Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (Full Version)

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DavidBlastcutter -> Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 16:18:31)

I bought Warp Force a few months ago because i fell in love with the game after i found it when looking for a new game to play. I adore the game but when i came to the forums i found the place almost dead. [sm=dewlok.gif]I was just wondering if there were anymore devoted warp force players still out there! if you are reading this and find yourself fitting to this description comment down below.

My second point was to ask which battleon game i should play after i complete warp force! I will definitely play AQ3D but was wondering which of their older games is worth giving a shot. i was thinking original AQ or DF. comment your thoughts below!
Thanks and....Battle On![sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 17:23:16)

hello there lone warpforcer, I'd recommend original AQ to try out first but if you're looking for something a bit more different then DF is definitely for you, Mechquest is also an option.

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 17:36:16)

which game has the most character customization and most updates and will not being dying soon? it looked like DF was that game but their other games looked interesting too...

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 17:47:53)

Honestly, in my opinion I'd say DF has the most customization but AQ is the superior game.

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:00:43)

which one would you personally enjoy playing the most and which one has the best story and flashiest attacks and cool classes?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:02:43)

I enjoy AQ the most but DF is definitely the one with flashier things.

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:08:52)

which would u honestly suggest i try first? and do you or have you played warp force?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:11:06)

Up to you, depends on what you want more, they're both good in their own way.
I used to play WF but stopped once the updates ended.

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:23:03)

what are like 3 pros and cons for each game. and yeah im bummed i may not have bought it if i knew updates were done!

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:25:40)

I don't know they're both good, just pick one. [8D]

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:36:43)

okay sounds good! of all the battleon games ever made what was your favorite?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:39:42)

AQ for me, definitely. [:D]

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:43:45)

okay sweet! ill totally try it out! i started it but couldnt find what quests to do or a story to follow or anything! what do i do?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:47:15)

AQ doesn't have 1 single storyline to follow (it has many!) so just explore you're bound to find something interesting!

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:47:45)

hmmm okay! where should you recommend starting off?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:49:13)

just exploring, doing random battles to level up, that's what I did when I started.

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:49:51)

what do you mean by "exploring"?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 18:52:03)

just click on the screen, talk to npcs see what they got for sale and what quests they offer then check the map! maybe check the new events button for the latest stuff.

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 19:07:59)

when i do that it seems that everything is above level 1 (my level i believe)

and....if i decide i want to continue with AQ when should i buy guardian?

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DragonlordKhan -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 19:12:13)

Then you may want to try and click the 'Battle Monsters' Button in the bottom right spot of the screen, in battleon. Doing a couple of battles'll bring your level up pretty fast.

Edit: And if you would want to purchase guardian, I would recomend soon after you start playing, or the time when you feel is right. It's not an exact science, buying guardianship, but I would recomend it; since there's so much more that's unlocked with it. Also, if I'm correct, buying G-ship can get you certain armors; currently I think it's the... White knight armor for Guardianship? I may be wrong.

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 19:14:42)

if you decide to buy guardianship I'd say as soon as possible but it's entirely possible to enjoy the game as an adventurer through all of it.

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 19:17:48)

what is the difference between guardian and x-guardian? is it worth boosting up to x?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 19:22:01)

x-guardian just makes it easier to gain xp, it's not really necessary.

DavidBlastcutter -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 19:22:47)

is X not even worth getting?

DragonlordKhan -> RE: Loyal Players/Next Battleon Game to Play (3/11/2013 19:23:23)

X-Guardianship gives you 10% more gold/experience, 500 more Z-Tokens, 25,000 more gold pieces, and 3 starting health and mana potions.

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