A way epicduel could pull in more money (Full Version)

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Cyber Dream -> A way epicduel could pull in more money (4/10/2013 17:25:14)

How about there was some kinda system that tracked our buying of varium something similar to portal. Every month the "biggest spender" is recongnized and rewarded something unique each time. Im pretty sure people will start to buy more and more varium and epicduel could use this money to do something with servers or whatever it is they do with there profits.

Vagaran -> RE: A way epicduel could pull in more money (4/10/2013 17:41:56)

Maybe a cheevo?
"Epic supporter" or something like that.

Droidzx3 -> RE: A way epicduel could pull in more money (4/12/2013 0:10:15)

This is basically what the faction war kills were.

-You would spend money for varium
-then use the varium for "War Kills"
- and the biggest spender or most war kills would win a cheevo
-the war kills would also benefit your faction

I think that they should just bring faction war kills, if they wanted to "draw in more money", but it wouldn't really change the game that much.
That's why they took them out in the first place.

goldslayer1 -> RE: A way epicduel could pull in more money (4/12/2013 0:26:45)

ED devs have a fixed salary so any profits go to Artix.

Stabilis -> RE: A way epicduel could pull in more money (4/12/2013 9:21:41)


I think they do have a salary (remember when Titan chose to work extra hours on Omega? I do not think he was paid for that otherwise they would be working extra to get paid by the hour more often. Also it was said that he did it for us, so it was completely unnecessary for him to work).

But, if EpicDuel sells more I am pretty sure AE will invest more into EpicDuel like we have seen with AQW. It is unfortunate but true for business, grow what makes money.

Cyber Dream -> RE: A way epicduel could pull in more money (4/16/2013 18:32:11)

@vagaran it would change the game much? Just think about it. More money means more advertisement, EpicDuel could have their own high budget commercial. They could also focus certain commercials for a specific age group.More players also mean MORE STAFF WHICH LEADS TO FASTER PRODUCTION TIME. Also bringing in more money this way(if it works well) could lowere the cost you have to pay for varium assuming the price of varium is set according to the salary it takes to continue building this game.

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