Characters (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


The Incredible Hulk -> Characters (2/20/2013 13:13:53)


This Friday we will also be doing a database sweep, cleaning out thousands of characters that are over a year old, level 1, and never upgraded. We cannot reserve a name for anyone in advance so be ready to login Friday as soon as the release goes live to claim your name!

Can't you delete the alpha characters which were any level (1-25 levels) and haven't been on for 1/2 years? You know why... I want my name. I want 'Hulk'!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure Hulk hasn't been on for at least a year or 2 and must have quit.
His still level 25 (For delta and Omega).

Sorry for complaining.
Hope You Understand.


Could I contact the developers about this so I could have this name?

Mother1 -> RE: Characters (2/20/2013 13:23:53)

Unless they changed their minds about not deleting people with rare items, no alpha characters will be deleted since just about all of them have the ultra rare items from that phase.

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