=MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (Full Version)

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The Odor -> =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 11:06:07)

Oh yes it is indeed true. I have recieved the honour of becoming an Archknight. This is my first MTAK (Meet the Archknight) ever since this is my first AK postion. Here you can ask all the odd, stalky or just general questions you may have for me but first some rules.

1: No more then 10 questions per post and only 1 post per page.
2: Don't edit in more questions into your old post if I have already covered the first questions.
3: I will answer all questions no matter how personal (You still have to keep it PG-13 though) but I reserve the right not to give you a satisfactory answer.
4: Try your best to first find the question among the ones others have posted instead of repeating questions.
5: Any repeated questions are likely to be directed to the first question.

My answers will be in this colour.
Now go nuts.

Gingkage -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 11:10:11)

Hi, The Odor!
Hi Gingkage.

First things first, congrats and welcome!
Thank you very much.

Now then, I always ask a question, and then give a gift on my MTAK questions, so here goes.
Oh gifts... And questions...

First, the question. If you could have any one thing from any book, movie, cartoon, or TV show (for the purposes of this question, manga and comic books count as books, and anime count as cartoons/TV shows), what would it be?
Hmm... Iron Mans armour. (Not the sentient one)

Now the gift. *holds out a box* In this box, there is an infinite supply of one thing, and one thing only. What's in it?
Time... Just what I needed.

Hm... I have eight more questions I can use, should I so choose to.

What are you most looking forward to in your time as an AK?
Working with such a wonderful group of people... And nomming spam.

That's all for me. Congrats again, and good luck!
Thank you again.

runekiri -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 11:10:34)

First of I would like to congratulate you on becoming an Arch-Knight! You deserve it![:)]
Thank you.
Knowing you as well as I already do, it will be difficult to come up with any questions that I don’t already know the answer to, but I guess we should give it a go anyways, shall we? [:D] (That is a rhetorical question by the way. You may not answer “no”, or anything with with similar meaning.)
So I shouldn't say anything in this area?

1: Being the warmonger that you are, I feel like it would be appropriate to ask a few questions about that for starters. Out of all the wave-counts you’ve managed to get during the wars of DF, which one was your highest, and how high was it?
That would probably be the Final 13:th... I know for sure I got over 10 000 waves.

2: High wave-counts don’t really say all that much though. For one thing, some wars last far longer than others. Which war are you the most satisfied with your contribution to?
That would be the first Rift War since I got a good length story and a respectable amount of waves in.

3: Warring aside, you also write stories in the L&L section of the forums. Could you give us any hints as for what your next story will be?
Your characters backstory.

4: I know that your favorite AE-game is Dragonfable, and I’m quite certain that you would consider MechQuest your second, but do you have a third, and if so which one?
Pony VS Pony.

I believe that’s enough questions from me. Good luck with your new tasks as an Arch Knight, and I hope you find the shackles to be comfortable. [8D]

I love the shakles. All purple!
Have a pleasant day.

muhijsjaps -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 11:19:32)

Hellothere, Warmaster!
Hi there Wizmaster.

First things first - Congratulations on becoming an AK! I really think that you deserve it!
Thank you.

First question: Out of the whole time I've known you, you have never told if you prefer pineapples or apples. Which ones do you like more?
Such a tricky question... I'll have to say apples.

Second one: Have you ever abought something that you regret buying? If yes, what was it?
A really bad laptop adapter when I could have saved a lot buying a brand name one...

Third question: Would you prefer Earl Grey or espresso?
Earl Grey.

Fourth one: If you could hang out with anyone in the whole history, who would it be? You would understand eachother fully, language barriers disappear.
William Shakespear.

Fifth question: Do you prefer PURPLE or orange?

Alrighty then, these are all of my questions for now!

Well, see you soo, and good luck with your AK duties!
Thank you.

Elryn -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 11:25:42)

*Elryn eyes Odor*
*The Odor warily looks back.

*Elryn grins*
*Elryn grabs*

*Elryn crushes and flails Odor around like a ragdoll in a bearhug*
*Is crushed*

*chuckles* Another warmonger amongst the Archknights. Well met Odor and congratulations.
Thank you very much.

Question time.
Oh noes...

Which of the two pieces warring music do you find better for warring: Number one, Number two?
Number two.

Which of these two piece warring music do you find best for the final rush: Number one, Number two?
... Trickier... Number one but only since it's longer.

Weapon of choice in war?
The spear.

What abilities does Odor have and use while warring?
He is proficient with many weapons, has good grasp of several magical fields (But prefers necromancy) and a good mind for strategy and tactics. He uses all his skills but he can usually be found on the frontlines fighting with spear and necromantic magic.

Where does Odor live? Falconreach?
He has a castle in Doomwood.

Favourite warring music of your own choice?
Indestructible by Disturbed or The Copper War by the Cog is Dead.

Which war is your most favourite/best war to you personally and why?
The first Rift War. So much done and such a great feeling of suspense.

I think that is all for the moment. Also, your war story from the last war was fun to read. *grins* Well done.
Well I had great character material. [;)]

Legendium -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 11:53:32)


Nice to see you made it onto the team. I knew you'd get in eventually.
.. Can you see the future?

I'm not going to ask about the shackles. Too generic, and I find it a bit overused.
But... They are purple?

Right. *rubs hands together*
*Cracks neck*

So, first of all, why necromancy?
Hmm... Well I guess I always had deep intrest in the macabre and all things dark and you can't get much darker then Necromancy...

What's your outlook on paladins?
... I don't mind them as long as I get to do mah thing.

Do you like green?
Third favorite colour. (Beaten only by black and purple)

What is ten to the exponent of 233 multiplied by the square root of seven, divided out into several pizzas, delivered to lions, decomposed, used to fertilize a tree, and then multiplied by what resides inside Cysero's brain?
... Half a slowly burning lemon?

Do you enjoy writing?
I love it.

Can you take a guess at what Legendium really is? >.> <.<
You? Or a legendary compound material?

I doubt you got that right. I'm not far enough in my story in the L&L yet. So no one but me knows! Bwahahahaha!
Yeah probably not.

Ahem. Anyways. How exactly would you pronounce the names of many of the AE staff? Like Cysero spoken as Sis-ero, or Sci-sero?
As I have always pronounced them...

Why the name "The Odor?" I find it a bit odd, considering what an odor is.
Ah... An expected question... It's actually a spiltting of my name with a " " that I started doing before I knew english properly. I refuse to change since I really feel the English language needs to learn to adapt to my needs.

Have you RPed before?
I run a IRL tabletop RP-Group.

I had this really great last question, but it slipped my mind.... Ah well. I'll just stop pestering you.
D'aww I was just getting into the groove.

Anyways, I'll see you around.
Not if I see you first. Then I will see you around.

*Turns into a horned lion and leaves a lion amulet behind as a gift.*
*Takes amulet.*

dragon_monster -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 12:30:04)

Hi, The Odor!
Hi dragon_monster.

Congratulations on becoming an AK!
Thank you.

How strong do you think the hero of Dragonfable is?
As strong as he needs to be.

Do you think he improved since the day he beacome a hero?
Yes I think so... He seems to screw up quite a bit less.

Do you like manga especialy action manga?

What is the name of your dragon form Dragonfable?

Good luck with your new tasks as an Arch Knight.
Again thank you.

Joerte -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 12:30:24)

WARR! Congrats on your akship

Same to you.

How are the shackles?

Llama's or Moglins?
Moglins of course!

Narwhals or Walrii?

The torture will end for now. *Poof*

Oh thank god.

WarMongerRave -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 13:02:46)

Hi The Odor
Hi raveolot87.

Congratulations on becoming an AK!

Thank you.

Do you perferre DBZ or Yu Yu Hakusho

... Not informed enough to answer.

How do you beat a paladin

With anti-wasabi?

walk's away and leaves Time amulet (aka it a watch [:D])

Yay! I needed another one!

god of insatily -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 13:15:37)

fades into sight resting on my throne with my muticolor eyes blazing
I dig the eyes.

congrats on your AK'ship and chains
Thank you.

how true to you think this quote is "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
I don't really believe that.

reality warping or every orther power there is or will be?
Hmm... The second one.

how well do you think this describes the DF comunitey and/or the warmongors. “I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it”
Very well.

some orther quotes about insanity
"There is a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.”
“For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.”
“Reality is the #1 cause of insanity among those who are in contact with it”
“Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense”

so have you read the mazelam books of the fallen or the wheel of time

what do you think of the DF comunitey both during and not during war(complaing about the insanity is not an aceptable answer)
Of course I like the community both out of and in wars.

what do you think of warrior by distrubed
Don't think I have heard it.
shhh no one else should know but please let us get past page 30
well I'll be seeing you
See you to.
fades away leaving a note with the word BANKAI on it

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 13:17:00)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*
*Studies the rising firgure.*

Greetings and congratulations on thy archknighthood, The Odor.
Thank you.

What are thy thoughts on the recent events in AQ regarding necromancy?
Sadly I dont really play AQ...

What is thy favourite AQ monster?
Same as above...

What is thy favourite DF monster?
Hmm... The flying Mogkee maybe...

Does thou know of my legacy?

Should the above answer be yes, then who wears black and who wears blue?

May thou persevere in thy duties.
I will do my best.

*Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*
*Watches the succumbing form*

Char -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 15:42:52)


Gratz on AK.
Thank you.

How do you feel about waffles?
Big fan.

Bigger fan.

Big fan.

Big fan.

Big fan.

moar cookies!?!?!?
Even more of a Bigger Fan.

*pauses to take a breath*
*Takes breath.*

Whats your position on the number 42?
I am okay with it.

Can you swim?

Can you dance?

Can you Sing?

and the final question is....
*drum roll*

What Odor?
No Odor.

*takes deep breath*
*Sprays air freshner.*

Bye! Take care.
Cya around.

Smog -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 15:53:52)

Hey bud

Congrats on geting AK bud
Thank you.

so first and most important question do you like spoons?
They are okay.

Secondly have you ever been to new brunswick?

Finaly have you ever tried fencing?
Yes and I enjoyed it.

but any way congrats
Again, thank you.

Baron Dante -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 16:09:35)

Hi Razen!

Squid Ink Coffee for you?
Nah I am trying to cutback outside of wars.

Okay... this is an important question.

Where does your Odor come from? Because the Odor in you must be very strong in this one.
I am odor free... But my Odor is indeed strong.

Also. Are squids the greatest animals of the land, the sea, or the sky?
Hmm... I am not sure.
*blends in the inkspill*

Melissa4Bella -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 16:12:15)

Hello, there!
Hi Mel!

Not going to ask questions, are you suprised?
No questions?

Just want to welcome you to the DFGD team :)
Aww thanks...

Oh and, one other thing... Beware of the "bloo"... they're trying to take over! [>:]
I'll be on the watch.

Caststarter -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 16:13:30)

Well, hello there Odor. Congratulations on the Archknight position.
Hello Caststarter. Thank you.

Now, for your daily round of silly or not questions.

How are you at the time of this posting?
A wee bit rushed.

Why do you call yourself the "Dark" Necromancer?
Because I am an dark necromancer?

What do you think the opposite of void is?
Bacon. Plain and simple.

If so, what would happen if it met it's opposite?

Out of all of the books of the world, what do you think is your favorite is?(If no books, then L&L can count.)
I must say that would be Skullduggery Plesant Deathbringer.

What are your thoughts.. on bandits? :P
What about bandits?

Do you think they can do good?
Definatly! They can steal all of the spam!

Well, that is all for me, bye Odor, congrats again.
Bye! Thanks again.

Have a good day!
Same to you.
^No they are not, they are friendly they can ever be. :P

DJ9K -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 16:14:56)

Cheese? (Most important question ever)

I must ask though... you may be an archknight.. but do you know any arkknights? o.o I need a good ship to carry my creations pets on, but the others couldn't fight back as my lovelies destroyed them any pirate or warships that attacked us...
Sorry I don't do boats outside of TLAPD.

I'm kinda bored so I add in, What's your favourite genre of music?

Dragonlord Blurok -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 16:34:26)

Hail The Odor! Time for some random questions.
Hi Blurok. Random me!

What would you do if someone rang the doorbell, slapped you in the face with a sausage, and ran off laughing like an idiot?
Probably look suprised...

What would you do if you got a prank call from a gorilla?
Call it back!

Have you ever wanted to build a hobo fort?
Not really.

A wild Mankey appears!
*Enters fighting stance*

What is your favorite kind of undead?

That's all for now, bye.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 16:48:09)

I knew I smelt your stench around here hero.....Greetings The Odor, we meet again. Come to foil my plans again?
*Sniffs* I only smell dead fish. Of course I will foil them. If I didn't why would you have to make new ones?

If you know me I ask the same questions on every mtak thread...
I recall that.

Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
The wonderous Melissa4Bella.

what color are your shackles and.....may i tighten them?
Purple and... *looks at blue hands* I think they are tight enough...

Ready to play?

Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?

Does this shirt make me look fat?
Eh.. Not really... Bird tends to be lean.

Does it make you look fat?
*Looks at ribs* Not really.

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the DF GGD? Did you party, dance....
I danced through my house.

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I haven't thought of one.

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix! May the undead penguins eat you alive!
Of course I will. Cya Nix! I can deal with your penguins!

BraveSirRobin -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 17:19:05)

Your an Archknight?


Okay now with the questions.
Of course there would be questions...

What is your favorite character of any game?
Hmm... Cormag from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.

Cause he is an awesome dude on a dragon.

Why are you carrying a photon torpedo?
I admit NOTHING!

Why are you a necromancer?
I always had deep intrest in the macabre and all things dark and you can't get much darker then Necromancy...


How many people have you brought back from the dead?

You remember me right?
Of course.


Are you afraid of San Robin robbing you for cheese?
I don't like cheese.

Cats or purple?
Purple cats.

Oh man Im out of questions.Well congratulations on being an Archknight!Nice chains by the way.
Already? Thanks again and I polish them daily.

Myra -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 17:47:56)

Hi Odor!
Hi Myra.

As a necromancer AK, will you specialize in reviving dead threads?
Thread Necromancy is the lowest of the dark arts!

I actually just stopped by to say congratulation! Other people can think of better questions.
Thanks for the 'gratulations.

Razen -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 18:03:13)

@Baron Dante: 'Sup?
So there was a reason.

Hi...uh...me?(I'm confuzzled) The Odor? I don't know why one of my apparent analogs would choose such a bizarre name. So, mind explaining that one to me? It's the least that me can do for me.
Ah... An expected question... It's actually a spiltting of my name with a " " that I started doing before I knew english properly. I refuse to change since I really feel the English language needs to learn to adapt to my needs.

If you haven't gathered by now...after someone addressed me with a greeting rather than Gingkage in her MtAK, since then it became somewhat like a meme.
Ah... I hadn't seen that.

Do you agree to this hashtag, #RazenForAK2013?(I had NOTHING to do with this...the publicity that I apparently get these days...) Not that I personally care, but it is instead for all of my fans*.
Making you an AK is out of my hands... But it looks good.

What is your favorite quest in Dragonfable? Why?
.... Not sure. To many good ones.

How would you describe your character?
Determined and inquisitive.

Can I shamelessly advertise my fanfiction here?

Your response to Dante makes me think that you forgot me? This is true? [:(]
Most certainly not.

* Disclaimer: I cannot actually verify if this very small minority is actually a group of fans or not. I cannot back any of my claims with numbers, and I genuinely declare that all my statements should be disregarded.

He permitted it.

Jet Silver -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 18:35:01)

Congrats on becoming an ArchKnight!
Thank you.

*sniffles* I still remember when you were one of my generals during the Final 13th war. THEY GROW UP SO FAST. ;___________;
It was an honour.

*Summons an undead slow loris with a tiny umbrella* It is your final test dark necromancer. TAME THE BEAST.

If you manage to tame the loris it will hit things with its umbrella for you. Good luck. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
Huzzah and thank you.

Dragonman -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 18:55:45)

My favorite smell became an AK :P!
Thank you

So on to the questions...
Oh Noes!

1. How're you doing?
A bit stressed... My laptop is broken...

2. Favorite Quote?
Not sure... I like a lot of them.

3. Favorite Food?

4. Favorite Quote About Food?
Eh... Not sure....

5. Do I get Three extra questions because the last three questions weren't actually questions, just phrases with a question mark at the end?
Sadly not.

66. Should I take that as a no?
You should.

7. Can you think of a campaign slogan for me?

8. If yes, what is it? If no answer this math question: 28(78X)+5=Y, with Y being your awesomeness (measured in kilohertz per millimeter) and X being the amount of campaign slogans you made for me (measured in grams per degree Kelvin). What does X equal?
For a Warmongerer in office! FOR DRAGONMAN!

Vote for me and goodbye!
I already do.

Warmonger Starsaber -> RE: =MTAK= The Necromancer is knighted (2/25/2013 18:57:15)

Congrats on becoming an ArchKnight! old friend!
Thank you.

I see how it is leaving me in the dust of being an old timer but no AK-Ship, I feel so Old!!! [:(], but any way I leave you with 10 of my super muffins!.
Thank you.

Question 1: What is your Favorite Book Series ?
Skullduggery Pleasant.

Question 2: Whatis your favorite Old T.V Show ?
Does Stargate SG1 count as Old?

Question 3: If you could have a Super Power what would it be ?
Oh man... I have discussed this to death and I am most certainly undecided...

Question 4: How long have you played DF for, and when did it start ?
08/09/2007. It started in October 2005.

Question 5: If you could have a Magical Animal for a Pet what would it be and where would you keep it ?
A flying Mogkee. It would flatter over my shoulder.

And that's all and maybe one day I'll join you and the other AK's but until the come here you big Oaf Bear Hug Time!!!! *Squeezes Odor with might of the Warmonger* now eat those super muffins they shall keep you strong!, from Starsaber's Buffin Muffin Shop!.
Keep following the rules and be active and it might happen! *Is hugged.* I have never been called big before. *noms Muffin*

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