Solution to Out-of-Cash (Full Version)

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theholyfighter -> Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 8:48:29)

You know, the 2vs2 noob problem has been a headache, stomachache, and a toothache since Epicduel exists. The major problem is their lack of Credits, therefore, not able to obtain upgraded items.

Here, I suggest a system that converts your EXP to Credits with a ratio of 1:1.

1. You can choose how many levels you want to "downgrade", a 5 level difference at MAX.
2. The Exp you lost from downgrading converts into Credits.
3. Amount of time needed until next use:

Use with Credits: Per 90 days.
-On January 1st, I used it. I can use it again on March 31. (90 days)

Use with Varium Per 30 days.
-On January 1st, I used it. I can use it again on January 1. (30 days)

Experience by Level

axell5 -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 8:49:51)

how can you get 17500 credits in 1 match?

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 8:51:17)

That could be a good idea since you de rank yourself to a level 34 and all that exp turns into credits

theholyfighter -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 8:53:57)

What do you mean?

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 8:56:03)

I think the system should be usable every 6 months IMO

theholyfighter -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 8:57:02)

Can discuss that either. 6 might be too long tho...

axell5 -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 8:58:14)

oooh i now understand what u meant

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 8:59:40)

Yh but ever 3 weeks.

What if someone de-rank them self to lvl 35 then 30, then 25 and so on.

That would be stupid idea. IMO it should be every 6 months

theholyfighter -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 9:00:51)

Per month? To me, half a year is veeery long.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 9:02:54)

kk, and maybe it could be a luxury to varium players only?

theholyfighter -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 9:05:36)

The players are already out of credits... If they have varium they'd use it already. Making it varium only defeats the purpose.

However, maybe a small fee for entering the system can do. Perhaps entering the system with varium gives a bonus.

Something like this perhaps:

Use with Credits
-On January 1st, I used it. I can use it again on March 31. (90 days)

Use with Varium
-On January 1st, I used it. I can use it again on January 1. (30 days)

Stabilis -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 10:34:02)

Lol, Axel. [:D]

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 13:24:20)

Kinda supported apart from those who would just get to low lvl (lvl 1) with all varium gear enchanted and cores ( bunny bot ) because most low lvls dont even have other chance to strike and (azreal promo) so yeah also a lot of programming would have to be done to make this happen. And once again if you don't like 2 v 2 because of the troll do 1 v 1 Or jugg :O simple

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 22:44:13)

Well it would be like that one thread where you had the option to downgrade yourself back to level 1



Mother1 -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 23:08:35)

Not supported for the following reasons

1 we have NPC which you can use to get unlimited credits from.

2 People would use this as a way of leveling down which can and will be abused. Plus if there is no limit to how much EXP you can give anyone could go all the way down to level 1 and beat up on new players possibly scaring them off.

RageSoul -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/14/2013 23:37:12)

Err , the idea's a bit weird , but i think i could support .

1) I disagree . Ever fought the Lvl 35 Heavy Mechachillid as non-Focus ?

2) Not this one makes sense and i agree .

axell5 -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/15/2013 2:59:36)

@Mother1 the OP said you could downgrade urself for max 5 levels.... so please read before you desagree to everything

Mother1 -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/15/2013 8:40:40)

@ axell5

I still disagree since it defeats the meaning of what credits are for which is to worked for. That is why as I said in a previous post we have unlimited NPC so we can earn credits. The option is there for you to do.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/15/2013 8:47:30)


but what if we don't want to NPC to get credits? NPCing is soooo boring. all you do is fight a computer with no real skills and you keep using the same attack all over again which is even boring.

There should be other ways to get credits then going to a NPC for free credits.

This game is so limited with a lot things

RageSoul -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/15/2013 8:48:31)

^Strongly agreed . NPCs should never be used as an excuse to solving farming problems .

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/15/2013 8:56:11)

nothing is easy, especially on delta v

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/15/2013 8:58:56)


That is why as I said in a previous post we have unlimited NPC so we can earn credits.

Yet youre still against the requirments to join a 2vs2 fight due to lack of gear, while as you say know they can get as much gear as they want if they farm.
Doesnt make much sense since youre saying otherwise in another thread..

Not supported, its your own fault if you run out of cash, your punishment is needing to go NPCing to get them back.
Theres always one back up for everyone = Varium.

RageSoul -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/15/2013 9:02:07)

^But that only applies on people with money and/or bank accounts . What about spending 4+ Hours/day routines that ends up getting easily burned after a few purchases .

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/15/2013 9:05:46)

^ Nope.
You can get artix points by:
Free Offers
Gift certificates

So no, you can get varium without needing to pay through a bank account or even real money.
And again, its your own fault you ran out of cash, you need to deal with the consequences.

See it as a experience for later, if you then run out of real cash you also dont got these kind of back-ups so be happy you already have multiple options to get credits.

Mother1 -> RE: Solution to Out-of-Cash (4/15/2013 9:12:28)

@ zeph

I was against that because everyone wants to make it so people can't play a battle mode due to a lack of gear which isn't fair in the least. Plus you even agree with me on my point with it is how you use what you got. Plus even with that zeph it still doesn't change the fact that this is just a no work lazy person's shortcut to credits when they are suppose to be earned. That is why I am against this idea.

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