"You now pay to lose." (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Drianx -> "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 2:58:33)

OK, I have paid alot for this game and I do NOT want to read such frustration and hatred around.

Therefore I am asking for a mute chat button again.

I know it has been suggested countless times. I did it myself countless times already. And really devs, what could be the reason you would not want to do it, since it is so simple?

I do not need advice like 'get over it', 'keep your cool' and such. I know what I need for an enjoyable gameplay, that's why I wrote this thread.

It is dumb not to support this, because if you really want chat, you could simply leave the mute chat button inactive and enjoy the incoming badmouthing.

Omega ^~^ -> RE: "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 3:02:50)


Mother1 -> RE: "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 3:12:18)

Already in the Frequency suggested ideas dude, however even so I do support it. While in 1 vs 1 and juggernaut you can unclick the chat button without problem in 2 vs 2 you can't without worrying sacrificing seeing your partner's text.

Drianx -> RE: "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 3:20:06)

^ The Chat tickbox only hides the chat log. You can still see the chat bubbles. When the mute chat button is pressed I want to see no chat at all.

Again, it's only a matter of choice, who wants chat will be able to have it, just like it is now. But I don't.

The only form of chat that should be allowed in Mute mode should be the Buddy Private Chat Request.

Trae -> RE: "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 9:28:54)


Ilaiga -> RE: "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 12:30:45)

support 1000000000000000000000% , it is very annoying that due to the last changes the newbies can now call hardcore players losers and even worse , so from all of my heart i support

Melbourne -> RE: "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 12:33:30)

I get called a noob when I lose to level 35's... And I am level 31. It doesn't really make much sense to me but I support because I'm tired of being called a noob ;)

ThePriest -> RE: "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 13:50:03)

support 100%

.Sir Lazarus. -> RE: "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 15:05:33)


I cant stand the disrespectfull kids calling you names and every single guy at the end of the fight calls you a noob.... Thats so pathetic it makes me sick to my stomack...

Im an emperor and i play this game for fun, not for fricking 10 yearolds calling me names in my spare time.

Mecha Mario -> RE: "You now pay to lose." (2/21/2013 18:56:06)

Locking this up, since it falls under the FSI. The FSI contains a list of frequently suggested ideas that have already been discussed among the devs, so suggesting the idea over and over again sadly is ineffective. Its either already considered, rejected or already planned but can't implanted yet for whatever reason. Until then, the only advice (I know you don't want to hear that) I can give for you guys is to simply ignore and report them.

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