Workers (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Wonderweiss77 -> Workers (2/20/2013 16:32:04)

well.... this suggestion is to tame workers. Everyday at 9:00-10:00 AM/PM you get 5% of the credits your worker has made from power hour. To tame a worker you have to fight a person thats 5 levels lower or higher then you. You only have 5 chances to either TAME, FREE A FRIEND, RESIST YOUR MASTER. To get more chances you have to buy them with VARIUM or wait 5 days for more chances, If you purchase them with varium you get 15 chances. If your a worker, you can resist him or team up against him with a friend/faction mate 5 lvls lower then you or you can have your friend/faction mate, thats 5 lvls higher then your master, free you. and those who already had tamed a worker can lose them if they (the master) becomes a worker of someone else. the maximum of worker a person can have is 5 BUT you have to buy slots, the 1st slot is credits and the last 4 you have to purchase them for varium.

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: Slaves (2/20/2013 16:34:10)

Please change it to something more friendly, like worker bots or something.

Xendran -> RE: Slaves (2/20/2013 16:34:44)

Not only is this a bad idea, but calling it "slaves" is the worst possible thing this game could be doing right now.

Vagaran -> RE: Slaves (2/20/2013 16:35:47)

...Okay slavery...That's new...


This isn't friendly...

Wonderweiss77 -> RE: Slaves (2/20/2013 16:36:29)

.....couldnt come up with a friendly way of calling it :I

Mother1 -> RE: Slaves (2/20/2013 16:52:54)

Not supported in the least. You are support to earn your credits not gain them without really working. This would not only devalue credits, but could cause even more inflation then there is now.

Vypie -> RE: Slaves (2/20/2013 16:57:05)

If i were to give it a different name, I would call them "Minions", or "Disciples". The name "Master" could still be maintained this way.

I don't support the idea, though.

Trae -> RE: Workers (2/20/2013 19:47:28)

not supported

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