RE: AWW!!! Why did I sell that?!?!? (Full Version)

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Melissa4Bella -> RE: AWW!!! Why did I sell that?!?!? (4/23/2013 15:56:44)

There is absolutely no reason to discuss, question or joke about hacking in general in this thread. If your post is gone, it's because you posted something that isn't allowed.

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Dual Thrusters -> RE: AWW!!! Why did I sell that?!?!? (4/23/2013 20:05:53)


Also I wish I didn't sell my bunny chompers :x I miss those.

Well they are available this year :P

thaddiemac X -> RE: AWW!!! Why did I sell that?!?!? (4/24/2013 20:49:42)

My frostbane from 2011.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: AWW!!! Why did I sell that?!?!? (4/24/2013 23:38:25)

I regret selling my hoverbike which I earned from the lottery back in gamma... I also greatly regret selling eggzooka P.

odsey -> RE: AWW!!! Why did I sell that?!?!? (4/25/2013 8:37:22)

I regret selling my Bio Borg even though someone else sold it, lets just say that its because of something that is not allowed to be said in the forums.. However in every negative there is also positive. Lesson learned and I got a few more varium from the refund which is a good thing.

Hatsuka -> RE: AWW!!! Why did I sell that?!?!? (4/28/2013 5:51:44)

All of my stuff, enough said.

Necromantres -> RE: AWW!!! Why did I sell that?!?!? (4/28/2013 6:46:35)

Harbinger Armor

Soul of the Brave -> RE: AWW!!! Why did I sell that?!?!? (4/28/2013 16:10:02)

wish i hadn't sold 90% of the weapons i have sold.. lol >.>

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