We need 3 more Classes (Full Version)

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Sir Caden -> We need 3 more Classes (4/3/2013 17:02:50)

6 is enough we need another three more

Names:Tactical Hunter,Cyber Mage,Blood Merc

Drangonslayer -> RE: We need 3 more Classes (4/3/2013 17:04:59)

If these 6 classes aren't even balanced why do we need 3 more. It just makes things worse and the 3 newest classes had to have new skills. So obviously this isn't as easy as it seems.

Mother1 -> RE: We need 3 more Classes (4/3/2013 17:05:24)

Not supported in the least. The 6 classes we have now aren't even balanced plus they all share moves from the original 3 classes skill trees. Let's get the first 6 classes balanced out first before we even think about add 3 more classes.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: We need 3 more Classes (4/3/2013 17:08:00)

The Evolved classes still need some patching up. New classes would just delay these fixes.

* BTW Tactical hunter is a Bounty Hunter, Cyber Mage is a Tech Mage and Blood Merc is a Normal merc lol[;)]

Ranloth -> RE: We need 3 more Classes (4/3/2013 17:15:02)

Devs have stated just after the Omega came out that adding new classes is a no unless current ones are balanced and a bit more original - rather than borrowing skills from each class.

Wonderweiss77 -> RE: We need 3 more Classes (4/3/2013 17:39:22)

you cant just say we need new classes and just give out names for them -_- if ur gonna suggest new classes and give em' names then you should have thought about what skills each class should have. the classes we have now is fine, theres no need for more.

DA BOSS IS HERE -> RE: We need 3 more Classes (4/5/2013 3:05:57)

Cyber Mage????

There is a Tech mage From Tech mage and Bounty Hunter and Not Supported

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