RE: Player Originality (or Lack Thereof) (Full Version)

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Baron Dante -> RE: Player Originality (or Lack Thereof) (4/27/2013 16:11:25)

Xendran: That's true. I should've said "should go on". Nevertheless, that is exactly why balance fixing exists. As it stands, the playerbase has a really... interesting... view on what balance means. Just because a single build gets mauled to death doesn't mean something else is instantly insanely OP. Something becomes OP at the point where it begins to overcentralize the game around it purely because no viable counters exist. At that point, the nerf is needed. Normally, just overcentralization should be enough (Since it's generally caused due to the lack of counters and such) to warrant changes to happen, but with ED it just doesn't work. This is because the playerbase doesn't generally have a proper grasp of how to make viable counters, and instead expect the balance team to fix their own inabilities for them.

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