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Daimyo Daimyo -> ? (3/31/2013 15:56:49)

@Derek Nightingale You're not sure how it happened. One moment you and your sister Diana were walking through the woods. The next thing you know, the two of you are back-to-back and surrounded by wolves. They're eyeing the two of you while growling all the while. They haven't actually attacked yet but they could at any moment now.

@John Tailor You were just minding your own business, maybe thinking of things to smash or set on fire, when an arrow whizzed pass you. Your heart starts to beat faster as you look around for an unknown assassin. Unfortunately, all you see are trees. And then you heard it. A terrible roar that shook the entire forest. The sound came from behind you...which meant... You turn around and are greeted with the sight of a chimera; the one that was sleeping when you walked by it moments before. There's an arrow lodged in the bleeding eye of the goat head but the dragon and lion heads are perfectly fine.

@Raphael Zafeiris Lost. That's what you are. After aimlessly wandering around, you managed to find a river. You reason that it will get you out of this godforsaken forest and decide to follow it to its end. Well, that was the plan until you heard some monster roar in the distance. You could investigate or stick to your original plan.

@Mordecai Enos You've always believed that peace and quiet was nice. But even you have to admit this silence is unnerving. The tall trees of the forest blot out the sunlight above leaving the areas you're walking through shaded. You hold your two swords close to you protectively in case something jumps out at you. In the clearing before you, you can distinctly make out a few figures. One of them is around your height...while the other four are short like toddlers. As you move closer, you notice that they are definitely not toddlers or human at all for that matter. For starters, they're flying in the air with butterfly wings. The normal-sized person however is definitely human. He seems to be tired though with the lack of power in the violent swings of his...staff? You wonder how that thing could possibly kill anything. The fairies appear to be giggling over the whole matter. Since you approached from the side, neither side has noticed you yet.

@Nathan Taylor It seemed like a good idea at first. You were feeling upset and decided to take it out on fairies; small creatures that only reached up to your waist in height and had tiny wings that looked like they would break if you touched them. They seemed harmless enough. Oh, how wrong you were. Try as you might, you haven't killed a single one of them. They keep healing each other with no signs of running out of mana. You, on the other hand, are getting tired of swinging your staff around.

@Jack Blackhill If the kids at school were watching you, they'd no doubt say what you're doing right now is stalking. And you'd agree that is exactly what you're doing. It was curiosity that lead you to follow the male into the forest. It's not everyday you see a fellow classmate in the dream world. You don't bother remembering names for the most part and even the new kid is no exception. New kid, you scoff. You think about how people always get crazy when there's a new student. Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear a monster roar. It sounded like it came from somewhere close by. You wonder whether you should check it out or continue tailing the new kid. You eye the male who is still oblivious to your presence and see that he seems to be thinking of investigating the noise as well.

@Urlend Smith Forests are totally overrated. Especially dark ones where monsters are lying in wait to ambush you. That's why you're at a beach instead. The last time you went to a beach was when you still had parents. The sand beneath your bare feet is hot enough to make you want to cool off in the ocean. And that's exactly what you decide to do. It's only a dream but somehow you can feel, smell, hear, and even taste things as if they were real. A small wave crashes against you; wetting your swim shorts. You try to walk through it and, though you can, the push of the water slows you down a bit.

@Grimlon You wake up and find that it's still dark out. You check your dad's room but of course he's not there. He never is. At some point he stopped coming home. You find yourself unable to go back to sleep and decide to head out for a walk. A hoodie is thrown over your nightclothes, a scarf wrapped around your neck. Sock-clad feet are placed into shoes. All set now, your gloved hand reaches for the door knob and turns. Immediately, you are struck by a cold blast of wind. Even as dressed as you are, you still find yourself shivering a bit. You step out of the house and turn to shut it. You lock it and place the key in your pants pocket, not trusting your hoodie to keep something so important from falling out. The snow crunches with each step you take. On your walk, you notice how silent it is. No people around, no cars driving and making noise, just the howling of the wind.

Before you is the steel gate of the cemetery. The two sides are held in place with chains and a lock. Flanking the gate are tall stone walls that stretch out farther than you can see. You're not sure why you came here. That is, until you checked your hoodie pockets and found two obsidian daggers; things that you don't have in the real world. Realization hits you and now your only concern is getting into the cemetery to raise the dead. You definitely can't jump the walls or climb up the slippery gate. Not to mention any undead minions you raise would be unable to do so either.
@Derek Nightingale Some of the wolves snap at you but they don't pounce. Suddenly, one of them lifts its head and its ears twitch. The others follow suit. And just like that, they're gone. You wonder what could have scared them off--stomping. Whatever it is, it's heavy enough to shake the area with each step it takes. You can hear the sound of tree bark being split apart and the rustle of leaves.

Something smashes against the tree in front of you. You tell your sister to move as the log falls toward you both. The impact causes dust to fly and you both close your eyes and hold your breath. When you think it's clear, you open your eyes again. Right there, beside a newly-made stump, is a tall and bulky golem. In its hands is a large cylinder hammer.

You've met one of these before. You both have. Sometimes in the strangest of locations where they shouldn't be. They don't appear early on either. It's only after spending a considerable amount of time in the dream world. The two of you have come to nickname them "Dream Crushers". A very fitting name because just one blow from that hammer is enough to kick you out of your sleep. Neither of you have yet to ever defeat one. Heck, your swords and Diana's arrows do little more than scratch them.

"I guess it's time to wake up." Diana jokes.

@John Tailor It's crazy but you have nothing to lose so... You run right up to the goat head and slam your hammer down on it. The goat head bleats as the blow drives the arrow further into its eye. You then turn around and make a run for it. Or you try to anyway. You don't get far before an arrow finds itself in your knee. You cry out in pain, dropping your hammer and falling back landing on your butt.

@Raphael Zafeiris On your way, you encounter many trees that force you to make a quick swerve and branches that you had to duck under or brush aside with your arms. At some point you start hearing the bleating of a goat. In your rush, you fail to notice a large root and trip on it. Before you hit the ground, a hand tugs at the back of your shirt and pulls you back up. Once you've been righted, the hand lets go and you can hear the owner of it back away a little. You turn around and are greeted with the sight of black-haired male wielding a sinister three-bladed scythe. You don't thank him. Actually, there are a lot of questions running through your head now.

@Mordecai Enos The poor fairy never saw it coming. Without hesitation, you enchant your blade with ice and thrust it through the fairy's chest. It meets some resistance when it hits bone but you manage to pierce it. You cringe a bit at the sound of scraping bone. The fairy is wide-eyed and gives off a choked gasp. Its wings flutter less periodically until finally stopping. Strength leaves its arms and legs as they merely dangle there with its body suspended by your blade.

The remaining three have stopped giggling to scream. They too share the same expression as their fallen kin. That is, until their brows narrow and mouths frown anyway. You try to stab at one of them but it dodges. The other two are cupping their hands together while keeping their eyes on you. A yellow ball of light seems to be forming in their hands.

@Nathan Taylor The fairies do not pursue you as you run. If anything, they giggle even more. You don't get far before you're panting for breath. You look around for a dead corpse to zombify--an actual dead corpse this time. The last time you approached a seemingly dead animal, it leapt up and bit you. Unfortunately, there's nothing around at all. Just trees, fallen branches, and scattered leaves. You sit down and rest your back and staff arm against a tree. Already in your head you're planning out vicious ways to kill those fairies.

How dare they laugh at me? Just like those bullies! We'll see who is laughing when I--


High-pitched screaming interrupts your inner monologue. It sounded like it came from where the fairies were. Confused, and a bit curious, you stand up and head there but grasp your staff protectively just in case. There's another human male there. Judging from the fairy impaled on his sword, that must be why the other three screamed. The silver-haired tries to stab at another fairy (without removing the corpse dangling on the sword you note) but it dodged. You see that the other two are charging up a light spell--which is what gave you all the bruises on your body.

@Jack Blackhill The new kid sprints off in a hurry and you quickly follow right behind him. It's pretty straight-forward until suddenly he makes a turn and from then on it feels like he's trying to lose you. Many branches poke at you and you consider cutting them down later when you're not in a hurry. You hear a goat bleating now for whatever reason. Once again, you're in a clearing without any obstructions when you notice the new kid trip. Without a moment to think, you slow your run as you near him and pull him back. When he is steady again, you let go and back away. You don't get a thank you when he turns around to look at you. He just...stares at you.

@Urlend Smith You shield your eyes with one hand pressed against your forehead as you scan the beach for other people. After a few seconds, you put your hand down. You consider lying down in the water but realize it's not as shallow as a bathtub; getting water in your nose would sting. The sun is pleasant on your skin and the water equally so.

When was the last time I came to the beach?

It was long before the accident. Nothing particularly eventful happened that you can remember. It definitely was more lively than this place. It'd be nice if the other kids from the orphanage were here. You think about lying down in the sand but you don't want to get sand all over your body. There are no towels to lie on either. You decide to go for a light swim.

You've swum before in the school pool but the ocean is different; the water isn't calm and instead wobbles around. Still, you can manage it. It's much warmer too. The school's pool is indoor obviously since swimming outside is just asking for death.

@Grimlon You push the unlocked gate open. It meets some resistance against the snow piled up behind it but nothing a little force couldn't fix. There are many tombstones dotting the snowy landscape. So much snow that the cobblestone floor beneath your feet cannot be seen at all; so much your boots sink into it. Either the grave keeper hasn't been doing his job or it has been snowing a lot. Far into the cemetery you see a large crypt. You head towards it, being careful not to slip on ice.

A set of doors bar entry into the crypt. There doesn't appear to be any locks or handles on it. You try pushing the doors but they don't budge. You notice a strange symbol on the doors; a semi circle that connects in the middle to the one on the opposite side. It looks like some sort of egyptian eye--

"You should not be here..."

Startled, you turn around to the source of the voice. Standing a few feet away is a cloaked being. Underneath its hood, where its face should be, there is only darkness. What really makes you worry is the scythe in its hand.
@Derek Nightingale Diana looks away as you fire a beam of blinding light from the palm of your hand at the golem. The golem however does not blink or even seem to feel the attack. It raises one of its foot and brings it right down on the stump and crushes it. You feel a draft blowing on your shirt and turn to see Diana charging up a small twister. The surrounding trees branches begin shaking and leaves on the ground are being sucked into the vacuum. Your sister lets loose the swirling column of air and it moves toward the golem like a spinning top. It hits the golem--and immediately the wind dies.

You consider running now but the golem rears its hammer-holding arm back and throws its weapon at you. It leaves three more trees stump-less and a large crater where it lands... Not that you would know since you aren't around to witness the scene for yourself because both you and your sister were smacked with the hammer.

You wake up with a major headache, as per usual whenever a Dream Crusher hits you with its hammer. You hear a door opening and look up to see your door still closed. It must be Diana because the alarm clock reads 6:00 and both your parents wake up early for work. You have an hour and a half before school starts. The bus comes in forty-five minutes but you're not worried since you're carpooling in Philip's car with the girls.

@John Tailor Deciding that you're taking the assassin down with you, you set all the trees in front of you on fire. A few seconds pass and you relish the sound of the crackling flames.

"Tch. Out of arrows. Looks like I'm going to have to knife him."

That sounded like it came from behind you. You have no time to turn your head before you feel a sharp pain sticking into your neck. Another hand holds you down as you struggle and before long everything is fading away into darkness...

You lift your head up in a panic, your heart beating rapidly. You feel very sweaty. You sit up and observe your surroundings and find yourself in your bed in your house. You read the red numbers on the alarm clock on your bedside table. 6:00, an hour and a half before school starts. The bus comes in forty-five minutes but you don't ride it anymore. Your friend Jim recently got a car on his 16th birthday. If only your parents were so generous and trusting.

You think back to the assassin. That voice sounded like a male's. Who was he? Why did he target you? These thoughts run through your head as you rub a hand on the side of your neck and think of what to do now.

@Raphael Zafeiris The noirette's lips move but in your panic you don't hear the words. You yell at him to identify himself, ask what he wants, and tell him to drop the scythe. The male crouches down quickly and places his scythe on the ground; earning a glare from you at his sudden movement. He stands back up and raises his hands into the air.

"My name is Jack. I'm not your enemy. I saw that you were going to investigate the noise so I wanted to help."

He wants to help? Then you remember that feeling of being watched by the river. You ask him if he was the one watching you at the river. His body tenses before replying, "Yes, that was me."

That just opened up more questions. If he saw me at the river and wanted to help, why didn't he talk to me then? You voice your thoughts to him. He doesn't answer immediately. He looks to the ground and seems to be thinking it over. You see movement over his shoulder. Something is coming!

You tell him to watch out but it's too late. The creature leaps off the ground and plows right into the male. He lands on his stomach, his face pressed into the sand. The impact causes dust to fly and you hear coughing. The creature has three heads. The leftmost is a green scaly dragon, the middle is a lion which growls at you, and the right one is a goat with an arrow lodged deeply into its right eye. It lets out bleats, clearly in pain.

It seems you've found the source of the noise.

@Mordecai Enos You slide the corpse off your sword, flinging it away after you've loosened it as if it were covered in radiation. A shard of ice forms at the tip of your sword and travels downward until the entire length of the blade is coated. You point it and shoot it at one of the two light-bearing fairies. The spear of ice skewers the fairy much the same as your sword did previously to its kin. You lash out at the other light-bearer with your swords, the ball of light in its hand fading away because of your disruption. The last remaining fairy takes one glance at its fallen allies; seeing if it has any chance. Moments later a spear of ice is thrust through its chest, stopping it in its tracks.

You lower your arms to rest and take a glance at your handiwork panting all the while. Three dead fairies lie on the ground. Two of them impaled with ice that shows no sign of melting yet and the third done in by your blades alone. Wait. There were four of them. Where did the--

You turn to the spot where you flung that fairy corpse after removing it from your sword. It's still there--but not as you remembered it. It stands and looks at you dully with its eyes. You take a battle stance and are about to make sure it stays down this time when you hear a voice.

"Stop! You don't need to do anything! It's not going to hurt you!"

Walking out from behind a tree is a boy. You recognize him as the one unsuccessfully battling the fairies before you arrived. There's a smile on his lips now where before there was a scowl.

"I have to thank you for your help. Now I finally have some undead minions. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find corpses around here. I tried to kill them myself but..." He gestures to his tattered clothing. "As you can see, that didn't work out as I thought it would."

You open your mouth to say something but then you look behind the male and gasp. There, just behind the tree, is the biggest green gelatin you've ever seen in your life. Except you're definitely sure it isn't green gelatin. No gelatin you've seen moves on its own or--did it just eat that tree!? You have a feeling you'll end up just like that tree if you try to get close to it with your swords.

@Nathan Taylor You hide yourself behind a nearby tree as you watch the silver-haired male pull the fairy corpse off his sword and toss it aside. You consider raising it right then but decide it's better to wait until they're all dead. The swordsman coats his sword in ice and fires a sharp projectile at one of the two fairies charging a light spell. It stabs through its chest and to its back. The other one he deals without magic at all. The fourth and last fairy, seeing that it has no chance, tries to flee but is shot by an ice spear.

You watch this all in silent awe but snap out of it. You have a job to do. You reanimate the one closest to you; the one that was so carelessly tossed aside. When you look back to the silver-haired male, he is looking at the reanimated fairy with wide eyes. He raises his swords and you shout at him to stop and not do anything because it won't hurt him.

He turns to you as you step out from behind the tree. There's a flash of recognition in his eyes. You put on a smile to appear non-threatening and begin talking again.

You thank him, saying that with his help you finally have undead minions. You tell him how hard it is to find corpses in this area and that you tried to kill the fairies yourself but--you gesture to your clothes--that didn't work out well.

He opens his mouth to say something but then looks behind you and gasps. Curious, you turn around and end up gasping as well. Behind you is a sea of sickly green slime. It stretches farther than you can see and you wonder how you didn't notice it before. You watch in horror as it swallows up the tree you were hiding behind moments ago. The mass slowly crawls forward and you know without a doubt that you're going to get eaten if you don't get away quick.

@Jack Blackhill The new kid's shoulders tense when he sees you. You tell him that you mean him no harm and that you want to help him investigate the sound. He however seems not to have heard you if the saber being pointed at you is any indication.

"Who are you!? What do you want with me!? Put that scythe down!"

Yep, definitely didn't hear you.

You crouch down to lay your scythe on the ground and then stand up with your hands raised above your head. You repeat what you told him before adding on that your name is Jack.

"You want to...help me? Wait, I felt someone watching me by the river? Was that you?"

Though surprised he noticed you, you confirm that was indeed you.

"If you saw me by the river, why didn't you come talk to me then?"

You consider saying that you didn't have time before the monster roared but that's a lie. Why did you not approach him when you had many chances to do so? Before you can answer, you see the new kid's eyes widen.

"Watch out!"

His warning came too later however because you are tackled by something. The creature slams you hard into the ground causing dust to fly into your face and make you cough. It presses a sharp paw down onto your back and you find yourself unable to move due to its sheer weight. You hear growling from above you and a goat bleating.

It seems you've found the source of the noise.

@Urlend Smith You take a deep breath of air before diving. You try to look around for living creatures underwater but your vision is blurry and all you see is the sand at the bottom. You surface and take rapid breaths of air. Your hair is soaked now, drops of water dripping off of strands and onto your eyes. A wave crashes into you, pushing you a little.


You brush your hair away so that you can see better and start looking around for the source of that voice. From the sound of it, you'd say it was a female's. And you're right. You can see a girl struggling to keep afloat not too far from you.

@Grimlon You slowly back away from the cloaked being deeper into the cemetery. All the while you never turn your back to...whatever that thing is as it matches your pace. In a deep male voice, it answers your previously stated questions.

"I am the reaper of dreams. It is my duty to keep peace in this world and to make sure visitors such as you are safe."

That statement would be more believable if you didn't have that getup and scythe, you think.

"I know that my appearance may be frightening to you but I'm not going to hurt you. It's about time for you to go back to your world and I'm here to assist."

You ask him how he's going to do that.

"If you'd stop moving, I can reap you with my scythe and you'll wake up in your world. It'll be quick and painless."

You wonder whether you can trust his words or not...
@Derek Nightingale Diana lays back on the other couch as the TV flickers on to life. Remote in hand, you decide to check the news because there's no time to watch anything else really. The headline reads, "More children fall into a coma." The reporter explains that more children have fallen into comas and that scientists have yet to determine the cause of their unnatural slumber. Until Philip arrives, you discuss with your sister about the comas and if they have anything to do with the dream world. Your phone vibrates in your pocket and you pull it out to check the new message.

"Philip's here." You say, flipping your cell shut and pocketing it. You and Diana sling your packs over your shoulders, put on your coats and shoes, and lock the door behind you before heading to the car. Philip of course is driving, Fiona is riding shotgun, and Joan is seated behind her. You find yourself in the middle backseat with Diana to your left. The digital clock on the radio reads 6:30.

@John Tailor "Hey John, you want a lift to school right?" You tell him that yes, you want a ride to school. You also tell him you want to go to the library after school ends. "Library? Why would you want to go there?" You tell him you're doing research for a school assignment. He doesn't question you further but he does tell you that he'll leave after he drops you off. Jim and Bob never were the type to read books. You agree and he tells you that he'll be over in thirty minutes before saying goodbye and ending the call.

It's currently 6:15. You've brushed your teeth, used the toilet, changed out of your PJs, and made sure to pack everything you need in your backpack. You head into the kitchen and say good morning to your parents before taking your usual seat at the table. They greet you back and your mom places a plate in front of you. Stir Fry is on it.

When you don't immediately dig in, your dad becomes concerned. "Is something wrong, John?"

"No, nothing's wrong. Hey, you mind if I go to the library after school? I'm curious about something."

"I'm fine with it as long as you don't stay out too late. How about you, Honey?"

Your mom agrees as well and then you all start eating while your dad starts talking about random topics with an occasional input from you or your mom. Afterwards, you sit on the couch and watch the news on TV. The headline reads, "More children fall into a coma." The reporter explains that more children have fallen into comas and that scientists have yet to determine the cause of their unnatural slumber. You were still a bit drowsy before but now you're wide-awake. You spend the next fifteen minutes thinking about if the comas have anything to do with the dream world. A loud honking noise makes your heart jump. You sling your pack over your back, say goodbye to your parents, and get in the left backseat of the car. Jim is behind the wheel and Bob is seated next to him. The digital clock on the radio reads 6:45.

@Raphael Zafeiris The lion head screams. It screams at you until it's throat is hoarse. You cover your ears but even then you feel like your forehead is about to split open and that your heart will burst. Neither of those things happen though. Instead, you feel something hot being blown in your face. INCOMPLETE

@Mordecai Enos You shout at the other male to move but he is already sprinting off before you finish your word. You turn your attention back to the green slime and fire five bolts of ice at it. The creature doesn't freeze as you expected it would though. Your attacks merely pierce into it and become stuck.

Before you can even think of running, the goop converges together into a towering mass that you have to lean your neck back uncomfortably to see. And then it falls down on you.

You wake in bed with your head lying down on your pillow. The alarm clock on your bed side reads 5:59--before it changes and starts beeping. The noise makes your heart beat even faster as you push the blanket covering you aside and fumble to turn if off the alarm. With that done, you sit down on the side of your bed.

@Nathan Taylor The dual-wielding male shouts at you to move. If the situation were different, you would probably find that rude and stand your ground. But in this case, getting the heck out of here is exactly what you had in mind because your feet are already moving before he said anything. Not a word comes out from your mouth as you dash away in the opposite direction of the slime. Right now, you're only concerned about yourself; you don't turn around to see if the other male is running as well. Many trees obstruct your path and, without slowing down, you veer to the left or right of each one.

Running never helped you when you were being bullied. And it's not helping you now either. At this point you're walking and have switched from breathing with your nose to breathing with your mouth. You shamble on like a zombie--until your eyes catch the sight of something that shouldn't be there! Because it's supposed to be all the way over...there. It's behind you and in front of you. It's like an ocean of green algae and the "island" you're on is slowly shrinking away before...

When you regain consciousness, you're not in a forest but instead in your room. In the darkness you can make out the red numbers on your alarm clock. It's 6:00.

@Jack Blackhill The Chimera rushes at you both. You grip your scythe with both hands ready to strike. However, the creature begins to convulse and you easily sidestep it this time. The brunette next to you jabs his rapier into the arrowless eye of the goat head. You decide to put the poor creature out of its misery and slice its head off. The three sharp points of your three-bladed scythe poke into its neck and get stuck. Your fingers clench around the weapon's handle as you push it and gradually the blades dig deeper into the skin. The amount of force you apply is so great that you stumble and almost fall when you finally behead the goat.

With that done, there is only a stump of flesh where the head once was. But you have no time to celebrate because the lion head lets out a deafening roar that makes you cover your ears. The dragon head tilts up and sucks in air before blowing out a stream of fire at you. Reflexively, you move your scythe to shield you from the onslaught of searing flames. This seems to work--until you throw your weapon to the floor and wave your hands around in an attempt to cool them off. Without anything obstructing it anymore, you cry out in pain as the flames engulf you.

You bring your arms against your chest and cover your face with your hands but your action provides no reprieve at all. Your hands, still red from the touch of hot metal, feel like they're being melted off. Every muscle in your body tightens and you want to move--you want to get out of this unbearable heat!

Your screams are muffled by the palm of your hands. Moments later, another scream joins the chorus. Right now you just want to throw yourself in a river and get relieve for your tingling skin. Unfortunately, no body of water can be seen anywhere in the vicinity.

You don't have time to bemoan this however because your vision starts to spin. The last thing you remember is cracking the back of your head on the ground and then darkness.

When you regain consciousness, you find yourself wrapped in a red and black checkered blanket and lying on a matching pillow. It's still dark outside so you get out of bed and pull the light cord on the ceiling fan. The room suddenly fills with an orange yellowish glow and you reflexively shut your eyes. A few seconds later you open them again but make sure you're not looking at the light bulb this time.

Instead, you focus your attention on your hands. They show no signs of being a swollen red or pink. You wiggle your fingers and they feel weak--your whole body feels weak. No doubt from lack of movement for hours while you slept. You shut off the lights as you leave your room but not before first glancing at the clock. It's 6:00.

@Urlend Smith When you reach out to grab the girl's hand, she wraps her arms under your arms pits and around your back. Your body freezes up and your cheeks start to warm up from the close contact with a member of the opposite gender. The, err, endowments pressed against your chest might have something to do with your speechless as well.

After that, all you can remember is how blurry the water is because you've been dragged under. You try to push the girl off you but her one-sided hug is as tight as a snake squeezing its prey. You try to kick your legs at her but she wraps her legs around your back as well. As you both sink deeper and deeper, water continues to enter your nose and mouth. The last thing you see is the smirk on the girl's face before everything fades into darkness.

When you come to, you're in the room you share with your roommate Phoenix Anderson. As his namesake suggests, Phoenix's hair is a fiery red. He has freckles covering his face; a face which gets very pink after PE. Currently, he is lightly snoring in the bunk bed above you.

@Grimlon Your body is tense as you wait for the Reaper to get closer. After all, if you mess this up you'll get the scythe. When you estimate he's close enough, three pairs of bony hands pop out from the ground and try to drag the Reaper under. Emphasize on try because the Reaper shakes their arms off without any trouble; breaking those limbs in the process.

By this time, you've cloaked yourself and are on the run looking for a place to hide. The Reaper sighs. "Fortunately, I came prepared."

As you approach a crypt, you notice how even though you're cloaked, the Reaper can still find you by the footprints you've left in the snow. You probably should have thought this through more. And when you finally open the doors of the crypt, you think, yes, you really need to reconsider your plans. Because a smaller version of the Reaper just slashed you with its scythe; the blade passing right through you. It's not a painful sensation at all. Rather, it's just enough for you to notice you've been nicked. You're still standing there at the doorway though and conclude that the little Reapling is not as strong as the original if you haven't been removed from dream land yet.

But a question still remains. How did it see you? You're still cloaked.

You try blasting the Reapling with darkness but the attack is merely absorbed into the folds of its robe. You feel another slash from behind you. Another Reapling has joined the fray. Your hands are clenched around your daggers but you find that you can't swing them. You feel as if doing so would make you lose your grip on them. Your feet are wobbly as you try to escape from the crypt--

A third Reapling appears at the doorway and slashes you. After that, you start nodding off. When your head drops, your eyes are closed. But when you raise your head up, they're open again. At some point, your eyes don't open again.

When you next open your eyes, you're in your bed again just like at the start of your dream. Except you have no obsidian daggers in your pockets this time. When you check the alarm clock, it reads 6:00.

hict98 -> RE: (AQ) Aftermath of the 2013 Grenwog Festival Commentary (3/31/2013 16:44:07)

At first I thought that this could be a Romeo and Juliet story then Daimyo came and I laughed and laughed.

Daimyo Daimyo -> ? (4/2/2013 23:49:58)

ninjat> neko > beast form sacragon mind/sensory link
dragon > skeleton head spine
mana trap/oblivion sphere > transform shear
nightmare wyvern cyclone
red fog, shadow travel, wrapped in shadows
dream assassin
vamp stat draining power, blood orb
can't wait to be undead/safiria's plea
drag-o-lantern/pumpkin golems
4-eyed freak eye spies/sight link
blood fountains shattered
like smashing lobsters with hammers


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