Lucky Strike for primaries (Full Version)

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Drianx -> Lucky Strike for primaries (3/18/2013 11:42:58)

I have noticed that, apart from Celtic Cleaver which has a +7% chance to connect, all other St Patrick's primaries have +2% chance to connect, just like the regular Lucky Strike core.

In this case, the core on St Patrick's primaries should either be buffed above the regular core's connect chance increase, or unlocked to be replaced.

Remorse -> RE: Lucky Strike for primaries (3/18/2013 11:44:18)

Sword also get 7%

So basically nothing new on the celtic either.

Drianx -> RE: Lucky Strike for primaries (3/18/2013 11:57:10)

I meant ONLY sword has 7%, all others have only 2% just like the regular non-rare core. So it can very well be unlocked for the primaries, since there's nothing special about it.

Mother1 -> RE: Lucky Strike for primaries (3/18/2013 12:26:33)

@ drianx

Remember the Cleaver core was a promo item while the others weren't So it would make sense the the promo core is stronger then the non promo cores. Besides If I am not mistaken the non promo core are already usable on other primary items.

Remorse -> RE: Lucky Strike for primaries (3/18/2013 12:33:07)

The Celtic cleaver has no extra connect chance.

All swords get a 7% connect core option.

Plus the ones with 2% do not need a buff because the logic is they are class unique primaries not swords.

Hence swords can get slightly stronger core versions which when you consider the skill restriction from using swords , is perfectly reasonable.

Mother1 -> RE: Lucky Strike for primaries (3/18/2013 13:54:20)

@ remorse

What swords have the 7% core because I am looking at all my swords and none of them have the 7% core only the 2% The only one I see with the 7% core is the promo sword with it.

blade98 -> RE: Lucky Strike for primaries (3/18/2013 14:11:48)

@Remorse All swords(except Celtic Cleaver) have a 2% connect core not 7% . here

Drianx -> RE: Lucky Strike for primaries (3/18/2013 14:14:15)


Mother1 is right, only Celtic Cleaver has 7% chance. All other swords have 2%.

On the other hand, all other promo weapons so far have increased chance than the regular core.
For example. Azrael's swords have 1% more crit chance on strike than the regular crit chance increase core. This makes the locked core marginally stronger without breaking the game.
So it would make sense to buff the connect chance for St Patrick's seasonal primaries to 4%, in order to differentiate it from the regular 2% core, which is not rare.

blade98 -> RE: Lucky Strike for primaries (3/18/2013 14:17:00)


Exploding Penguin -> RE: Lucky Strike for primaries (3/19/2013 0:08:12)

There's really no point in locking the lucky strike core on these seasonal rares, mainly because the core isn't seasonal since it can be applied on all primaries.

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