Mad world (Full Version)

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jesse30 -> Mad world (3/5/2013 1:17:59)

Foreword: not sure how often I'll be updating this it's been awhile since I've actually written anything I just had a bunch of OC's that I wanted to do something with and writing a fanfic for em sounded like a good idea, this story is going to be loosely based on me and some friends adventures in mine craft so forgive me if the plot seems a bit all over the place.� <Comments and discussion.

Prologue one: The boy lost in the snow.

Snow and ice danced in every direction, a stunning Pas De Deux as the two primal forces of ice and wind collided into a flurry of movement spiraling every which way. From an outside perspective it might even be considered relaxing. Unfortunately there were no outsiders to spectate this stunning marriage, if there were, perhaps things might have turned out differently.
A lone child forded his way through the blinding sleet unaware which direction was home, the frost having long ago pierced through the flimsy protection of his clothing. Panic his only companion as he desperately tried to force his way through the near impenetrable blizzard, the boy slowly began to lose all thought the hail biting at what skin was exposed and ice slowly creeping through his soaked clothing. A cacophony of thoughts roared inside his head. “Am I going to die? What will my parent’s think? What happens next? What was the point of my life if I die now? What about my friends? Will they move on? Will I be forgotten? Will it be warmer? I don’t want to die… I don’t want to die…” His vision began to blur, each step becoming harder and harder, slowly his thoughts began to die out as he felt his front legs begin to buckle ‘is this it? Does it all end here? But it’s hardly begun…. In the last moment before he fell forward he saw his entire life flash before his eyes and disappear one by one his parent’s, his friend’s, his hobbies, his favorite memories, and his least favorite ones, childhood crushes and moments of shame as well as old achievement now so distant, each began to flash out one by one
ironically the boy loved the snow, he was born in the snow and he had lived most of his life in it, he remembered making numerous attempts to build an igloo when he was younger, he remembered having snow ball fights and camping on a frozen lake with his friends. He remembered building snowmen to keep him company on lonely winter nights and he remembered seeing his first crush under the moonlight her firey red hair a stark contrast to the gentle snow that fell down all around her. He smiled at the thought that the thing he would probably miss the most about living was coming in from the snow feeling the sting of his body warming up.
That last of his thoughts flickered by leaving nothing but darkness as he quietly faded into death.
The boys eyes flickered open as he caught himself last second from plunging face first into the unforgiving snow, he had to keep moving. He couldn’t give up, all other thoughts completely abandoned in his head he could only think of one thing, to keep moving forward, no looking back. He was going to survive, he had to survive. Through pure force of will he pushed one numb leg and then the other through the Voracious field of frost each step a battle not be swallowed whole. His body shrugged off the utter lack of heat and the cold that burnt his lungs with each breath. He would not stop, he could not stop, he had to survive for some unknown reason. He kept moving forward until all consciousness abandoned him and the only thing in all of existence was one foot in front of the other…

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