RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (Full Version)

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flashbang -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/18/2015 21:23:05)

ACC: The first fast of Ramadan.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/20/2015 19:16:32)

ACC: Five days until I leave for the summer.
ACC: Got a Fitbit. And a new, much better phone case.

flashbang -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/21/2015 21:16:31)

DIS: 4 days until Amon leaves for summer.

You didn't see anything. <.<

Digital X -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/29/2015 4:26:36)

ACC: Bought an Nvidia GTX 980Ti at £529, other e-tailers are priced as much as £560, arrives tomorrow :3 It's so pretty clicky

DIS: 21c here in England. Going to be 35 next week.. Send help.

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/3/2015 3:07:51)

ACC: Finished with one of my Summer classes in College. One last class to deal with and I'm done. [:D]
ACC: A new family member appeared. My Aunt gave birth to a boy, and I'm happy to hear everything is doing well.

DIS: Had an exam today, and I wasn't prepared for what's to come. I felt really uncomfortable with what grade I'm going to receive. At most parts, I am the one to blame, because I didn't study hard enough (and it is about a lesson I really dislike in Math, which is related to graphics and stuffs).

Seth Hydra -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/4/2015 4:00:31)

ACC: Yays, finished my finals!
ACC: Free for about a month!!!
DIS: My laptops crashed, burnt and everything in between. No more gaming, movies, flash drawing, writing, AQ or AQW.
DIS: Thats about 75% of why I was looking forward to the holidays!
ACC: Atleast now I might be able to read A dance with Dragons and do some artwork..

DIS: Still put a pretty big damper on my mood. Cant get any worse than this I hope -_-

thedarkened -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/4/2015 10:13:20)

ACC: kept a 4.0 GPA for the whole school year!

Womba -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/6/2015 14:17:05)

Dis: Having panic attacks again... can't even talk to anybody about it, ironically nobody in my family especially because of how quick they are to presume things.

kors -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (7/25/2015 13:55:15)

ACC: Got new phone and ended up pretty much lowering the phone bill in the process![:D]
DIS: Ran into the ditch yesterday and had to get towed out and got a citation in the process...[X(]

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/2/2015 17:07:19)

DIS: Thought I could see DBZ: Resurrection "F" this Tuesday, but I ran out of money. It's at my city's dollar (and fifty cent) theater, but that doesn't mean the movie itself is a dollar (fifty). X_X
ACC: College on the 24th.
Bigger ACC: I have Tuesday and Thursday classes so I don't have to start until the 25th! Haha! [:D]

Banpreiomaster -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/2/2015 23:32:29)

ACC: Graduated as Master of Information Technology (last week)!

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/3/2015 6:48:42)

ACC: Trig teacher told me I passed my Trig exams by sheer luck. He didn't say the luck part, those are my words. But I still passed. But I still wish I was Asian... especially for my upcoming Pre-Calculus class...
ACC: Looks like I can see DBZ: Resurrection "F" this Tuesday after all with my student ID...
DIS: the cost of my free (can be used for any movie but supposed to be saved for) Ant-Man ticket... I haven't even seen Pixels yet and had to use my free ticket for that on Paper Towns, a movie that one of my aunt's nephews wanted to see, so I had to babysit. It was alright. It's not sad like TFiOS (the same author of Paper Towns) was. It was a comedy. But a chick-flick. But it was still funny. In the end, I gotta waste two of my earned tickets...

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/6/2015 2:27:00)

???: Days have been going relatively fast, don't know whether to be relieved or panic.

???: Windows 10

???: Moved to Washington, lots and lots of trees. [>:]

Crystal Lion -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/6/2015 3:14:46)

Acc: Just got a short project to do as a self-employed editor.

Dis: Which leaves less time working on my pixel project.

Acc: At least that pixel project has no deadline.

Digital X -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (8/12/2015 11:40:41)

ACC: 35KG Dumbbell curl, new milestone!
DIS: Still too nervous to venture too far into the free weights for deadlift etc, blokes are huge.. It's scary :(

.::oDrew -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/1/2015 1:18:08)

ACC: Myself and Puppy, former OOC AK, just got matched up against each other in a match of League of Legends (sorry AQ).

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/3/2015 14:56:13)

Dis: Birthday off to a bad start. Part of my welfare's been cut until next month, making me poor as hell... I'm stupid because all of my birthday money is gonna go to frivolous unnecessary crap I don't need instead of spending it on helping to cover my losses. It's just that I tend to spend welfare on the needs and gift money on the... well... gifts... Guess what? I'm still a jobless deadbeat. I hate that my mom won't let me get a job until I finish school so I "can get a better job." She's poor as well with her low-paying job, so keeping me from getting a job adds to not only my pain, but HER'S as well. I should've said no to college and headed straight towards getting a job. I better get hired for work study after applying.

Dis: To make things worse, I think I'm getting sick. My throat is dry, my nose is runny, and I have a headache... Combine that with the fact I cut my hand on a glass decoration at T.J. Maxx recently, yeah, HORRIBLE birthday start...

UnderSoul -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/7/2015 19:03:52)

ACC: Am now able to play Flash games on my phone.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/8/2015 12:17:28)

ACC: So I'm free again. Back to uni!
DIS: IF certain something happens, I may have to take a year off from uni :(

DIS: Trying not to think too much about it.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/16/2015 6:11:13)

ACC:Just recovered from Dengue.

Crystal Lion -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/17/2015 0:27:31)

Acc: Have been told by my taekwondo teacher that I can go for my yellow belt test next month.
Acc: Bought a full license for RPGMaker VXAce and some art resources.
Dis: Feeling guilty about the money spent despite the super sale.

Travis Touchdown -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/20/2015 12:10:59)

DIS: Rest in peace, Longtail, aka Bobtail, aka Bobber: ????(Adopted as a stray in December 2010)-September 19th, 2015. Sleep well, buddy.
ACC: At the very least, it was a good death, in one of his favourite spots, while sunbathing, in his sleep, and it seems to have been painless. Even had some quality time with him before he went out for what turned out to be his last wander. A part of me wonders if he knew it was coming.

Good night, old friend.

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (9/22/2015 18:35:52)

Huge DIS: Turned in a blank document for a college assignment by accident and now I can't take it back. My teacher better take my written copy and give me a proper grade or she's gonna be in a freaking wheelchair if I get a zero. If I'm going to flunk college, I might as well go out as a psycho. On top of that, it's time to find a job, but I will NEVER get a job with my job interview skills. I'm going to bomb every freaking interview I go to and I'll be poor, jobless bum forever. Why am I such a coward when it comes to suicide? -_-

Master K -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (10/5/2015 15:29:44)

Acc: Managed to find my old Flickr account and found a trove of artwork I made!
Dis: It's all from when I was younger...the memories of suggesting/forcing this stuff on to people makes me cringe.
Acc: I'm glad I've grown as an artist and a person since.

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (10/16/2015 17:20:55)

DIS: Got a stupid check from my Financial Aid and my mom gets the freaking majority of it. It's my damn money, why the hell do you get to control it?! God hates me. He really does. -___________________-
DIS: Still living. Waiting for my death...

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