Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (Full Version)

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Exploding Penguin -> Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/23/2013 21:06:22)

Lately, I've been seeing lots of threads on how mercenary is underpowered. In this thread, I'm going to explain some mercenary tactics I use, and also some basic logic on why mercenary is labeled as underpowered (which if you haven't found out by now, I strongly disagree with). Feel free to comment and share your opinions, ideas, and your own tactics when playing the class! Any and all comments are greatly appreciated as I would love to expand my knowledge based off of other people's thoughts.

NOTE: This is mostly opinion and some fact. Don't think that I'm stating my opinion as a fact, because those accusations really annoy me to no end. It's already obvious what is a fact and what isn't anyways...

So first, I'm going to break down the entire skill tree and comment on each separate skill.

~Field Medic~
This skill is used to heal you (and now cure poison, which is very helpful). Definitely a vital skill which is worth investing in a little (to be honest, high investments in this skill on merc aren't necessarily great). Investing too much in this skill requires lots of skill points, and you'll easily be doomed by an EMP if it prevents you from healing. Also, the health recovered-to-EP cost ratio slowly becomes less beneficial the more stat points you invest in it.

~Double Strike~
A virtually useless skill. For fact's sake, I'll just mention that using level 1 double strike will grant a boosted +6 strike damage when using a +35 damage primary. This skill should not be used at all because it's just too much EP for a small damage boost which is blockable. There are a few situations where it has it's uses, such as the need to deal increased damage but you don't have enough EP for another skill, especially in clutch moments where it's win or lose. This skill can be worth investing in if you plan on using it more than once per fight. A major plus of this move is that it only has a 1-turn cooldown and it provides static damage boosts, so it's definitely a viable attack if used multiple times per fight.

~Hybrid Armor~
A vital skill to the mercenary skill tree. Basically, it provides protection against all forms of damage except for rage attacks and poison. Unfortunately, it'll help your opponent build up rage quickly. There's a common misconception about this skill and its placement on the merc skill tree, which I'll explain more clearly later.

~Blood Commander~
A unique skill which buffs strength and gives a similar effect to blood lust, with the lifesteal % being based off of the total strength buffed. It lost a lot of its effectiveness once the strength scaling was lessened, but it still has practical uses. Blood commander does not exactly buff primary and gun damage by that much (At max levels with moderate support and strength, it'll pretty much always buff less than 7-8 strike damage). However, when used with rage, a high blood commander can easily return almost 10 HP in one turn. Other turns it'll consistently give small HP recoveries of a little less than 5, depending on how strong the strength buff is and the opponent's defense.

A great skill which can save you. Works amazingly well with azrael's will, and can definitely help against high damage output-builds with low defenses. Also costs a small amount of energy at lower levels, which is definitely a plus. Unfortunately, it got a large nerf since the strength scaling was lessened, so it'll typically only reduce enemy strike damage by around 8-ish, depending on the user's support and the opponent's initial strength.

~Bunker Buster~
Definitely a fun skill to use. Has very random damage, especially since the defense penetration is also based off of the opponent's defense (which is an RNG integer). May also randomly crit. This skill has amazing tactical applications, especially as a psychological stress on your opponent because they won't risk getting crit by it in most cases. Later I'll explain about some advanced strategies with this later. This skill improves with a tanking stat, which may seem beneficial, but overall it isn't worth investing in tech for the sole cause of improving bunker damage. Also, past level 5, +2 EP cost for +1 damage really isn't worth it either (maybe in 2v2, but then you'll just get sealed by EMP so probably not even then).

~Artillery Strike~
Improves with support and can hit multiple opponents, which means it normally results in at least 1 crit when used with a support build in 2v2/jugg. However, if you're using lots of support, you can easily be neutralized by an EP remover. This skill overall is pretty useless unless you plan on investing in support, as its base damage is pathetic.

Arguably one of merc's most interesting skills. This skill provides a MASSIVE static damage boost with a mere 1 turn warmup. Being blocked when using a high zerker can pretty much doom you for the fight, so be wary when using this move, particularly with rage. This skill is most definitely worth investing skill points into as a 5% damage boost is a large amount.

An interesting stun skill which, in most cases, will provide a damage boost from the defense/resistance penetration equal to the damage boost from level 1 double strike, as well as give a very small chance to stun. If used for offensive purposes, it really shouldn't be relied on for stuns, even at high levels, and should only be depended on for the damage boost and low energy costs, or when a stun is desperately needed. The fact that it requires a maul is also a limitation on what otherwise would be an amazing skill.

~Surgical Strike~
This skill has lots of common misconceptions surrounding it. This skill has many added effects other than just dealing moderately high damage, so I don't see why so many people would think of it as mainly being a kill move. Surgical strike can easily be sealed with an EP remover, so it shouldn't be depended on for offensive capabilities. Like bunker, this skill scales slowly with tech so it isn't worth it to invest solely in tech for the damage boost on surgical strike.

People also have lots of misconceptions about this skill. While at first it may seem weaker than other passives, it has many advanced tactical applications. I'll get into describing these more later. Basically, this skill's benefit is to give the user rage an extra turn earlier in many cases. Overall, it isn't worth investing unless the skill points have nowhere else to go, because +2% rage per 1 skill point is pretty much nothing.

~Atom Smasher~
Really not a great skill on merc. Level 1 with it is very useful against different opponents, but it shouldn't be depended on because it's blockable. The fact that it has a low energy cost may seem beneficial, but it can also be a limitation on max build flexibility when dealing with all opponents because it becomes hard to mix atom smasher into different skill combinations (If you're confused on what I mean by this, it'll get explained in more detail later).

...whew. That took a while. Anyways, now I'm going to address the many misconceptions surrounding merc.

Misconception 1: Surgical Strike is a kill move
Lots of people think surgical strike is a viable kill move because it has high base damage (its scaling with tech is very slow). However, if depended on, you'll be doomed if surgical strike is gone from an EP remover. Also, surgical strike has lots of added benefits such as rage reduction and healing, so I find it a much more useful skill to use when trying to weaken the opponent while guaranteeing your safety from the rage reduction and healing. After that, it's easy to follow up with a kill, particularly since you should have rage once using a powerful skill like surg. Overall, surgical strike CAN be used as a kill move, but that's not really it's main use since it has a bunch of added benefits which make it easy to cripple the opponent while securing your safety.

Misconception 2: Hybrid armor is on the skill tree, therefore merc automatically becomes a tanking-focused class.
Just to state it bluntly, if you're basing your fights off of your tankiness as a merc and not off of other reasons, you're gonna die. Hybrid armor is a nice bonus to ensure your safety for an extra turn compared to if you didn't have it, but it's not really the highlight of mercenaries. I look at this skill as a very useful add-on to the skill tree's already unique setup. Merc has lots of offensive tools at its disposal, and focusing around hybrid armor and tanking will prevent you from using these when you would best benefit from doing so.

Misconception 3: Mercenary overall is one of the weakest classes in ED
I don't really need to answer this directly since this entire post will answer this misconception.

Misconception 4: Adrenaline is useless
Not so! Adrenaline applies psychological pressure because it makes it harder for your opponent to predict when rage is coming.

There are probably a lot more misconceptions, but I addressed some of the major ones. Now I'll explain some of my tactics when using mercenary.

Advanced Tactic 1: Multiple offensive skills
Mercenary has lots of different ways of dealing high amounts of damage, making the class somewhat hard to predict. This lack of predictability (*cough* TLM is extremely predictable *cough*) makes it hard for the opponents to attack you without fear of being killed next turn from an early rage or crit (typically off of support merc, or bunker. Sometimes a stun with maul as well). Bunker is unblockable and provides a large static damage boost, bunker randomly crits and applies lots of pressure on opponents, and both these skills can be used pretty randomly, sometimes sending the opponent into instant panic mode where you force them to heal.

Advanced Tactic 2: Psychological Pressure
I'd call this the most vital of mercenary tactics. Lots of people don't really utilize this, which is why mercenary seems weak when they use it. Basically, the opponent has knowledge that bunker has a high crit rate, and zerker does massive damage. Maul can also deal good damage while possibly stunning. Overall, this combination of different offensive tactics makes the opponent extremely wary, especially with adrenaline giving you unpredictable rage. Many opponents will be scared of a random rage + crit with bunker, easily dealing almost 50 damage at merely level 5 (on high tech builds), or rage + stun, following up with another high-damage skill such as zerker. If you can pressure opponents by mixing up your offensive skills and randomly using them to confuse the opponent, they'll often heal themselves quite early in the fight. This will quite likely make them lose a turn of smokescreen/malfunction, making debuffs less effective.

Advanced Tactic 3: EP variety
Coming off of the previous advanced tactic, it's obvious that a merc needs to mix up their offense and be flexible to use any attack at nearly any moment, no matter what the enemy is. To do this, you must group energy and skills together so that the skills you use can be flexible. For example, I'll use my current build with 70 EP total (this is including generator's EP regain). My level 5 bunker costs 23, Level 4 heal costs 23, 6 surg costs 47, 6 intimidate costs 20, and zerker costs 27. 2 bunkers can be replaced with surg, bunker can be replaced with heal, and surg/2 bunkers can be replaced with indimiate = zerker. Overall, I keep my offensive options at the max possible amount for the entire duration of the fight. With 47 energy left, the opponent is left guessing at whether I'll bunker, surg, zerker, or heal. Keeping opponents guessing is not only a very useful tactic for merc, but for pretty much any class. Adrenaline's faster rage gain also keeps them guessing.

...that pretty much sums this up! Thanks for reading all of this, and hopefully you learned something about mercs! Please leave feedback, and any thoughts you have as they would be greatly appreciated!

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/23/2013 21:21:57)

I like this post, it can help inspire some Mercenary players who have trouble.

Now if you excuse me I'll try some of these tactics out with my Merc alt ...........

Mother1 -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/23/2013 21:24:28)

Most people label merc as a weak class because they don't know how to work it right. While it isn't my favorite class, I actually have more fun using this class then most of the others. While I haven't used it in omega yet, I had a blast with this class in delta. Even without energy gain or defensive buffs i still personally enjoy this class.

But overall I do agree with you on this.

Goony -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/23/2013 21:38:24)

Mercenaries need a buff, there is no doubt about it! While you lay out a very good case the class is underpowered unless you use a very specific build with weapons that have the best cores!

Your build is simply 5 focus, with all points trained to give maximum technology... The build you use has Azrael gun and auxiliary with the Omega sword that buffs the robot power. If you don't have those weapons and try using another build that relies on the melee based skill tree while using a maul the class becomes cannon fodder for the other classes!

But, this is the case for most classes at the moment with very limited build opportunities due to the power of robot builds and most players who use 5 focus builds and the weapons that you have, the class doesn't matter, would be reasonably happy with their ability to win battles!

Taking one specific build and saying that the class is okay because of that build doesn't mean that the class itself is fine!

Just my opinion!

ScarletReaper -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/23/2013 21:46:05)

Nice thread and definetly agree. The only reason I'm not still a merc is because I switched when strength mercs took over because I hate using op'd classes. However Everyone was saying it was weak towards the end of delta as well, and I still had lots of fun with it. Now I'm almost tempted to switch back, but I been having a lot of fun with my plasma cannon bloodmage build, so prolly not at the moment.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/23/2013 22:05:40)

@Goony: The best cores aren't necessarily needed. While azrael's will is a very useful asset (I tested about 80 1v1s with each, and azrael's will boosted my 1v1 ratio up by just around 5-7%), it's not necessarily needed. A good win rate can still be achieved with it (high 70s, or at least 75% win rate). Also, the energy storm core is a basic core which anyone can use, but is still amazing as an omega override replacement as it gives the class an EP remover. I don't use azrael's torment at all unless the opponent uses a strong field commander/blood commander, so I'm supposing concussive shot would be just as good. Energy shot is also good if you have omega weapons and not the azrael promos as it gives the build an EP remover as well. I've actually applied my logic over about 4 different focus build variations, but I used the most successful one as an example. Overall, focus is definitely the most successful for merc from my experience, so that's probably something that needs working on, because strength mercenary is too unpredictable, and same with support merc. There are some issues with different build variety, but a well-thought out build can easily dominate in both 1v1 and 2v2.

On a side note, I did try some strength build variations that circulated around 3 uses of either double strike or maul, and one moderately-powered zerker. It was actually a viable build, but luck-influencing skills and cores destroyed any possible hope for the build. If this problem with too many blockables was fixed with merc, I'm pretty sure new leagues of build variety would open up.

Goony -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/23/2013 23:38:24)

The description of the mercenary class is "Strong yet strategic class, most effective with a melee weapon" I really find that ironic! While this was the case in Beta and Gamma stages, the introduction of new classes, shadow arts and the nerf to double strike, bezerker and strength progressions has made the use of blockable melee skills almost redundant.

The build you have described ignores the basic attributes and half the skill tree of Mercenaries. If that means the class is fine because one build can work that uses technology, 5 focus and unblockables then the class description is wrong and should be changed to "Uses high technology, most effective when using unblockable skills"

But, that description would cover most builds and classes at the moment!

Raiii -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 0:29:55)

I've been a Mercenary since Beta and as one of the veterans like Goony in this class, Mercenaries are indeed underpowered.

In this period, Mercenaries are very limited to the builds they can use to win in a battle + they have to have the latest weapons and armors that give the best cores.

YES, I do agree Mercenaries can be a good class. YES, I like the fact that you try to uplift the spirits of Mercenaries. BUT, all of this is pure opinion.

Some statements are off a bit:

1. "Field Medic does not need much skill points" "You don't have to be tanky because of Hybrid Armor" -- With every class as a tank now, if you don't have high Def and Res plus your Field Medic is below mediocre, the enemy will STILL out-damage you

2. "Mercs have multiple offensive skills" -- While this may be technically true, all these skills other than Bunker Buster, which requires you to have nice Tech to deal optimum damage, and Artillery Strike, which requires you to have Support this time, are blockable melee attacks!

Goony pretty much nailed it here

..the introduction of new classes, shadow arts and the nerf to double strike, bezerker and strength progressions has made the use of blockable melee skills almost redundant.

3. Adrenaline is the worst Passive. Rage increases by a) Attacking and attacking b) Getting hit by really hard c) Getting deflected/blocked. If you try to keep attacking someone with Reroute, they'll just use more and more skills that require bits of energy, restore their energy, then Heal after you have Raged. If you are at a stage in battle wherein you can't kill someone but could if you have Rage built up for your next turn against someone with Bloodlust, you're pretty much screwed because that person is gonna out-damage you + out-HP you. Lastly, while yes, Shadow Arts does help you increase Rage by getting Blocked, your Rage attack would not be able to kill your opponent who has more HP than you wanted him to since your previous attack only dealt 3-5 damage tops.

You can't force something to contradict something so evident. Mercenaries are indeed the worst class to be in right now in Omega and I doubt anyone would disagree with that statement. If someone does, I'd gladly introduce him/her to a 35 who has Azrael guns, Omega primaries, Yetis and/or IA's of any class.


Xendran -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 0:44:15)

Renewable resources.
Mercenary has none.
Therein lies the core of the problem.

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 0:54:15)

Merc's skills are good as a skill in general, but it's become impossible to get an awesome Merc build because of stat requirements on skills.

The stat requirements desperately need to be lowered. And what if Blood commander gave energy regeneration instead of health?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 0:55:24)

im guessing this is a focus build that u have?
pretty much right now every build (with the exception of very few) focus is primary, skills are secondary.

as far as i have played, caster tech mage is the only non-focus build that can be efficient.

Thesoulweaver -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 1:07:49)

Nice Post.

I do somewhat agree with you that If mercs use their head, they can be quite good, HOWEVER, the problem with mercs is that Offense - Defense synergy is not very good, resulting in bots and tanks crushing them. Plus, Mercs do not have the balance between Blockable and non blockable as other classes.

King FrostLich -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 1:57:15)


what if Blood commander gave energy regeneration instead of health?

Wouldn't it be called Static Commander then?

Xendran -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 5:59:54)

Blood commander is already crazy OP, it's just that merc is so bad that even a skill as OP as it can't bring merc up to the power of the other classes.

Sageofpeace -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 6:21:05)

yup mercenary are UP indeed even their 5 focus builds is probably the weakest. you know how to find that the class is the weaskest go do some 2vs2 and look around to see if there's any level 35 merc nope, even all those player who love the class the most when they weren't the stronger were force to change class you get beat up 4 out 5 time.

A good buff to Mercenary be

Remove Blood Commander OR intimidate and give them Reflex Boost (REQUIEREMENT 43 DEX at Max)
Remove Adrenaline and give them a Passive that's lets them take less Damage base on %

Name it something like Iron Will(Requirement 43 Tech at Max)
Level 1:4% Level 5: 12% Level 9:17%
Level 2:6% Level 6: 13% Level 10: 20%
Level 3:8% Level 7: 15%
Level 4:10% Level 8: 16%

Even Hybird Armor is useless right now it was more useful when it was 13 on dex and you could switch it back and fort


EpicIsEpic -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 8:15:33)

i love this i know 5 foucus seems to be OP but with abusing plasma and assim (tech not foucus) build i can have 90% win ratio unless I face another TM or i play some where stupidly or the amount of luck is over 9000. As for the mercenary BIT WHAT THE.......... I have 97% agains mercs (1 got 2 stuns 1 aux 1 maul) and then 2 crits and i lost but all the other ones i have won.
Mercs are so UP it is not even funny... But this does benefits the developers (classjumping) when they decide to buff mercs PLEASE don't make them OP again please.

frogbones -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 11:22:09)

I was gonna make a rebuttal, but Goony essentially argued my point for me. I have been a Merc for around 8,000 battles. Trust me, it's the hardest class to win with. Sure you can use a Tech-heavy 5-Focus build with a high SS and IA and win a lot, but one good build does not a good class make.

As Xendran said, one of the main problems is no renewable energy or health. I'd also throw a lack of a debuff in there.

Lastly, in my experience Intimidate is really not that useful anymore. If/when I use it, it usually affects only one attack from my opponent: With the advent and proliferation of 5 Focus builds, an Intimidated opponent can easily get around using a Strength-based attack. Aux, robot, heal, then maybe a gun. That's one attack, which imo makes it very situational at best.

Ranloth -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 11:37:41)


As Xendran said, one of the main problems is no renewable energy or health. I'd also throw a lack of a debuff in there.

Just as a note, Intimidate is a debuff. Not necessarily an offensive one such as Smoke, Malf or one from the available Cores but a defensive one - since you will be taking less damage from skills that use Primary weapon and Gun.

But below it, you mention usefulness of Intimidated. I believe giving it an additional effect such as Blood Commander does or completely revamping it would be better - it could work by using %s and lower all the damage from Primary, Gun and Aux. So each build would be affected by it. The possible way around it would be using a Robot, or a skill. Primary Core would be affected due to improvement from Strength and Primary weapon.
Another alternative is lowering the incoming damage for set number of turns, including skills. It could be a % based on the level of the skill and perhaps not improving by any stat (fixed % would be best since you do deal more damage as you level up so it'd be more efficient at all times, compared to player below your level using it.

Another possible flaw is Adrenaline. Good solution - without having to take it out - could be lowering the % regen of your opponent, so you'd get Rage a bit faster and they'd take a bit more time to get Rage. Although, there was a suggestion sometime ago for replacing Adrenaline with a passive that'd reduce EP cost of a skill by set %, so it'd be cheaper for Mercenaries to use skills. In a way, they'd be less potent to EMP/Atom since skills would cost less. But once EP is gone, the passive would be as good as useless which can be a potential flaw.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 12:03:35)


Just as a note, Intimidate is a debuff.

intimidate is weak compared to malf/smoke
because the progression on str is much larger than on dex/tech.
this is one of the many effects when you mess up the stat progressions.

Yo son -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 13:29:17)

lol, this is the kind of stuff that happens when you abuse a build and become overpowered; you have to understand, once the devs set out to nerf something, a really dark cloud comes over your head. That kind of logic has been in existent for a really long time now, so duelist if there is a class you like and their is an oped build for that class, try not to jump on the bandwagon, because when the class gets nerfted to oblivion, just remember you were part of the cause. Also when I say "you" am referring to the merc class in general.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 13:56:52)

@yo son
I am a teach mage ... NO!!!

Yo son -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 16:46:03)

same goes for techmages.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 18:05:37)

Just to state something I found quite interesting, merc is called an underpowered class even though it has a few select builds that are quite successful. Back in delta, focus BMs were one of the only viable builds on BM, and the class was called OP pretty much because of that single build. BHs were also called OP mainly because of a mass build back then as well. Merc was called OP singularly for their strength build at the beginning of Omega. If a single build can make a class OP, why can a single build not upgrade a class from being UP to being normal?

I'd argue that adrenaline may at first seem very weak, but I thoroughly explained its tactical uses as psychological pressure against the opponent, pretty much enabling the mercenary to control a decent portion of what moves the opponent uses. Also, mercenary is not necessarily weak against tanks because it can gain fast rage and has skills like bunker which also penetrate a fair portion of defense. Having static damage boosts from zerker also greatly increase damage a mercenary's offensive capabilities against all opponents, even tanks (unless you get blocked, which I admit is one humongous limitation on a merc's skill tree).

Master Smasher -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 18:32:40)

I used to be a merc and trust me, during level 20-29, I was amazing at 1v1 with a tanking build (5-focus+robot, mixed offense, similar build as exploding penguin) it is powerful and I honestly liked using it, however I chose 2v2 over the fact it is the reason why I chose this class, it's that when mixed with skills that offer safety (intimidate, surgical strike, mael, atom smasher) and skills that offer support (blood commander, field medic) it becomes versatile and arguably. the best class in 2v2 imo, but once the dreaded level 30 hits (which almost none of you experienced since most of you guys are vets)merc becomes UP, more UP to the fact that it is the weakest class in 1v1, it's resources are non-renewable and thus not allowing you to be as effective as before, @exploding penguin, you say that mercs have many variety of options in battle (amazing post btw, very detailed explanation of skill costs), one emp grenade, 1 atom smasher, 1 energy shot, 1 assimilation and all that precious combos is just ruined, especially if your poisoned, your gonna be bait into using field medic early, then BOOM, your mana gets taken/stolen and your left using basic attacks, trust me, it happene dto me countless times, on average, chances of winning are reduced 17%, sure you can pull off one chained attack like 1 heal and field commander, but you will just be helpless after 2-3 turns, so yes, mercs are UP because they use resources a bit too fast and can't seem to keep them fast enough, like how BH and BM get health back, TCLM and TM get mana back and cyber hunters can get mana back on attacks, while mercenary cannot do both, exploding penguin, your an excellent mercenary but not every merc is like you, most mercs don't have powerful promos or a mind like you do to help them in battle

King Helios -> RE: Mercenary: The Unjustly Labeled Class (4/24/2013 18:34:58)

Support Merc w/Infernal Interdictor is still ridiculous in 2v2; I did 63 earlier without rage or crit on a smoked target.

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