even not recorded... (2/20/2013 5:05:22)

@above because your definition of fairness is completely different from ours, me and mother1 think alike.

Remorse -> RE: Back the exp on Npc even not recorded... (2/20/2013 5:19:08)

Their is actually ethical definitions that explain our different concept of fairness.

I am probably more, Utilitarian: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

And you guys are probably more, Justice: An ethical decision is one that distributes benefits and harms among stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impartial way.

None of them are incorrect and well all have different traits of them all.

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