Battle Strategy (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Xerolt -> Battle Strategy (4/6/2013 15:23:25)

I've just been wondering, whenever I look at a build request no one is being specific and only giving the names of the weapons they have when they should be following this

Include your total Damage/Stats points available, as well as any skill cores equipped.

While not knowing the stats and damage of the weapons usually won't be a problem if the requester is 35 due to a large group of 35s being on the forum it kind of is if they are for example 27. This is because most people generally won't know how many stats and damage the requester's weapons have making them only really being able to give a vague outline of an build rather then a specific build. Therefore I was thinking of having something like have a wiki page/pages dedicated to how many stats and damage/def,res weapons/armors have at each level then a link to that wiki page via =ED= Battle Strategy Helpful Guides .

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