Mercenaries (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Wonderweiss77 -> Mercenaries (2/20/2013 17:09:56)

pretty pointless but whatever. you can temporarily hire a person for 1 hour to earn influence for your faction but only 15% of the influence is contributed to your faction and mercenary cannot donate tokens. the person that used to be in a faction and has quit cannot join a new faction or be hired by anyone for the next 24 hours. (you can only hire one person per hour.)

Vagaran -> RE: Mercenaries (2/20/2013 17:12:35)

...Yes this is pretty pointless and doesn't make much sense...

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Mercenaries (2/20/2013 17:25:08)

Can you rephrase that?
It was kinda confusing...
But if it meant pay a player to earn influence for your faction, then no
Not supported

Wonderweiss77 -> RE: Mercenaries (2/20/2013 17:33:52)

yeah you pay, but its not much maybe about eh.... 100-500 credits

King Oranges -> RE: Mercenaries (2/20/2013 23:17:20)

So Basically its a cheaper but slower influence getter like geoge lowe?

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