What inspires you? (Full Version)

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Joerte -> What inspires you? (4/8/2013 5:43:13)

What inspires you to create art?

I am usually inspired when I see great artists work or when I read something that I really enjoy.

Swordblitzer -> RE: What inspires you? (4/8/2013 6:13:01)

Nothing inspires me.

But the rush of imagination coursing within my mind is just incredible that I do it anyway.

Smalls -> RE: What inspires you? (4/10/2013 21:39:41)

Many artists I follow on tumblr, seeing them improve makes me strive to improve as well. Andrew Hussie (creator of mspaintadventures), honestly his work Homestuck has been an insane inspiration to me (an inspiration to draw his character Eridan more like it) in both worldbuilding, character creation, and as a webcomic artist. Another webcomic would be Ava's Demon which really got me wanting to make a comic and the art in it is like wow I want to get to that level.

Not only that but seeing animals will inspire me as well. My comic I'm working on (Post Apocalyptic Losers) has characters that have been designed purely because I like an animal and want to design a character based on it. It's a lot of fun to do that btw, taking what you see from an animal and twisting it into a human-ish form.

Suuichi -> RE: What inspires you? (5/1/2013 13:36:50)

Right now, Nigel Thornberry is my muse.

Ronin -> RE: What inspires you? (5/20/2013 10:13:48)

Nothing specific. It could be anything, from the usual musical or visual masterpieces, to the random-fried-object-that-am-eating in front of me. But I can tell you. Most of my inspiration is at night. That's why I have this habit of working when I sleep. Or working so I don't sleep.

Either way.

To me, inspiration is just something that is more...spur of the moment, like. Nothing specific really inspires me, but everything does.

I am complicated, aren't I? ^.^

Lady Aliella -> RE: What inspires you? (5/21/2013 23:19:56)

Gotta agree with Smalls, watching others improve makes me motivated. In a way, I guess it's an inner competition with them.

Usually game art. Or really good stories (books, manga, tv, etc.) Right now I guess the people I'm having that "competition" with are a few people in dA, Jake, and Reki.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: What inspires you? (5/27/2013 8:59:49)

reality inspires me, sometimes it just pops into my mind when i see something on the news, in the school yard etc..

@above rly? you don't need to catch up to them since most of your artwork already surpasses theirs.

Lady Aliella -> RE: What inspires you? (6/4/2013 23:16:30)

Hard to believe reality inspires you considering you do these crazy detailed ED-style items :o

O_o Did not expect to read that. Thanks, glad you think so, but the fact that they are improving doesn't change. It still motivates me to keep improving ^^

Jecht Dracopyre -> RE: What inspires you? (6/5/2013 14:28:07)

Games, films, and just life in general. It's amazing to see what people come up with these days and it often pushes you to new heights as an artist as well. Nature is creative as well you see the wildest things but they all have a balance which is hard to replicate. And watching the rest of you start, progress and come into your own...

bruextian -> RE: What inspires you? (7/19/2013 13:14:46)

^ Totally agree. Some of the said media inspires us. But I think inspiration comes from different form and an Specific time. How is that?

When I was a child my inspirations are comic books, Just by seeing the cool characters fired me up on sketching super hero things.
When I became an elementary student my inspirations change. I was inspired by my classmates who are good with arts. Probably at first it was jealousy but after that, the sense of inspiration appeared. The moment I became a high school student some of my perspective and inspirations changed. To be honest. I'm still inspired with comics by that time but hate to say it but also in that time,many people who once was a artistic and imaginative kid, lost the sense of arts. It's the truth and it's harsh. During that time I was the once inspiring them, hoping to help them to regain there artistic senses back again.

Now this time, I have a new set of inspiration, What is it you say? My inspiration is Love. I have fallen in love with a beautiful maiden recently. And I can't get her out of my mind. Been thinking of her every time. But I know somewhere in my heart I need to let the world know my feelings. So to express my deepest and sincere emotions, I used arts.

Well For me, I think that Love is the greatest inspiration of all. It doesn't matter what kind of love it is, If it is love for food, for people, for places as long as it makes your heart feel comfortable and makes you want to feel another wonderful day. It is really a very wonderful inspiration I can say. Ever felt that you want to wake up early for tomorrow to see someone or experience something? That's what happening to me right now.

I'm glad to express this feelings of mine :).

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